Mette Edvardsen

The work of Mette Edvardsen (born 1970 in Lørenskog, Norway, lives and works in Brussels, Belgium) is situated within the performing arts field as a choreographer and performer. Although some of her works explore other media or other formats, such as video, books and writing, her interest is always in their relationship to the performing arts as a practice and a situation. She has worked since 1994 as a dancer and performer for a number of companies and projects, and develops her own work since 2002. She presents her works internationally and continues to develop projects with other artists, both as a collaborator and as a performer.

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Mette Edvardsen - Livre d\'images sans images (vinyl LP)
A sound piece by choreographer and performer Mette Edvardsen in collaboration with her daughter, Iben, based on the performance of the same name.

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