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Autumnal Sisters7 Mask Mirror improvisations (DVD)

Autumnal Sisters Alessandro Bosetti - Autumnal Sisters
Autumnal Sisters recollects seven performances by Alessandro Bosetti, in solo and teaming up with writer Kim Taeyong and video maker Orolo. It is the first extensive document of Bosetti's work with MaskMirror, a musical instrument which takes language rather than sound as it's main material.
In the seven short films of this collection—filmed in Seoul in October 19-20, 2013 – you experience the unedited original performances which have been reframed and juxtaposed with a series of visual cues and interventions. The seven episodes of Autumnal Sisters are part experimental videos, part performative documents, and part visual poems with a strong sonorous aspect.
They alternate English, Italian and Korean languages and are accompanied by bilingual subtitles. They are so far the most comprehensive documents of Alessandro Bosetti's recent work as a performer and improviser which in the past decade has progressively mutated from music to language. [...] Here, the relation between the player and MaskMirror is ambiguous whereas the performer or a combination of two or three performers appears to be played by the instrument itself or at least to be entangled in a performative and conversational dispositive.
When language is freed from the constraints of generally accepted discourse, it necessarily falls into ridicule or provocation as most of word combinations appear to be forbidden. So forbidden that we never think about them. The others look at us with surprise “Is that really possible to say what has just been said ?” while we have indeed no idea of what—in our discourse incomprehensible to ourselves—could have provoked such a scandal.
Orolo (aka LoWie) is writer, videomaker and artist based in Seoul, she wrote scenarios and texts for video and film and collaborates regoularly with artists and musicians on textsound projects. she is part of the trio A-Typist with Hankil Ryu and Kim Taeyong, other collaborations with Manfred Werder, Taku Sugimoto, and the Julie Hanssin project.

Taeyong Kim is a wirter born in Seoul, South korea. He graduated in creative writing at the Soongsil University and he currently teaches cretive writing at the Seoul Institute of the Arts. He publieshed two books of short stories—Pig on the Grass (2007) and Pimp Story (2012—and a novel—Straight Out (2010)—which examines the destiny of man in a word where language inevitably betrays intentions and where there's no other choice but using language to contain thoughts. In 2012, he won the Korea Times Literary Award.
Alessandro Bosetti (born 1973 in Milan, lives and works in Marseille) is a composer and sound artist who focuses is in the fringe area between spoken language and music, working on the musicality of spoken words and unusual aspects of spoken communication, producing text-sound compositions featured in live performances, radio broadcastings and published recordings. In his work he moves across the line between sound anthropology and composition, often including translation and misunderstanding in the creative process. Field research and interviews build the basis for abstract compositions, along with electro-acoustic and acoustic collages, relational strategies, trained and untrained instrumental practices, vocal explorations and digital manipulations.
Bosetti created a series of highly compelling sound works where relational aesthetics meets innovative composition and published more than a dozen of cd's of his own music along with countless other collaborations.  Since 2000 he has been a key Ars Acustica figure, and created a vast body of electro acoustic and text sound works for institutions as WDR Studio Akustische Kunst, DeutschlandRadio and GRM among many other . Pieces like Il Fiore della Bocca (Rossbin/DLR 2005)—a work on the vocality of the mentally and physically impaired— and African Feedback—a collaborative scrutiny on experimental music in West Africa—(Errant Bodies Press, 2004) have received wide recognition and are considered classic contributions to the genre. Alessandro Bosetti is an emotional performer that has consistently toured in Europe, Asia and the United States as a soloist, leading his speech ensemble Trophies with Tony Buck and Kenta Nagai and in collaborations with fellow vocal performers as Jennifer Walshe and Tomomi Adachi and with pianist Chris Abrahams.
Editing: Alessandro Bosetti.
Videography: Orolo and Alessandro Bosetti.
Photography: Fatima Bianchi.

Published by The Manual.
published in January 2016
bilingual edition (English / Korean)
DVD Digipack, Multizone
currently out of stock
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