Time and Space – A Brief History of Sound Art
by Rahma Khazam
Sensibility Engineering – Interview with Kerwin Rolland
by Raphaël Brunel et Anne-Lou Vicente
Interlude: Nicolas Fenouillat
Ravelin, curtain and half-moon: Sound Art, a Fortified Art
Bastien Gallet
Sound Diagonals – Interview with Sébastien Faucon
by Raphaël Brunel et Anne-Lou Vicente
Notes on Steve Reich's
Pendulum Music
by Christophe Gallois
A Formless Form (featuring
Charlemagne Palestine)
Mathieu Copeland
Dominique Petitgand
Georgina Starr:
I am a Record
by Yann Chevallier
Interlude: Samon Takahashi
Su-Mei Tse – Romantic Echo
by Magali Lesauvage
Joachim Scmid – “Tausend Himmel” and the equivalence principle
by Joël Vacheron
Laurent Montaron – Chronicle of a Disappearance Foretold
by Anne-Lou Vicente
Jérôme Poret
Philippe Decrauzat's
Leslie –
Laocoon in
The Twilight Zone
by Matthieu Poirier
Odd Bunch – Sound in Artists' Films
Alexandre Castant