
Diaphanes has been active as a publisher since 2001, with its headquarters in Zurich and a project space in Berlin. Editorial care and sophisticated design are the main coordinates of a multilingual book production oriented to enduring relevance in the interconnection of discourse and fiction, art and the humanities, literature and philosophy. As open to the new as to the forgotten, Diaphanes wishes to offer a lively place of publication outside the dominant mainstream, and to give productive resonance to a wide variety of forms of knowledge and expression. With a classical print production and an innovative online palette, Diaphanes addresses an open and critical reading public, for whom books remain an indispensable tool of intellectual interchange. An available backlist of over 500 titles in German, English, and French, together with an annual program of around 50 new publications in worldwide distribution, make Diaphanes one of the most prominent independent publishers.

Diaphanes is also, since 2017, the name of a quarterly English-, German-, multi-language magazine with a focus on contemporary art, critical discourse, and multilingual fiction.
Zurich / Berlin
165 titles
Sylvère Lotringer - J\'étais plus américain que les Américains - Sylvère Lotringer en conversation avec Donatien Grau
French edition
Sylvère Lotringer traces his career and intellectual path through conversations with Donatien Grau.
Refaire le monde
English edition
currently out of stock
A documentation of new values and new worlds and a guide to them.
Reiner Schürmann - Reading Marx - On Transcendental Materialism
English edition
Schürmann's lecture on Marx emphasizes the philosophical axis of the German theoretician's work and reads it as a transcendental materialism.
Performing Human Rights - Contested Amnesia and Aesthetic Practices in the Global South
English edition
Aesthetic practices and human rights in the global south.
Connect and Divide - The Practice Turn in Media Studies
English edition
The publication studies four aspects of the practice turn in media studies: Media history from a praxeological perspective, the practice turn in religion and media studies, the connecting and dividing lines of media theories concerning gender and post-colonial agencies, and a historical and theoretical examination of the current relationship of media theory and practice theory.
Wu Yi - The Sea as Mirror - Essayings in and against Philosophy as History
English edition
The deep political and moral ambiguity attributed to the maritimeelement in Western philosophical and literary imaginaries.
Brian Alkire - The Last Mask - Hamann\'s Theater of the Grotesque
English edition
A philological and theoretical rereading of the late work of Johann Georg Hamann (1730-1788).
Davide Giuriato - Infinitely Determinable - Children and Childhood in Modern Literature
English edition
Children and childhood in modern literature.
David Graeber - L\'anarchie – pour ainsi dire - Conversations avec Mehdi Belhaj Kacem, Nika Dubrovsky et Assia Turquier-Zauberman
French edition
David Graeber's interviews (with Mehdi Belhaj Kacem, Nika Dubrovsky, and Assia Turquier-Zauberman) redefine the contours of what an anarchist morality could be today.
Aesthetics of the Commons
English edition
The efficiency of art in common.
Valentin Husson - L\'Écologique de l’Histoire
French edition
Valentin Husson overturns the traditional hierarchy between being and having, rehabilitating the latter as an ecological imperative, in order to rethink our relationship to the environment, in an innovative re-reading of the history of philosophy.
Architectures of Embodiment - Disclosing New Intelligibilities
English edition
How does architecturecondition the emergence of sense?
Critique and the Digital
English edition
Perspectives on the alteration of the conditions of critique and critical practices within the digital world.
Minor cosmopolitan - Thinking art, politics, and the universe together otherwise
English edition
Rethinking cosmopolitanism without its exploitative grip through alternative traditions and practices of the cosmopolitan from across the globe.
David Graeber - Anarchy – In a Manner of Speaking - Conversations with Mehdi Belhaj Kacem, Nika Dubrovsky, and Assia Turquier-Zauberman
English edition
David Graeber's interviews (with Mehdi Belhaj Kacem, Nika Dubrovsky, and Assia Turquier-Zauberman) redefine the contours of what an anarchist morality could be today.
Exotic Switzerland? - Looking Outward in the Age of Enlightenment
English edition
A collection of contributions from art history, history, literature, gender studies and ethnology to rethink the Enlightenment in Switzerland.
Une Suisse exotique ? - Regarder l’ailleurs en Suisse au siècle des Lumières
French edition
A collection of contributions from art history, history, literature, gender studies and ethnology to rethink the Enlightenment in Switzerland.
Antonin Artaud - Artaud the Mômo
bilingual edition (English / French)
English translation of Artaud le Mômo, edited in the spatial format Artaud intended, for the first time since its original edition in 1947. Includes eight original drawings by the French poet.
What\'s Legit? - Critiques of Law and Strategies of Rights
English edition
Heterogeneous approaches to legal criticism.
Critique - The Stakes of Form
English edition
An ensemble of essays on the multifarious forms of the critique, showing how these forms are determined by their study object, and how it translates into critical stances.
Stephen Barber - The Projectionists - Eadweard Muybridge and the Future Projections of the Moving Image
English edition
This publication explores the pioneering role of 19th century photographer Eadweard Muybridge in the development of moving-image projection. The study also maps the exceptional influence of his experiments on contemporary world's visual form.
Christian Hänggi - Pynchon\'s Sound of Music
English edition
This monographic study catalogs, explores, and interprets the manifold manifestations of music in Thomas Pynchon's novels.
Reiner Schürmann - Neo-Aristotelianism and the Medieval Renaissance - On Aquinas, Ockham, and Eckhart
English edition
In this course, Reiner Schürmann develops the idea of a distinctive Medieval Renaissance, connected with the rediscovery of Aristotle. His analysis is drawn from readings of St. Thomas Aquinas, William of Ockham and Meister Eckhart's works.
Reiner Schürmann - The Philosophy of Nietzsche
English edition
This volume of Reiner Schürmann's lectures unpacks Nietzsche's ambivalence towards Kant, in particular positioning Nietzsche's claim to have brought an end to German idealism against the backdrop of the Kantian transcendental-critical tradition.
 Claire Fontaine - La grève humaine - Et l\'art de créer la liberté
French edition
An anthology of Claire Fontaine's texts.
Jean-Luc Nancy - Immortelle finitude - Sexualité et philosophie
French edition
Two thinkers of different generations discuss the question of sexuality and philosophy.
Mehdi Belhaj Kacem - Système du pléonectique
French edition
The pleonectic comes from a neologism that means: have-more. The challenge of this major book by Mehdi Belhaj Kacem is to identify the ontological principle from which to question the afflictions in which our world is struggling.
Hannes Rickli - Natures of Data - A Discussion between Biology, History and Philosophy of Science and Art
English edition
currently out of stock
A transdisciplinary discussion on the influence of computer-based technologies on the conditions of biological research.
Jörg Wiesel - Manifesto of Artistic Research
bilingual edition (English / German)
A manifesto for artistic research and in defense of its autonomy.
Diaphanes - Authenticity and Feedback
texts in English and French
Diaphanes #8/9 looks into curious loops of reproduced present, the integral of circular I-effects, the other side of the social Möbius strip. Is the self nothing but an echo? An effect without cause? The human being a message, an autoreply in the jargon of social-memes? Who or what massages the backchannel so astoundingly self-similarly, like an invisible hand?
After the Crisis - Contemporary States of Photography
English edition
A platform for discussions between some of today's leading artists, writers, theorists, curators, and historians aimed at questioning the very status of photography today.
Après la crise - États contemporains de la photographie
French edition
A platform for discussions between some of today's leading artists, writers, theorists, curators, and historians aimed at questioning the very status of photography today.
Alexander García Düttmann - Qu\'est-ce que l\'art contemporain ?
French edition
The heart of the political-aesthetic debate.
Alenka Zupančič - Qu\'est-ce que le sexe ?
French edition
Sexuality as a properly philosophical problem of psychoanalysis.
Aesthetic Theory
English edition
There is no theory that is not aesthetic (collective publication edited by Dieter Mersch, Sylvia Sasse and Sandro Zanetti).
Dorota Sajewska - Necroperformance - Cultural Reconstructions of the War Body
English edition
Dorata Sajewska proposes an innovative perspective for looking back at the formative process of Polish modernity, delving into repressed areas of experience connected with World War I and the ensuing emancipatory movements.
Elena Vogman - Dance of Values - Sergei Eisenstein\'s Capital Project
English edition
Researcher Elena Vogman examines the unpublished archival material relating to the film adaptation of Karl Marx's Capital by Sergei Eisenstein. The analysis of these materials reveals the clear and ambitious idea that animated the Soviet filmmaker for this aborted project: to build a visual theorization of value.
Angelika Meier - File en douce, oublie-moi
French edition
The French translation of the second novel of the German writer.
Diaphanes - Specters of the Avant-Garde
texts in English and French
Diaphanes is conjuring the ghosts of the avant-garde for its Summer 2019 double issue, including a 80-page insert with 155 photos by Antoine d'Agata and an essay by Mehdi Belhaj Kacem.

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