search results for "charles fourier"
Le Plateau, 10 ans
French edition
Le Plateau / Frac Île-de-France
26 color reproductions of images used for the realization of the posters celebrating 10 years of Le Plateau / FRAC Ile-de-France, Paris, by artists who have produced a personal exhibition.
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
Thomas Tilly, 11 paragraphes sur un concert improvisé (Ray Brassier, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Seijiro Murayama, Mattin), Expérience cinéma – Phénoménologie de l'apparition, Wandelweiser...
La Tranchée Racine
no text
La Tranchée Racine
United Dead Artists
sold out
Third issue of United Dead Artists' illustrated newspaper.
Piero Gilardi -
trilingual edition (English / French / Italian)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
The first comprehensive monograph on the pioneer of Arte Povera, inventor of a “relational aesthetics” in the 1960s, political activist, and advocate of an ecologically concerned undertaking in the visual arts
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
Sonic Protest 2012; interviews with Daniel Menche and Yann Leguay; Propositions pour une architecture habitée de l'écoute by Jean-Luc Guionnet; Manifeste pour un visuel qui ouvre l'œil by Joris Guibert; Séisme, tsunami et autres désastres by Eric Cordier; Projet Fukushima by Otomo Yoshihide; Ring Modulation 5 by Kasper Toeplitz...
Jonathan Beecher - Victor Considerant - Grandeur et décadence du socialisme romantique
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
A critical biography.
Ann Veronica Janssens - Serendipity
trilingual edition (English / Dutch / French)
Monograph based on Ann Veronica Janssens' exhibition at Wiels, with an essay by cultural theorist, critic and video artist Mieke Bal.
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
The magazine of publisher Al Dante gathers contributions of philosophical, poetic, artistic, and political interest to find new ways of thinking and creating.
Revolution - A Reader
French edition
Paraguay Press
sold out
A subjective selection by Lisa Robertson and Matthew Stadler of annotated texts by various authors (Edmund Burke, Frantz Fanon, Louise Michel, Donna Haraway, Oscar Tuazon...) about revolution.
Édith Azam - Mercure
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
A text on the need of love communication, through the story of a narrator who strives to learn music on a keyboard drawn on a cardboard piece.
Philosophie des possessions
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Drama
A series of portraits of philosophers remained outside majority movements of contemporary thought (Gabriel Tarde, William James, Alfred North Whitehead, John Dewey, Charles Péguy, Etienne Souriau, Raymond Ruyer, and Gilbert Simondon), brought together around the theme of the “possession”.
Inter - Art vs médias – 50 ans après
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Intervention - Inter, art actuel
50 years of “media arts”.
Roven - Fall-Winter 2011-2012
French edition
Roven - Roven magazine
Special drawing machines issue, the drawing-partition, Jockum Nordström, David Kramer, Julie Mehretu, Michel Herreria, Émilie Satre, Nicolas Muller, Jean-François Millet, Cornelis Pietersz. Biens, Miné Okubo,the collection of graphic arts department of the Louvre, Samuel Starck, Annette Messager, Astrid Köppe, Corinne Laroche, Patrick Corillon & Fabrice Reymond, Nicolas Muller...
Sylvain Courtoux - Still Nox
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
An autobiographical tale in which the author tells the story of his addiction to a powerful sleeping pill.
Miguel Chevalier - Seconde Nature (livre / DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French) / DVD in French version (English subtitles)
a.p.r.e.s editions - Books-DVDs
The design, actual production, and issues of a hybrid piece of public art mixing virtual and real worlds, conceived by artist Miguel Chevalier and architect-designer Charles Bové.
L\'art contemporain et la Côte d\'Azur - Un territoire pour l\'expérimentation – 1951-2011
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
Villa Arson
Contemporary art and the French Riviera (a territory for experimentation).
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
currently out of stock
For its 88th issue (special issue limited to 666 copies!), the quaterly magazine turns into a carte blanche given to more than 80 personalities related to various experimental sound practices. A tribute to the do-it-yourself way.
Jann-Marc Rouillan - Contre-attaques - Perspective Jean-Marc Rouillan
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
23.40 12.00 €
This second issue brings together contributions reflecting on the political commitment and literary work of Jean-Marc Rouillan, and shedding light on three of Rouillan's most important influences today: philosophers Daniel Bensaïd and Henri Lefebvre, and activist Pierre Goldman (with contributions by Véronique Bergen, Charles Pennequin, Julien Blaine, Rada Ivekovic, Pierre Linguanotto, Laurence Denimal, Stéphane Nowak Papantoniou…).
L\'affaire des 1052 m2 - Les vitraux de la Cathédrale de Nevers
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
A reference book on contemporary church stained glass window: an extensive documentation on a monumental public commission involving five French major artists.
L\'Art est un sport de combat
bilingual edition (English / French)
Immédiats / Analogues - Catalogues
sold out
Art as a combat sport.
Roven - Spring-Summer 2011
French edition
Roven - Roven magazine
Drawing and erotism (Camille Henrot, Julien Carreyn and Antoine Marquis, Killoffer...), Vija Celmins, Catherine Macchi de Vilhena, Tudi Deligne, Daniel Nadaud, Marine Pagès, Corin Sworn, Chris Johanson, Dürer, Charles Ephrussi, Hélène de Givry, Bertrand Schefer, Roni Horn, Léa Mayer, collection MCS, Peter Soriano, Scoli Acosta, Alexandre Hollan and Caroline Sagot Duvauroux, Tudi Deligne, Olufemi Sanyaolu...
Design for change
French edition
BlackJack editions - Catalogues
35.00 19.00 €
An interdisciplinary approach to contemporary design (available in English edition).
Musique plastique
bilingual edition (English / French)
Galerie du jour agnès b. - Catalogues
A fanzine dedicated to the relationship between visual arts and music.
Design for change
English edition
BlackJack editions - Catalogues
An interdisciplinary approach to contemporary design, beyond the purely economic dimension, at the crossroads between technological innovations and social, political and ecological issues.
Alain Séchas - Journal-poster - Limited edition
French edition
Jannink - 127 Series
Limited edition in a boxed set with the original photo print.
From Yodeling to Quantum Physics... - 2010 A-Z
bilingual edition (English / French)
Palais de Tokyo - Catalogues & artist's books
The exhibitions, artists and key concepts of the programming: the comprehensive survey of the activities of the Palais de Tokyo in 2010.
Alain Séchas - Journal-poster
French edition
Jannink - 127 Series
A set of photographs and texts / a large original photograph.
Doug Aitken - The Idea of the West
English edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
A hybrid artist's book that reflects Aitken's expansive approach to art-making.
Pierre Ardouvin - Eschatologic Park
English edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Reference monograph / catalogue raisonné of 650 both playful and disturbing works, between melancholy, humor and poetry.
Jean-Yves Bosseur - Géographie utopique - Créations Musique - Peinture - Cinéma au Domaine de Certes, Audenge, Gironde, 2010-2011 (CD / DVD)
Le Chant du Moineau / Casta - Records
A musical, pictorial and cinematographic journey, as many sensitive interpretations of the domain of Certes in Gironde. Through the prism of Ernest Valeton de Boissière, inventor of the place and transmitter of the social utopias of the 19th century.
Roven - Fall-Winter 2010-2011
French edition
Roven - Roven magazine
Mapping and drawing, William Kentridge, drawing out of control, Matthieu Cossé, Louise Grislain, André Rouveyre, Charles Le Brun, André Raffray, Adrien Gerenton, Dominique Charnay's cartoons collection, Jochen Gerner, Roxane Borujerdi, Nick Devereux, Diana Cooper, Mark Dion ; artistic contributions by Wolfgang Laib, Matthieu Cossé, Paul van der Eerden, Caroline Jörg, João Vilhena, Sarah Tritz & Anne Kawala...
French edition
Frog gets a makeover for its fifth anniversary, in the form of a 300 pages book: 24 exhibitions reviews, 6 interviews, a new section devoted to architecture, a dozen exhibitions in pictures, some artists special projects, and the chronicles.
Laurent Prexl - Poésure & sculptrie (+ CD)
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
20.30 10.00 €
This publication is the result of a happening of sound poetry. It gathers the texts read during the lecture, as well as a recording made from the sound asperities of each of the reciters.
Au Pied de la lettre
bilingual edition (English / French)
sold out
An exploration of the relationship between language and visual arts (works by/essays on Pierre Ardouvin, Art Keller, Julien Audebert, Gérard Collin-Thiébaut, Éric Duyckaerts, Dora García, Mark Geffriaud, Martin Le Chevallier, Claude Lévêque, François Morellet, Christian Robert-Tissot, Charles Sandison, Yann Sérandour, Lawrence Weiner).
Kota Ezawa - Odessa Staircase Redux
English edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
(last copies available!)
An artist's book revisiting the well-known film sequence from Eisenstein's "Battleship Potemkin."
Lynda Benglis -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
(last copies available!)
Reference retrospective monograph (available in English edition).
Lynda Benglis -
English edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
sold out
Reference retrospective monograph: a complete overview of Lynda Benglis' work and life from the late 1960s to the present day, with more than 350 illustrations, about 20 historical or commissioned essays, an interview, famous and unseen archival material, and a complete chronology.
L\'armée noire - Printemps de merde
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
sold out
L'armée noire is a collaborative review founded by poet Charles Pennequin and illustrator Quentin Faucompré. This first issue gathers texts and illustrations inspired by art brut and experimental poetry.
Hervé Touboul - Chemins de Marx
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Second reading
New Marxist perspectives.
Bernard Desmars - Militants de l\'utopie ? - Les fouriéristes dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
An essay on Charles Fourier's legacy through his disciples and "utopian" activists in late XIXth century.
Louis Ucciani - Distance irréparable
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Second reading
A philosophical approach to the image in the margins or outer limits of art (from art brut to experimental art and its political extensions).
Sylvain Courtoux - Vie et mort d\'un poète de merde (+ CD)
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
The life and death of a shitty poet: a fake concept album on the trials and tribulations of a young literary mind and rock'n roll enthusiast.
Benjamin Bondonneau - L\'arbre ouvert - Portraits picturaux et sonores d\'arbres de Dordogne, hiver 2009-2010 (booklet + CD)
Le Chant du Moineau / Casta - Records
Free improvisations and phonographies in the forest, bundles of sounds, armfuls of dead leaves, arboreal rhythms, chestnut blasts.
Michel Doneda - The Cigar That Talks (CD)
The Cigar That Talks, recorded by the trio of Michel Doneda, soprano and sopranino saxophones, John Russell, acoustic guitar and Roger Turner, drums and percussion, is an album of radical improvisation where copper, wood and steel become music by the only miracle of a perfect interaction seized on the spot.
Charlemagne Palestine - Strumming Music for Piano, Harpsichord & Strings Ensemble (3 CD)
Sub Rosa
sold out
Charlemagne Palestine's most contemporary music work.
bilingual edition (English / French)
sold out
With Mathias Schweizer, Ludovic Boulard Le Fur, Christian Aubrun, Stéphane Prigent, Petra Mrzyk & Jean-François Moriceau, Fanny Michaëlis, Charles Burns, Corentin Grossmann, Pimp My Life, Gerard Herman, Ricardo Lanzarini, Ruppert & Mulot...
bilingual edition (English / French)
<o> future <o>
Catalogue of the eponymous exhibition curated by François Aubart at Art et Essai, Rennes, France, in 2010, featuring the works of Pierre-Olivier Arnaud, documentation céline duval, Aurélien Froment, Mark Geffriaud and The Infinite Library.
French edition
Immédiats / Analogues - Semaine magazine
18.00 9.00 €
Dominique de Beir, Laurent Pernel, Jeanne Susplugas, Dominique Angel, Bruno Peinado / Bernard Marcadé, France Dubois, Jérémy Liron, Patrick Faigenbau / Claire Tenu...
Volume! - La reprise
texts in English and French
Volume! – The French journal of popular music studies
Mélanie Seteun - Volume! – The French journal of popular music studies
Cover versions in popular music.

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