Futuring Spaces of Possibility explore la manière dont l'art et l'architecture contemporains abordent les défis urbains, sociaux et écologiques et créent de nouvelles possibilités pour la ville future. Il invite théoriciens de l'urbanisme, commissaires, artistes et architectes à investir Bruges, site classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, comme banc d'essai pour de nouveaux imaginaires spatiaux (catalogue publié à l'occasion de la quatrième Triennale de Bruges en 2024).
How to deal with transformation and degrowth in a city whose boundaries have been shaped by its medieval history? How to question dominant histories, use underutilised public space and set in motion new cohabitations in the city?
This book is published on the occasion of Bruges Triennial 2024: Spaces of Possibility, curated by Shendy Gardin and Sevie Tsampalla. Featuring contributions by the twelve artists and architects in the exhibition, it offers insights into the research processes behind the commissions, through texts, archival images, preparatory sketches and interviews. Newly commissioned essays address issues of urban transformation and the role that contemporary art, architecture and exhibition-making can play for futuring cities marked by their heritage.
Avec Iván Argote,
Bangkok Project Studio,
Mariana Castillo Debal,
Mona Hatoum,
Ivan Morison,
Shingo Masuda + Katsuhisa Otsubo,
Studio Ossidiana,
Adrien Tirtiaux,
Sumayya Vally.