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Outre-Nuit (CD)

Clara Levy - Outre-Nuit (CD)
Clara Levy perofms Giacinto Scelsi, Kaija Saariaho, Erika Vega and Eva-Maria Houben.
Outre-nuit as Outre-noir by Pierre Soulages, the greatest nuances on subtle variations. The programme can be listened to in one go between Clara Levy's two compositions, it's Xnoybis, an extraordinary performance by the great Scelsi—a piece that makes you feel like you're listening for the first time—Giacinto Scelsi's Xnoybis (1964) is a journey amongst the reliefs contained within one single pitch. Written in three parts, the piece is an instinctive approach to the sound spectrum (the term "spectral music" will be coined a decade later). A nocturne by Kaija Saariaho focuses on the sound material metamorphosis. Erika Vega and Eva Maria Houben, two female composers, close the programme. In reality, it's just a journey and this programme as "sonic listening meditations".
Clara Levy (born 1991 in Paris) is a French violinist, improviser and composer based in Brussels. Mainly active in the field of contemporary/experimental music, she collaborates with ensembles such as Hanatsu Miroir, Ensemble Ictus, Dodéka Ensemble Hopper, ONCEIM, and composers such as Fritz Hauser, Erika Vega, Jürg Frey, Michael Grebil-Liberg, Kaija Saariaho, Michael Beil, Klaus Lang, Szymon Brzoska, Karl Naegelen... Deeply interested in contemporary dance and performance, she has performed alongside Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and worked with choreographers such as Vera Tussing and Jan Rohwedder, and has created a sound installation in collaboration with Heike Langsdorf.
published in December 2024
EAN : 5411867115700
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