search results for "The Contemporary Condition"
Verina Gfader - The Contemporary Condition - The Last Resident
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Contemporary Condition
The publication presents a collective project lead by artist and researcher Verina Gfader.
The Contemporary Condition - Contemporary Research Intensive
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Contemporary Condition
This reader addresses the concept of “contemporaneity”, the temporal complexity that follows from the coming together of different temporalities in the same present. It asks how these temporal qualities can be made known in the context of contemporary art research and particularly through practices that involve exhibitionary forms.
Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen - The Contemporary Condition - Hegel after Occupy
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Contemporary Condition
A Western Marxist analysis of the relationship between the historical present and political action.
Knut Ebeling - The Contemporary Condition - There Is No Now – An Archaeology of Contemporaneity
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Contemporary Condition
Drawing together discourses on contemporaneity and new materialisms, this book examines a material conception of temporality that makes it possible to develop a critique of the philosophical discourse on presence. Claiming that “there is no now,” Ebeling develops an archaeology of contemporaneity according to which the traces of the contemporary can only be secured through visual or material operations, not historical ones.
Margaret-Anne Hutton - The Contemporary Condition - On Writing a Literary History of the Contemporary, or What is, or was,“the Contemporary,”and should we keep calling it that?
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Contemporary Condition
A critical analysis of the use of the term contemporary in scholarly and disciplinary discourses through the hypothetical project of a literary history of “the contemporary.”
 Dexter Sinister - The Contemporary Condition - Notes on the Type, Time, Letters & Spirits
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Contemporary Condition
Three interconnected essays on typography.
Wolfgang Ernst - The Contemporary Condition - The Delayed Present – Media-Induced Tempor(e)alities & Techno-traumatic Irritations of “the Contemporary”
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Contemporary Condition
How media and new technologies affect our sense of the present.
 Raqs Media Collective - The Contemporary Condition - We Are Here, But Is It Now? (The Submarine Horizons of Contemporaneity)
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Contemporary Condition
Searching for the present: an account of contemporaneity by the Dehli-based trio Raqs Media Collective.
Geoff Cox - The Contemporary Condition - Introductory Thoughts on Contemporaneity and Contemporary Art
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Contemporary Condition
Introductory book to the “Contemporary Condition” series, which brings out some of the key issues relating to contemporaneity as a defining condition of our historical present—and vows to rethink the deep structures of temporalization as we know it.
Jussi Parikka - The Contemporary Condition - A Slow, Contemporary Violence – Damaged Environments of Technological Culture
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Contemporary Condition
Finnish media theorist discusses slow violence & environmental crisis through the prism of art, design, and technological practices.
Terry Smith - The Contemporary Condition - The Contemporary Composition
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Contemporary Condition
A visionary essay on the notion of artistic composition in a world spinning into a confused chaos.
Kim West - The Contemporary Condition - The Autonomy of Art Is Ordinary – Notes in Defense of an Idea of Emancipation
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Contemporary Condition
An essay-length book arguing for the autonomy of art in the present.
English edition
Accattone #8 addresses matters of construction in relation to time, use, change and technical knowledge against the backdrop of the "negative commons" inherited from the productivist society of the past century—"zombie" habits, desires, products and processes that our contemporary condition can no longer sustain, yet cannot help but reproduce.
Agonistic Assemblies - On the Spatial Politics of Horizontality
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
A curatorial approach towards deliberative cultures of assembly and a realistic scenario of decentralized power and decision-making (an anthology edited by Markus Miessen).
Italy - A New Collective Landscape
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
An exploration of emerging Italian design, revealing a great variety of approaches to the discipline.
Faire – To look at things - Volume 10 (#39, 40, 41)
bilingual edition (English / French)
Empire - Faire magazine – To look at things
Issues 39 to 41 of the critical review dedicated to graphic design.
Jong Won Rhee - Solitudes of Human Places
no text
Edition Patrick Frey
Jong Won Rhee's photographs of scenes of contemporary everyday life in South Korea.
Stamatia Portanova - The Contemporary Condition - Whose Time Is It? – Asocial Robots, Syncolonialism, and Artificial Chronological Intelligence
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Contemporary Condition
Artificial intelligence and temporality.
Lionel Ruffel - The Contemporary Condition - I Can’t Sleep
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Contemporary Condition
An attempt to feel and investigate the quality of time, with references to Jonathan Crary, Paul B. Preciado, Charles Baudelaire, and Walter Benjamin.
English edition
Sternberg Press - Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Thinkers revisit INTRA SPACE, an artistic research project that experiments with the substances, constructions, and manifestations of our bodies.
O Sole Mio
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Catalogue of a virtual exhibition of works by contemporary artists in response to the famous Neapolitan love song.
Brian Massumi - Ontopouvoir - Guerre, pouvoir, perception
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Drama
An original theory of power based on a dense and insightful inquiry into the consequences of the "Global War on Terror" and the security state, up to the imposition of neoliberal logic and the overflowing of the media made viral.
Riccardo Benassi - Morestalgia
English edition
Monograph / artist's book.
Mieke Bal - The Contemporary Condition - Exhibition-ism – Temporal Togetherness
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Contemporary Condition
In Exhibition-ism, theorist and artist Mieke Bal develops the idea that exhibiting is a significant form of the contemporary.
Hassan Khan - I saw the world collapse and it was only a word
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Artist's book.
Johanne Løgstrup - The Contemporary Condition - Co-existence of Times – A conversation with John Akomfrah
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Contemporary Condition
In the form of a conversation with filmmaker and artist John Akomfrah, this book sets out to explore how his work with montage can be understood to articulate contemporaneity in sensuous ways.
English edition
Cura. - Cura.magazine
Will Benedict, Kahlil Joseph, Mahfuz Sultan, Ari Marcopoulos, Lynda Benglis, Camille Blatrix, Jesper Just, Lex Brown, Matt Copson, Fin Simonetti, Autumn Knight, Iman Issa, Nevine Mahmoud, Berenice Olmedo, Igor Simić...
Jacob Lund - The Contemporary Condition - Anachrony, Contemporaneity, and Historical Imagination
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Contemporary Condition
This theoretical essay advocates for the overcoming of the dominant notion of the contemporary as the point of departure for the development of (art-) historical imagination.
Warren Neidich - The Glossary of Cognitive Activism - (For a Not So Distant Future)
English edition
Archive Books
A dictionary designed as a tool for analysis and resistance to the new realities of neurocapitalism. With 285 definitions stemming from the fields of political philosophy, media studies and neuroscience.
Palais - City Prince/sses
bilingual edition (English / French)
Palais de Tokyo - Palais magazine
Palais magazine is devoting its issue #29 to the exhibition “City Prince/sses”, presented at the Palais de Tokyo from 21 June to 8 September 2019. Artists, fashion designers, filmmakers, musicians, DJs, tattoo artists, experimenters: about fifty creators coming from Dhaka, Lagos, Manila, Mexico City and Tehran are investing the Palais de Tokyo which has become an imaginary city, multiple and complex, open, messy, thundering and creative.
Spike - Immorality
English edition
Art beyond good and evil.
Olga von Schubert - “100 Years of Now” and the Temporality of Curatorial Research
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
The temporality of curatorial processes and research practices.
New North Zurich / Neuer Norden Zürich
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Anthologies & Art Theory
Stemming from a Public Art Zurich project, this publication gathers texts and international artists contributions exploring the condition of 21st-century cities in relation with contemporary art.
Omar Kholeif - Goodbye, World! - Looking at Art in the Digital Age
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
This study traces the history of a cultural and artistic landscape that has taken shape since the year 2000, with the Internet. Omar Kholeif aims to put into context a new language for seeing, feeling, and being that has emerged through post-millennial technologies, and argues for a nuanced understanding of the post-digital condition.
English edition
Cura. - Cura.magazine
Cura. yearlong investigation into the body continues. This issue is devoted to different artistic experiences and practices—crossing generations, time, space, and media—revolving around the boundaries, powers, forms and interpretations of the body that exist within the present world (Amalia Ulman; Hannah Levy; Lynn Hershman Leeson; Prem Sahib; Celia Hempton; three essays on the dancing body, the loving body, and the collective body…).
Sigismond de Vajay - Unreachable Empires
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
Conceived by Sigismond de Vajay, this artist's book combines 70 of his drawings with commissioned essays by Mexican novelist Mario Bellatín, French biologist and glaciology researcher Bruno Jourdain, and geography and biotechnology expert Elizabeth R. Johnson. Together, thanks to their intertwined dialogue around reality, fiction, science, knowledge, and the power of artistic approaches, they express a subjective vision of our changing times.
Lee Yil - Dynamics of Expansion and Reduction - Selected Writings on Korean Contemporary Art
English edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
This book, the first major publication in English devoted to the Korean critic and art historian Lee Yil (1932-1997), is a collection of texts on aesthetics, theory and history of art by the main observer of “Dansaekhwa”, or Korean monochrome. It also brings together essays and monographic prefaces that gave wide coverage to artists who had been active from the end of the Korean war up until the mid-1990s.
Stream - Les paradoxes du vivant
bilingual edition (English / French)
The fourth issue of the annual research book-magazine at the intersection of architecture, art and economy, explores the figure of the living as the key to contemporary challenges. Contributions by experts in different fields of knowledge offers the opportunity to rethink our relationship to the ecosystem and the new technologies, and to bring forward the essential notion of cohabitation.
Flash Art
English edition
Flash Art
Flash Art - Flash Art International (magazine)
sold out
This issue questions artificial intelligence according to theories of utopia and dystopia, of existence and consciousness, and of gender and identity. It features Ian Cheng, Mario Klingemann, Sondra Perry, Sam Lavigne, Harold Cohen's AARON, Lawrence Lek, Jenna Sutela, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Cécile B. Evans, Leonel Moura and Stelarc, “Automating Aesthetics” by Lev Manovich…
Across & Beyond - A transmediale Reader on Post-digital Practices, Concepts, and Institutions
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
Published to celebrates the 30-year anniversary of transmediale, this reader aims to use the critical and artistic knowledge gained at the festival over the years to reframe the question of the role of media today. In a world where technology increasingly operates independently of humans, where does the power to act and mediate lie?
Rei Naito - Transphère - Émotions de croire
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
MCJP (Maison de la Culture du Japon à Paris)
Third publication in the framework of the “Transphère” Exhibition cycle, this catalogue documents a work by Rei Naito, a Japanese artist who has built an international reputation with her minimalist and conceptual creations. The installation Émotions de croire (The emotion of belief) is a moving reflection on the atomic bomb, and a place of mourning and hope.
T. J. Demos - Decolonizing Nature - Contemporary Art and the Politics of Ecology
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
T. J. Demos considers the creative proposals of artists and activists for ways of life that bring together ecological sustainability, climate justice, and radical democracy, at a time when such creative proposals are urgently needed.
Art Against Art
English edition
Art Against Art
The second issue features contributions by a range of authors from different fields such as art criticism, investigative journalism, postcapitalist economics, accelerationist philosophy and transhumanist theory. Featuring: Kenny Schachter, Linda Yablonsky, Michael Gross, Paul Mason, Natasha Vita-More, Armen Avanessian, Joseph Walsh, Casey Jane Ellison and Christian Haye.
Rare Earth
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
sold out
An attempt to define the spirit of an age: exploring how today's myths, identities, and cosmologies relate to current advances in technology—through reference to the material basis to our most developed weapons and tools; a class of seventeen rare earth elements from the periodic table—Rare Earth challenges the rhetoric of immateriality associated with our hypermodern condition.
Hybridize or Disappear
bilingual edition (English / Portuguese)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
sold out
A look at contemporary visual culture and how it has been progressively mutating towards models where seemingly opposite dimensions come together to create hybrid forms: material and virtual, textual and objectual, organic and artificial, consumerism and spirituality have been merging and blurring previously defined boundaries (catalogue).
Hu Fang - Dear Navigator
English edition
Sternberg Press - Fiction
15.00 7.50 €
A collection of ten short stories that reflect on contemporary society, politics, and the human condition.
Forensis - The Architecture of Public Truth
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
sold out
This book excavates the notion of forensis (Latin for “pertaining to the forum”) to designate the role of material forensics in articulating new notions of public truth. The condition of forensis is one in which aesthetic practices, new technologies, and architectural research methodologies bear upon the legal implications of political struggle, violent conflict, and climate change.
Joshua Decter - Art Is a Problem
English edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Documents
JRP|Editions - Documents (co-edition Les presses du réel)
An anthology: selected criticism, essays, interviews, and curatorial projects, since 1986-2012.
Bettina Funcke - Pop or Populus - Art Between High and Low
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
19.00 9.00 €
A theory of contemporary art in response to our moment, when artists and critics must respond to art's unprecedented popularity (illustrated by Wade Guyton).
E-flux journal - What Is Contemporary Art?
English edition
Sternberg Press - E-flux journal
E-flux journal: What Is Contemporary Art? puts the apparent simplicity and self-evident term into doubt, asking critics, curators, artists, and writers to contemplate the nature of this catchall or default category.

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