search results for "john cage"
Steven Parrino - Black Noise - A Tribute to Steven Parrino
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
sold out
A series of 32 artist books in a boxset (John Armleder, Philippe Decrauzat, Vidya Gastaldon, Kim Gordon, Christian Marclay, John Miller, Olivier Mosset, Genesis P-Orridge, John Tremblay...) in the comic book format, conceived in tribute to the late Steven Parrino. 250 copies limited edition.
English edition
sold out
Charley 05 features 400 works by 100 artists that are remained isolated, forgotten, proudly secluded or sightly unnoticed, in spite of their visionary work.
Stéphanie Moisdon - Stéphanie Moisdon
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Documents
JRP|Editions - Documents (co-edition Les presses du réel)
A collection of texts and interviews by the art critic and independant curator (John Armleder, Mehdi Belhaj Kacem, Guy Debord, Jean-Luc Godard, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Douglas Gordon, Carsten Höller, Michel Houellebecq, Pierre Huyghe, Jacques Lacan, Jean-François Lyotard, Olivier Mosset, Philippe Parreno, Andy Warhol...).
Christophe Cherix - Plastic
French edition
JRP|Editions - Hapax
10.00 6.00 €
Based on an exhibition curated by Christophe Cherix and John Tremblay at the Print Room of Geneva, this volume presents an overview of the use of vacuum-formed plastic in art of the last forty years.
Christopher Williams - 97,5 Mhz*
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
sold out
Photographs of the conceptual artist from the series presented at the Kunsthalle Zürich, with a text by John Kelsey.
Tom Wesselmann -
English edition
Yvon Lambert - Monographs and artists' books
sold out
This fully illustrated catalogue focuses on Wesselman's erotic Drop-Out series, with an essay by John Wilmerding.
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
Casino Luxembourg
22.00 11.00 €
The optical, spatial and sensorial exploitation of electric light within the field of contemporary art.
Amy O\'Neill - Suburban Imagination
English edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
The sculptures, installations, and drawings by the New York-based artist are presented in this first monograph as a journey through the American suburban imagination.
Raoul Ruiz - Poetics of Cinema 2
English edition
Dis Voir - Cinema – Fictions
Following his research in Poetics of cinema, 1 on new narrative models as tools for apprehending a fast-shifting world, Raoul Ruiz with Poetics of cinema 2 makes an appeal for an entirely new way of filming, writing, and of conceiving the image.
Raoul Ruiz - Poétique du cinéma 2
French edition
Dis Voir - Cinema – Fictions
Following his research in Poetics of cinema, 1 on new narrative models as tools for apprehending a fast-shifting world, Raoul Ruiz with Poetics of cinema 2 makes an appeal for an entirely new way of filming, writing, and of conceiving the image.
Catherine Sullivan - Film and Theater Works - 2002-2004
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
40.00 20.00 €
First monograph devoted to the Californian artist.
Cahiers Charles Fourier
French edition
Cahiers Charles Fourier
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Charles Fourier review
The Fourierist Studies Association Review.
Olaf Breuning - Queen Mary
English edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
(last copies available!)
Artists' book with new drawings.
Ari Marcopoulos - The Cat
no text
sold out
A b/w portrait of the Norwegian snowboarder Terje Haakonsen.
Walter Pfeiffer - The Plaza / Kawasaki Cut / Music for Millions (DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Bureau des Videos (DVD)
sold out
Underground artist's videos compiled in a DVD for the very first time.
Ugo Rondinone - Zero Built a Nest in My Navel
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
sold out
Exhaustive monograph devoted to this Swiss artist. Using photography, video, painting, drawing, sculpture, sound, and text by turns, Rondinone is a virtuoso of forms and techniques.
Trouble - Célébration
French edition
sold out
The relationship between celebration and critical practices in art, around Jeff Koons, Pierre Huyghe, Ben Kinmont, Tom Marioni, John Armleder...
French edition
Allen Ruppersberg, Guy de Cointet, Ugo Rondinone, John Baldessari, Pierre Huyghe, Mathieu Mercier, Christopher Williams, Angela Bulloch, Philippe Parreno, Amy O'Neill...
French edition
Swetlana Heger, Peter Friedl, Monique van Genderen, Michael S. Riedel, Ugo Rondinone, Cindy Sherman, Christopher Wool, John Armleder, ErikM, Linder, Xavier Veilhan, Gloria Friedmann, Karen Kilimnik...
French edition
Immédiats / Analogues - Semaine magazine
(last copies available!)
18.00 9.00 €
Céleste Boursier-Mougenot, John M. Armleder, Guy de Cointet, Philippe Mayaux, Jeppe Hein, Claude Lévêque, Bernhard Rüdiger, Bruno Serralongue, Philippe Cognée, Robert Morris, Pétur Már Gunnarsson, Toshinari Sato, Jean-Daniel Berclaz, Daniel Ruggiero, Gregg Smith...
Hans Hartung - 10 Perspectives
English edition
Fondation Hartung Bergman
35.00 25.00 €
10 new perspectives on the artist, his oeuvre and its reception.
Christian Besson - Abductions – Treize essais sur des œuvres du temps présent - suivi de L\'œuvre et son interprétant
French edition
MAMCO - Historical essays & contemporary archives
25.00 10.00 €
13 monographical essays on contemporary works (Merz, Bart, Duprat, Verjux, Armleder, Fauguet, Honegger, Boeno, Spoerri, Morellet, Downsbrough, Saytour, Dezeuze).
In The Poem About Love You Don\'t Write The Word Love
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
This book provides a theoretical and critical framework to examine how contemporary art and cinema can still hold out against an experience of vision and of the “visual.”
Magasin 1986-2006
bilingual edition (English / French)
Le Magasin
(last copies available!)
Recapitulative publication about Le Magasin, Centre National d'Art Contemporain de Grenoble.
Soundtrack for an Exhibition (+ audio DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French)
Mathieu Copeland editions
A full colour, hardback publication documenting the major time-based project that confounds traditional expectations of an exhibition, including essays and discussions with participating artists and guest contributors, the entire score of the soundtrack, film stills, installation images and an audio DVD of excerpts from the soundtrack.
Printemps de septembre à Toulouse – Volume 3 - Broken lines
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
Printemps de septembre
15.00 10.00 €
The third and last catalogue of the contemporary art festival in Toulouse, France (with Art & Language, Rodney Graham, Joe Scanlan, Tatiana Trouvé, Lawrence Weiner, Anish Kapoor, Francis Alÿs, Monica Bonvicini, Christoph Büchel...)
Hans Hartung - 10 perspectives
French edition
Fondation Hartung Bergman
sold out
10 new perspectives on the artist, his oeuvre and its reception (also available in English edition).
An Anthology of Noise & Electronic Music – Volume 4 - Fourth A-Chronology 1937-2005 (2 CD)
Sub Rosa
sold out
The second volume of the experimental and electronic music anthology (1937-2005), including unreleased material (Maja Ratkje, Beatriz Ferreyra, Laurie Spiegel, Vibracathedral Orchestra...) and rarities (György Ligeti, François Bayle + Robert Wyatt + Kevin Ayers, Les Rallizes Dénudés...).
 Peter Fischli & David Weiss - Fragen & Blumen - Eine Retrospektive
German edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
sold out
This unique book, developed in collaboration with the artists, accompanies a major, touring retrospective exhibition and is the most extensive visual record of their extraordinarily varied work yet published.
Grey Flags
English edition
JRP|Editions - Catalogues, Biennales & Collections
sold out
Facsimile appropriations, scanned pages, Xeroxes by several artists (Armleder, Gillick, Ruppersberg...) – Grey Flags is a book of texts and ideas published to accompany the homonymous exhibition at the Sculpture Center, NY.
Institutional Critique and After - SoCCAS Symposium Vol. II
English edition
JRP|Editions - Anthologies & Art Theory
sold out
The history and contemporary reassessment of the Institutional Critique movement.
Dick Higgins - Postface - Un journal critique de l\'avant-garde
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Paperback
Dick Higgins, one of the main figures of Fluxus, points out the particularity of poet-artists who, since German and English Romanticism, have refused to make distinctions between what is sonorous, visual and written.
Yasunao Tone - Noise Media Language (+ CD)
English edition
Errant Bodies - Critical Ear (monographs)
sold out
Reference monograph: an overview of a sound art pionner's career through documentation of seminal projects, including a CD of works ranging from early performance experiments to current digital projects.
Mission Impossible
French edition
The literary and poetry magazine's first and unique issue is dedicated to fiction. Featuring artists, writers, academics and choreographers Félicia Atkinson, Alexandra Baudelot, Manuel Joseph, John Giorno, Michel Chion, Véronique Pittolo, Edouard Levé, Boris Achour, Bernard Heidsieck…
One Reason To Live - Conversations about Music with Julius Nil
English edition
Errant Bodies - Audio Issues
Including conversations with David Toop, Scanner, Brandon LaBelle, Ken Vandermark, Kaffe Matthews, Steven Connor, John Parish, Ben Watson, Simon Critchley, Andrew Morgan, Esther Leslie, Eric Roth, Andrew McGettigan, and Seth Kim-Cohen.
Before the end
bilingual edition (English / French)
Le Consortium - Collective exhibitions catalogues
16.00 8.00 €
The book about the exhibition Before the End at the Consortium in 2004 (with J. Armleder, S. Fleury, L. Gillick, D. Graham, J. Miller, S. Parrino...).
The Uncertain States of America Reader
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
29.00 15.00 €
An unique compilation of writing around art and cultural politics in America since 2000 (Giorgio Agamben, Bernadette Corporation, Trisha Donnelly, Isabelle Graw, Robert Morris, Seth Price...), as an addendum to the traveling exhibition curated by Daniel Birnbaum, Gunnar Kvaran and Hans Ulrich Obrist.
Daniel Roth - Town Hidden under Concrete - Passageway
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
Pocket monograph on German artist's recent works.
 Yan Pei-Ming - Execution
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
A collection of texts and interviews around the artist's work.
Tony Cragg - Formations and Forms
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
sold out
French edition
Carsten Höller, David Robbins, Thomas Hirschhorn, Philippe Parreno, Jeff Koons, Liam Gillick, Sylvie Fleury, Mike Kelley, Bertrand Lavier, Gary Webb, Gianni Motti, Xavier Veilhan...
Olaf Breuning - Home
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
(last copies available!)
Monograph featuring works from 2001 to 2004.
Joëlle Léandre - Györ (CD)
The first duo recording of Joëlle Léandre (double bass, voice) and Akosh S. (tenor & soprano saxophones, metal clarinet, tárogató, flute): a wonderful syntonic improvisation in a Hungarian synagogue.
Michel Doneda - Aerolithes (CD)
Vand'Œuvre / CCAM Éditions
A quartet of string and woodwind instruments brings together masters of free improvisation.
Nick Relph -
English edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
Artists' book, covered in the fabric used on London Underground seats, with an electronic chip ringing like a mobile phone when it is opened.
Melik Ohanian - Cosmograms
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
A book conceived as an extension of Melik Ohanian's film Seven Minutes Before, with contributions by Cecil Balmond, Gilles Clément, Beatriz Colomina, Tacita Dean, Richard Drayton, David Elbaz, Patricia Falguières, Medard Gabel, André Gaudreault, Paul Gilroy, Edouard Glissant, Anna Halprin, David Held, Pekka Himanen, Bruno Latour, Charles Musser, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jane Poynter, Jean-Christophe Royoux, Saskia Sassen, Peter Sloterdijk, John Tresch, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro and Robert Whitman.
Recent Pasts – Art in Southern California from the 1990s to Now - SoCCAS Symposium Vol. I
English edition
JRP|Editions - Anthologies & Art Theory
An overview of the Californian art scene from 1990 to the present.
The Populism Catalogue
English edition
Sternberg Press - Catalogues
The Populism Catalogue documents the namesake exhibition and features works of fiction as a literary approach to the theme of populism.
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon - Carnets (1847-1851)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
An essential work covering the activities of the 19th century French theoretician of anarchy, federalism, perpetual education and the mutual principle.
Rirkrit Tiravanija - oVER
English edition
Sternberg Press - Audio / video
currently out of stock
Initiated by artist Rirkrit Tiravanija, An innovative publishing format for artists, photographers, architects, musicians, poets, and other groups and individuals that can join in and collaborate any time, from anywhere.

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