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Aux Noctambules (mini CD)

David Grubbs, Noël Akchoté - Aux Noctambules (mini CD)
A drone duo between David Grubbs on harmonium and Noël Akchoté on electric guitar.
Track from The Coxcomb LP.
David Grubbs (born 1967) is an associate professor in the Conservatory of Music at Brooklyn College, CUNY, where he also teaches in the MFA programs in Performance and Interactive Media Arts (PIMA) and Creative Writing. Grubbs has released numerous solo albums and is known for his cross-disciplinary collaborations with writers such as Susan Howe and Rick Moody, and with visual artists such as Anthony McCall, Angela Bulloch, and Stephen Prina. He was a member of the groups Gastr del Sol (with Jim O'Rourke), Bastro, and Squirrel Bait, and has performed with the Red Krayola, Will Oldham, Tony Conrad, Pauline Oliveros, and Loren Connors, among many others. His work has been presented at, among other venues, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, MoMA, the Tate Modern, and the Centre Pompidou. He is a grant recipient from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, a contributing editor in music for BOMB Magazine, a member of the Blank Forms board of directors, and director of the Blue Chopsticks record label.
Iconoclastic guitarist at the avant-garde of jazz, Noël Akchoté (born 1968 in Paris) is a major figure in the experimental and improvised music scene. Exploring since the 1990s the experimental frontiers of jazz, using the guitar in all its forms (acoustic, electric, without strings and for all kinds of music), founder of the Astrolab with Thierry Madiot, of the group The Recyclers with Benoît Delbecq, of the label Rectangle with Quentin Rollet, he has played and recorded with Tal Farlow, Barney Wilen, Chet Baker, Philip Catherine, John Abercrombie, Henri Texier, Louis Sclavis, Jacques Thollot, Sam Rivers, Derek Bailey, Marc Ribot, Fred Frith, Evan Parker, Lol Coxhill, Tim Berne, George Lewis, David Grubbs, Luc Ferrari, David Sylvian, Steven Bernstein, Brad Jones, Joey Baron, Blixa Bargeld, Otomo Yoshihide, Linda Sharrock, Tom Cora, Christian Fennesz, Philip Catherine, Eugene Chadbourne, Daunik Lazro...
published in 1999
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topicsDavid Grubbs, Noël Akchoté: other titles

David Grubbs: also present in

Noël Akchoté: also present in

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