Caroline Sury

Caroline Sury (born 1964, Laval. Lives and works in Marseilles) is a French graphic artist, illustrator and comics creator. Co-founder in 1993 with Pakito Bolino of the underground publishing house Le Dernier Cri, they have produced together wildly beautiful silk-screened publications (books, posters, the graphic anthology Hopital Brut…) and hard-core animated films, filled with artwork by various known and unknown art brut and visionary artists.

See also Sury-Tanuki (eRikm & Caroline Sury).

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Caroline Sury - Exorsurisation
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United Dead Artists
Caroline Sury's latest work: a series of phantasmagoric shadows cut out of black paper in a very refined mirror game.
Caroline Sury - Surin
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United Dead Artists
sold out
Symmetrical portraits of female characters and unidentified creatures cut in black paper.

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