Natasha Barrett

Natasha Barrett (born 1972 in Norwich, England, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) is a British electroacoustic music composer. She composes concert works, public space sound-art installations and multimedia interactive music using a broad palette of sounds, new technologies and experimental techniques. She is internationally renowned for her electroacoustic and acousmatic music, and use of 3D sound technology in composition. Her work is commissioned and performed throughout the world and has received over 20 international awards including the Nordic Council Music Prize, the Giga-Hertz Award (Germany), five prizes and the Euphonie D'Or in the Bourges International Electroacoustic Music Awards (France), two first prizes in the International Rostrum for electroacoustic music and the honorary Thomas Seelig Fixed Media Award for 2023. She regularly collaborates with performers, visual artists, architects and scientists, is active as a performer of live-electronics and spatial audio, and as a researcher has a track record in both artistic and academic publications.

(external link :
Natasha Barrett - Reconfiguring the Landscape (CD)
Persistence of Sound
16.50 13.50 €
An artistic research project led between 2019 and 2022, investigating how 3-D electroacoustic composition and sound-art can evoke and provoke a new awareness of our outdoor sound environment.
Natasha Barrett - Heterotopia (vinyl LP)
Persistence of Sound
Persistence of Sound publishes the new solo record by Natasha Barrett, known internationally for her intense explorations of the movement of sounds through space.
Natasha Barrett - Souvenirs cachés / Innermost (vinyl LP)
Persistence of Sound
A split LP from two leading voices in electroacoustic music.

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