previous titles
Dora García - Segunda Vez - How Masotta Was Repeated – A research Project led by Dora García
English edition
This publication documents a research made by Dora García for a video project on Oscar Masotta, pioneer of Lacanian psychoanalysis in Latin America and influential art critic. It features a selection of Masotta's writings as well as contextual essays on his work.
Carlos Bernal Barrera - Aucune mesure n\'est exacte
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
Lendroit éditions
Carlos Bernal Ferrara illustrates the fluctuations induced by the printing of a PDF file by printing a square repeatedly until a grid is obtained. From the immaterial plane image to the printed tangible notebook, the physical factors related to the printer or the paper moved the lines. Through this gesture of repetition, the artist demonstrates that we will always obtained a different result even if the file is the same.
Please save the date! - Calendriers d\'artistes
French edition
Lendroit éditions
Catalogue of the namesake exhibition dedicated to artists' calendars, featuring a text by the project's curator Marie Boivent, interviews with Matthieu Saladin and Claude Closky, plus a selection of works with explanatory notes.
Thibaut Kinder - An Egyptian Story
no text
Lendroit éditions
A collection of amateur photographs selected from more than ten thousand digital photos retrieved from found SD cards.
Benoît Laffiché - Des avantages de la pêche africaine sur celle de Terre-Neuve
no text
Lendroit éditions
A series of images from a movie shot in Super8 format, on an industrial cod-fishing trawler in Terre-Neuve.
Ilan Manouach - Compendium of Franco-Belgian comics
no text
Lendroit éditions
Artist's book: an illustrated collage-book made up of recurring visual elements from Franco-Belgian comics. The publication is designed in the traditional format of the bande dessinée.
Robert Breer - Robert Breer A to Z
English edition
Light Cone
currently out of stock
A self-portrait (a collection of Robert Breer's interviews, correspondence and statements over fifty years).
Robert Breer - Robert Breer A à Z
French edition
Light Cone
A self-portrait (a collection of Robert Breer's interviews, correspondence and statements over fifty years).
Anthony Pateras - Ellesmere (CD)
14.00 12.00 €
Sun-blasted organ music from Australia.
Jean-Louis Costes - La dernière croisade
French edition
Jérôme Noetinger - dR (CD)
Jérôme Noetinger's first solo album (Revox B77 tape recorder, microphones, radios, Korg MS20 synthesizer, piano, objects): a panorama of his practice on tape recorder.
Daisuke Ichiba - L\'art d\'équilibrer les dissonances
trilingual edition (English / French / Japanese)
69.00 50.00 €
Reference monograph, lavishly illustrated, with a preface by Philippe Dagen and a long analysis by Xavier-Gilles Néret of Daisuke Ichiba's work (based on unpublished interviews with the artist), placed in the double context in which it emerged, the Japanese and French graphic underground scenes.
Raphaël Saint-Remy - Voltes (CD)
Le Chant du Moineau / Casta - Records
An improvised piano solo, dense and furious.
Raphaël Saint-Remy - Le mont Olympe - Alpha
French edition
Le Chant du Moineau / Casta - Books
A series of plays (independent of each other) that all refer to a scene from Greek mythology.
Pauline Piguet - SCT-PP
French edition
Artist's book exploring the notion of rigor in experimentation through the constraints of the grid and structure.
Dominique Répécaud - Actions soniques (CD)
Vand'Œuvre / CCAM Éditions
Recorded in March 2016, “Actions Soniques” is a meeting of free rock with free impro into an electroacoustic environment with a clear and powerfull voice. This is the last CD from Dominique Répécaud (1955-2016).
Francesco Messina - Prati Bagnati Del Monte Analogo (vinyl LP)
Superior Viaduct
The long-awaited new edition of the breathtaking oeuvre of Francesco Messina and Raul Lovisoni originally published in 1979 by the legendary Gianni Sassi's Cramps Records label, openly inspired to the unfinished metaphysical novel "Le Mont Analogue" by the French writer René Daumal.
Luc Ferrari - Presque Rien n°1 - Le lever du jour au bord de la mer – 1967-70
bilingual edition (English / French)
Maison ONA
currently out of stock
Historical pictures, texts, indications about project, list of recorded sounds, full edit plan & manuscript facsimile of the piece achieved by the composer at Deutsche Grammophon studios in 1970 in Hannover, from the recordings dated July 1967 in Vela Luka, Croatia.
Bernard Parmegiani - La Roue Ferris
bilingual edition (English / French)
Maison ONA
Restored manuscript from the composer, historical documentation about the 1971 acousmatic work & genesis.
Gerhard Theuring - Escape Route to Marseilles / Fluchtweg nach Marseille
bilingual edition (English / German)
An essay that extends Ingemo Engström and Gerhard Theuring's movie.
Harun Farocki - On Ici et ailleurs / Über Ici et ailleurs
bilingual edition (English / German)
An unpublished talk given by Harun Farocki in 1987 at the event "Films that Think in Images" at the Akademie der Künste, West Berlin. The typescript was found among Farocki's papers after his death.
 Son Excellence Otto - Colossale finesse - Les femmes de Cocagne
trilingual edition (English / French / Latin)
After the long acclaimed Nova Sodomia opus (Une indécence française), S.E. Otto is back with this oversized book (A3 format) Colossale finesse (Colossal Fineness – The women of cockaigne). Otto pays hereby a thundering tribute to all things fleshy, ample, in a single word: to abundance.
Pakito Bolino - Odysex
no text
An odyssey into sex, death and terror: the sleaziest and scariest pulp comics ever created.
Iman Mersal - How to mend - Motherhood and its ghosts
English edition
Kayfa ta
currently out of stock
A highly personal and sensitive exploration of motherhood.
Natascha Sadr Haghighian - How to spell the fight
English edition
Kayfa ta
currently out of stock
Following a thread, from string figures though algorithms.
Koen Wessing - The Indelible Image - Exhibition portfolio
bilingual edition (English / French)
Jeu de Paume - Albums (exhibition catalogues)
The portfolio of the exhibition at the Jeu de Paume.
Ugo Rondinone - Kiss Now Kill Later
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
The complete Landscape Paintings.
Ugo Rondinone - New Horizon
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
The complete Horizon Paintings.
Ugo Rondinone - Pure Sunshine
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
The complete Sun Paintings.
Mara Züst - Would you rather…
English edition
This book is a reinterpretation of the classic children's picture book by English Author and Illustrator John Burningham from 1979, illustrating the preference game “Would you rather”… With enchanting drawings made out of sand by Carolina Cerbaro.
Zac Langdon-Pole - Ars viva 2018
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Catalogues
Since 1953, the Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft has awarded the Ars viva Prize to young artists living in Germany. The 2018 edition goes to Anna-Sophie Berger, Oscar Enberg, and Zac Langdon-Pole.
Jalal Toufic - E-flux journal - What Was I Thinking?
English edition
Sternberg Press - E-flux journal
In this treatise, Jalal Toufic investigates the arts as the privileged site of thinking and confronts his thoughts with texts taken from the traditional religions and mystics of the past.
Sophie Nys - Divided we stand, together we fall
English edition
(SIC) - Soft Alphabet
This artist's book presents a set of photographs made by Belgian artist Sophie Nys during her stay in Zurich. It features each of the modernist fountains produced by designer Alfred Aebersold in the 1970s and scattered throughout the Swiss city. The images are associated with amusing and clever captions written by Leila Peacock, a Scottish artist living in Zurich.
Riccardo Baruzzi - Del disegno disposto alla pittura
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Cura. - Cura.books
The first monograph on Riccardo Baruzzi, containing a selection of images of works made from 2010 to the present and writings by Alessandro Rabottini, Davide Ferri and Luca Bertolo. A perfect introduction to the italian artist's practice, which explores the notion of the unfinished and the provisional by way of an aesthetic investigation of drawing through the body of the painting.
Revolution Every Day – A Calendar - 1917-2017
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
This unique, small format companion to the exhibition “Revolution Every Day” is inspired by the tradition of Soviet tear-off calendars. The book has 365 calendar pages with daily entries featuring a range of images and texts drawn from primary and archival source materials that explore the historical and experiential dimensions of revolution. It presents short essays and original contributions from curators, artists, and scholars, and illustrations of all of the works in the exhibition.
Michael Fliri - Replace Me as the Substitute
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Artist Michael Fliri investigates concepts such as metamorphosis, mutation and disguise: the protagonists in his work—often Fliri himself—time and again undergo a process of change or transformation. This catalogue offers an extended overview of his practice and underscores his significance on the international art scene.
Amy Sillman - The All-Over
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
An overview of American artist Amy Sillman's most recent bodies of work, including diagrams, drawings, animations, sculpture, and large-scale abstractions that combine painting with digital prints on canvas, shown serially in panoramic installations. Layering and dynamic movement pervades these works, whose concerns shift between the tragic-comic and the vexed histories and techniques of painting.
Qiu Zhijie - Journeys without Arrivals
bilingual edition (English / French)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Illustrated catalogue published in conjunction of the first comprehensive overview of Qiu Zhijie, one of the most important Chinese artists of his generation. The publication directly addresses the challenges of conveying the complexity of Qiu Zhijie's practice in the European context. It features essays by Andrea Bellini, Davide Quadrio, and Francesca Girelli, an extensive interview with the artist by Liu Jingjing, and descriptions of the exhibited works.
Étienne Helmer - Parler la photographie
French edition
A reflection on the relationship between language and photography.
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
Charlotte Moorman by Deborah Walker; manifesto for a 21th century avant-garde music by Ulrich Krieger; Ulrich Krieger by Kasper T. Toeplitz ; Ring-Modulation #24: “From idea to sound;” photographic series by Marie Combes; disc reviews, and more.

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