table of contents
Text 2002
- The titles of these works point towards a loaded discord.
- I'm interested inhow factuality an d subjectivity exist within total abstraction.
- Cataclysm is of nature.
- The work sustains phenomenon.
- A formalism that stands against form.
- Art as a mirror that creates a feedback loop.
- Black, white, and aluminium are element non-colors that exploit light in an actual manner.
- All structures will fall to chaos.
- Appropriation as a theoretical distortion.
- Blankness is not parody.
- The iconography of the negative.
- Construct music that becomes a megalith that collapses into black hole.
- Painting is an area where things occur, a non-site.
- Painting as a space that is warped and distorded.
(page 36)