Sternberg Press

Sternberg Press is a London-based publishing house of art and cultural criticism, creative nonfiction, and literary and experimental fiction. Founded by Caroline Schneider in New York in 1999, it aims to support both new and established writers and nourish lasting editorial relationships. The press is committed to publishing books with an interdisciplinary focus on contemporary visual culture and related critical discourse.
Berlin / London
900 titles
Sven Lütticken - History in Motion - Time in the Age of the Moving Image
English edition
Analyzing a variety of films, video pieces, and performances, Sven Lütticken evaluates the impact that our changing experience of time has had on the actualization of history in the present.
Dénes Farkas - Evident in Advance
English edition
Dénes Farkas's project for the Estonian Pavilion of the 55th Venice Biennale.
Susanne Kriemann -
bilingual edition (English / German)
An in-depth view into the work of Susanne Kriemann.
Kate Newby - Let the other thing in
English edition
Monographic exhibition catalogue, with an interview, an essay, a conversation, and a photo series by the artist.
Living Labor
English edition
15.00 7.50 €
Viable forms of refusal and imagine prospects for a post-work future.
L\'archéologie du numérique
French edition
The genesis and establishment of digital tools for design conceptualization, visualization, and production at the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s.
Marie-Louise Ekman - No Is Not an Answer - On the Work of Marie-Louise Ekman
English edition
26.00 19.05 €
The largest presentation of Marie-Louise Ekman's art ever featured in the form of a book.
Cerith Wyn Evans - The What If?... Scenario (after LG)
English edition
29.00 14.50 €
This publication accompanies the eponymous exhibition at TBA21–Augarten in Vienna (showing together for the very first time Cerith Wyn Evans' luminous works that have been collected by TBA21 over the past ten years), and brings together threads and voices of leading contemporary artists, scientists, and theoreticians exploring the artist's polyphonic oeuvre.
Ministry of Highways - A Guide to the Performative Architecture of Tbilisi
English edition
A guidebook that maps the social, urban, and art discourses of Georgia's post-Soviet years as seen from its hilly capital of Tbilisi (the catalogue of the Georgian Pavilion at the 55th Venice Biennale).
Solution 247-261 - Love
English edition
currently out of stock
The biopolitical and psychosexual topic of love.
Bulletins of The Serving Library
English edition
Conceived while in residency at the library of the Goethe-Institut New York, this issue of Bulletins of The Serving Library used the context of the hosting institution as a thematic starting point. Germany, and often the author's specific relationship to the German language, is the unifying thread that unites these diverse pieces.
Joshua Simon - Neomaterialism
English edition
Neomaterialism explores the meaning of the world of commodities, and reintroduces various notions of dialectical materialism into the conversation on the subjectivity and vitalism of things.
Gardar Eide Einarsson - Versuchsstation des Weltuntergangs
English edition
First monograph.
Charlotte Birnbaum - On the Table 3 - Pies, Pâtés, and Pastries
English edition
The third publication in the On the Table series, that explore the encounter between food and art, is dedicated to pies, pâtés, and pastries...
The Human Snapshot
English edition
Contemporary forms of humanism and universalism as they circulate and are produced in art and photography.
A World of Wild Doubt
bilingual edition (English / German)
22.00 11.00 €
Catalogue of the exhibition inspired by G. K. Chesterton's The Man Who Was Thursday (works by Robert Crumb, Jeremy Deller, James Ensor, Gilbert & George, Rodney Graham, Mike Kelley, Joachim Koester, Bruce Nauman, Tony Oursler, Félix Vallotton, Lawrence Weiner...).
Lene Berg -
English edition
Lene Berg's films and video works.
Ruth Buchanan - The weather, a building
English edition
This new artist book by Ruth Buchanan charts three narratives associated with the life of the Staatsbibliothek Berlin, which acts as an example of the tension between what is contained in libraries and how it is contained.
Compilation of Translations - One Year at Ludlow 38
English edition
An overview of the 2012 curatorial year at MINI/Goethe-Institut Curatorial Residencies Ludlow 38, focused on different concepts of translation.
 Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys - Optimundus - M HKA 08 02 13 - 19 05 13
English edition
The catalogue of Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys's major exhibition at M HKA of the same title.
Bulletins of The Serving Library
English edition
Devised by Stuart Bailey, Lars Bang Larsen, Angie Keefer, and David Reinfurt, this bulletin is based on Larsen's just-completed PhD dissertation at the University of Copenhagen, A History of Irritated Material: Psychedelic Concepts in Neo-Avantgarde Art. The idea was to contrive a popular version of his academic thesis by editing it psychedelically.
Apolonija Šušteršič - Selected Projects - 1995-2012
bilingual edition (English / Spanish)
The first comprehensive survey on the work of Slovenian artist/architect Apolonija Šušteršič, between Conceptual art, Contextualism, institutional critique, and relational aesthetics.
 Futurefarmers - A Variation on Powers of Ten
English edition
Ten discussions based on the opening picnic scene of Charles and Ray Eames's film Powers of Ten used as score.
Sharon Lockhart -
English edition
This catalog accompanies the eponymous exhibition at TBA21 in Vienna which consists of a complex installation of videos, photographs, and archival material, composing a subtle and sensuous portrait of the Israeli choreographer, dancer, researcher, and textile artist Noa Eshkol.
Beatrice Gibson - The Tiger\'s Mind
English edition
22.00 11.00 €
The project initiated by artist and filmmaker Beatrice Gibson and typographer Will Holder, based on the eponymous score written by Cornelius Cardew in 1967.
Ursula Mayer - Gonda
English edition
Taking the form of a ciné-roman, this book, based on Ursula Mayer's 16mm film of the same name, with a screenplay written by Maria Fusco, experiments in cinematic and linguistic registers through polyphonic monologue.
After Berkeley - Objectif Exhibitions, 2010-2011
English edition
A series of interviews, between theory and practice.
Invalid Format - An Anthology of Triple Canopy – Vol. 2
English edition
22.00 11.00 €
An archive of the widespread publishing activities of Triple Canopy, the editorial collective and online magazine based in New York, Los Angeles, and Berlin.
Tom McCarthy - The Mattering of Matter - Documents from the Archive of the International Necronautical Society
English edition
19.00 9.50 €
A collection of documents of Tom McCarthy's “semi-fictitious organisation” International Necronautical Society, cofounded with Simon Critchley.
Steve Rushton - Masters of Reality
English edition
The first collection of texts by Steve Rushton, exploring the interrelations between art, anthropology, social sciences, psychology, media, politics, and economy.
Omer Fast - 5,000 Feet Is the Best
English edition
Between a critical reader and an artist's book, this publication is dedicated to the eponymous work by Israeli video artist Omer Fast.
Dealing with - Some Texts, Images, and Thoughts Related to American Fine Arts, Co.
English edition
Publication dedicated to Colin de Land and his legendary New York gallery American Fine Arts. Co. Ltd.
Zak Kyes - Zak Kyes Working With...
English edition
Focusing on the conceptual, visual, and economic intersections implicit in design today, this publication dedicated to the work of the Swiss-American graphic designer Zak Kye expands collaborative form from a pragmatic structure of working together to the joint development of content.
Jessica Warboys - Vanelephant
bilingual edition (English / French)
Artist's book based on surrealist artist and dancer Hélène Vanel's manuscript.
Cosmic Laughter No. 1 - Timewave zero, then what?
bilingual edition (English / German)
(last copies available!)
Exhibition catalogue with an introduction by the curators and texts contributed by Gary Lachman and Ana Teixeira Pinto.
Juliane Rebentisch - Aesthetics of Installation Art
English edition
A study of the philosophical, ethical and political underpinnings of installation art.
Maria Loboda - Oh, Wilderness
English edition
First monograph (work from 2009 to 2012), with three essays and an interview.
 Superflex - Reprototypes, Triangulations and Road Tests
English edition
Seven seminal works by Simon Starling and Superflex in a dialogical setting.
E-flux journal - Moscow Symposium – Conceptualism Revisited
English edition
Revisiting conceptual art: the Russian case in an international context.
Interiors - CCS Readers: Perspectives on Art and Culture
English edition
26.00 13.00 €
An anthology that examines the poetics and politics of interior experience within the frame of contemporary art.
Ingo Niermann - The Future of Art - A Diary
English edition
19.00 9.00 €
The sequel to The Future of Art – A Manual (2011), in which Niedling joined Niermann on his search for a new, epic artwork.
Cybermohalla Hub
English edition
Reimagining and reanimating the infrastructure of cultural and intellectual life in contemporary cities.
Playing the City - Interviews
bilingual edition (English / German)
A telling picture of the multiple forms of interactive, cooperative, and interdisciplinary practices in contemporary art (fifty-one artist interviews).
Eva Grubinger - Decoy
English edition
Eva Grubinger's large-scale sculptural works referring to the fishing, both subtly and explicitly engaging a vocabulary of the alluring, as well as a critical position towards the reception of art.

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