search results for "art basel"
Jacopo Benassi - Slippers (box set)
no text
Le Dictateur Press - Artists' books & editions / catalogues
sold out
Jacopo Benassi's collection of eroticized slippers (artist's edition—10 booklets in a handmade wood box set).
Nina Canell - Stray Warmings
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
sold out
New monograph.
Tacet - From Sound Space
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Music & Sound Arts – Ohcetecho (sound arts)
sold out
3rd issue of the sound arts and experimental music annual review, devoted to the question of sound space.
Superamas (box set + 2 vinyl LPs)
English edition
CAN (Centre d'Art Neuchâtel)
Luxurious box set including 4 catalogues and a double vinyl of the concert by Damo Suzuki and The Fume (a live performance by the ex-singer of CAN, in the continuity of the krautrock movement), prolonging one year of evolving exhibitions and performances at Centre d'Art de Neuchâtel.
Florence Louise Petetin - I am Earth and Ash
bilingual edition (English / French)
Al Dante - Contemporary Art
(last copies available!)
This richly illustrated catalogue presents the work of Florence Louise Petetin in all its variety: paintings, drawings, graphic works, performances, texts, video, etc. In appendix, a selection of texts and poems by the artist.
Tomoaki Suzuki -
bilingual edition (English / French)
23.00 10.00 €
This first monograph devoted to the work of the Japanese artist Tomoaki Suzuki approaches the artist's sculptural work in all its distinctive aspects and numerous details. These are put into perspective by two essays and an interview, at a time when urban signs are suffering from immediate ageing, marked by “whatever singularity” in the age of social networks.
Grégory Chatonsky - Capture - Generative Netrock
French edition
CDA (Centre des Arts)
Capture is such a productive fictitious rock band, that nobody can consume everything. It produces new music, words, images, videos and derived products every hour. Capture reverses the consumerism ideology and the relation between desire and objects. This publication documents the project.
Haris Epaminonda - Chapters I-XXX
English edition
Humboldt Books - Artist's Travels
sold out
Artist's book: a deconstruction of a 16 mm film shot by Haris Epaminonda in Cyprus, embarking on a new set of associations between image and subject, source and information, meaning and abstraction.
John Cage - Early Electronic & Tape Music (CD)
Sub Rosa
(last copies available!)
Historically important pieces documenting John Cage's early electronic and tape practice.
Stefan Banz - Jeff Wall - Mit dem Auge des Geistes
German edition
Kunsthalle Marcel Duchamp
An innovative examination of Jeff Wall's photography.
Tadashi Kawamata - Scheiterturm (book/ DVD)
bilingual edition (German / French), German / French subtitles
a.p.r.e.s editions - Books-DVDs
The collaborative construction process of the “wood log tower” designed by Tadashi Kawamata in Ittingen Charterhouse, a former Carthusian monastery in Switzerland, developed with the architect Christopher Scheidegger.
Robin Rimbaud - The Garden is full of Metal - Homage to Derek Jarman (CD)
Sub Rosa
A tribute to film director Derek Jarman (reissue of the second full-length album by Robin Rimbaud / Scanner on Sub Rosa).
Tadashi Kawamata - Workshop + Collective Folie +  Scheiterturm (box set 3 books / DVDs)
a.p.r.e.s editions - Books-DVDs
54.00 45.00 €
Box set bringing together three books / DVDs devoted to Tadashi Kawamata's wood constructions: Scheiterturm (2014), Collective Folie (2014), and Workshop (2008).
John Cage - Early Electronic & Tape Music (vinyl LP)
Sub Rosa
sold out
Historically important pieces documenting John Cage's early electronic and tape practice.
Ceal Floyer -
trilingual edition (English / German / Italian)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
New monograph.
Maurizio Nannucci - Bag Book Back
English edition
Incertain Sens - Artist's books and editions
Maurizio Nannucci documents, in the form of an artist's book, a collective action with his family and friends around the world, from Athens to Sydney through Beijing, that literally puts the art in question to better assert its omnipresence while providing a wide range of social interaction.
Emmanuelle Bayart - Commémoration
bilingual edition (English / French)
CPG (Centre de la photographie Genève)
First photography book by Emmanuelle Bayart, dedicated to memorial issues in the town of Sarcelles, in a “ville nouvelle” sociocultural context.
Memento - 2010-2011
bilingual edition (English / French)
Le Plateau / Frac Île-de-France
Seven encounters between artists and young audiences in 2010/2011.
Jef Cornelis - 13th Biennale de Paris 1985 (DVD)
original version, subtitles in English and French
JRP|Editions - Bureau des Videos (DVD)
The fourth title in the “Archives” series, which is dedicated to landmark exhibitions and curatorial practices, and provides sources and moving images to the growing field of research of curatorial studies and exhibition history.
Serge Pey - Agenda rouge de la résistance chilienne
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
A collection of poems dedicated to the Revolutionary Left Movement's struggle against fascism in Chile.
Art and Culture in Times of Conflict - Contemporary Reflections
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
(last copies available!)
Ten contemporary artists present works thematically related to the exhibition “Ravaged: Art and Culture in Times of Conflict”. This publication explores their oeuvres and reveals their creative processes. This contemporary perspective makes clear that the destruction of cultural heritage remains a very current subject today.
Art by Telephone - Recalled
French edition
This catalogue documents the theoretical and practical research stemming from a project inspired by the legendary exhibition “Art by Telephone” held at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago in 1969, extending it today with contributions from new artists. The works were first orally conveyed by telephone to then be interpreted, activated, and produced by art students.
Besides, it\'s always the others who die
English edition
Kunsthalle Marcel Duchamp
Taking as its starting point a pilgrimage that takes place in Italy during the day of the dead, this publication is part of a collective and multidisciplinary project which aims to reflect upon death, to more deeply celebrate life.
It\'s moving from I to It
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
A linguistic/fictional journey into questions of authorship, language and institutional rhetorics.
New Africa
trilingual edition (English / Arabic / French)
Kulte Editions
(last copies available!)
New Africa gives a photographic redefinition of the African territory, influences and cultures. Beyond Afro-pessimism and outdated folklore figures, this publication reveals the multiple identities of the Arab-African human being.
Judith Hopf - Peep-Hole Sheet - The World of Things – Silent Today!
trilingual edition (English / German / Italian)
Peep-Hole Sheet
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Judith Hopf highlights Hugo von Hofmannsthal's hypothesis of a hidden language that might resolve the impasse produced by a widespread lack of attention regarding artistic practice.
Valérie Jouve - Repérages - Un film collectif sur une proposition de Valérie Jouve (+ DVD)
French edition
Le Plateau / Frac Île-de-France
A collective project initiated by Valérie Jouve.
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
Luc & Brunhild Ferrari's Chantal, Eliane Radigue by Kasper Toeplitz, Yvain Von Stebut, Musique Action festival, filming music, a history of musical destructions by Matthieu Saladin (part 5)...
Michaël Sellam - Science, fiction, culture, capital
bilingual edition (English / French)
BlackJack editions - Monographs & artists' books
19.00 10.00 €
First monograph.
Thomas Tilly - Script geometry (2 vinyl LP + CD)
A project based on a travel to the Nourages scientific research station in French Guiana, situated in the heart of a tropical rainforest. The result is a collection of compositions and phonography characteristic of the zone.
Van Gogh Live!
bilingual edition (English / French)
Immédiats / Analogues - Monographs
32.00 17.00 €
The catalogue of the inaugural exhibition of the Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles, a thematic van Gogh exhibition with proposals by nine contemporary artists (Bertrand Lavier, Thomas Hirschhorn, Guillaume Bruère, Fritz Hauser, Raphael Hefti, Camille Henrot, Gary Hume, Bethan Huws et Elizabeth Peyton).
Michel Giroud - Le Musée des Muses Amusées (MMAM) Imperium Asinum Magnificum (IAM) selon la Poésie Totalement Totale (PTT) (+ CD / DVD)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Construction
A real, potential and fictitious museum by Michel Giroud.
Christelle Enault - Souffle d\'écho
no text
United Dead Artists
currently out of stock
Revisiting the diorama tradition, Souffle d'écho stages a a cartoon-style peep-show of erotic scenes set in a chimeric three-dimensional vaginal cavity. An exhibition booklet and an audio link complete this edition.
Wataru Kasahara - Haritsuke
no text
United Dead Artists
sold out
A series of surgical experiments on creatures with genetic disorders resulting from a hypothetical interbreeding between aliens and humans: a crude transhumanist nightmare by Wataru Kasahara.
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Mousse - Mousse Magazine
sold out
Terry Adkins, Kai Althoff, Art After Art, Art Against the Net, Art and Appropriation, Josh Bitelli & Felix Melia, Elaine Cameron-Weir, Paul Chan, Liz Deschenes, João Enxuto & Erica Love, Hallucination Museum, Alex Olson, Laura Owens & Lisa Williamson, A Pedagogy of Invention, Sean Raspet, Cameron Rowland, Ben Schumacher & Jared Madere, A.L. Steiner, Stylometry, Franz Erhard Walther, The Work of Images in the Age of Digital Reproduction, Worldly Worlding, The Artist as Curator.
The Orchestra of Futurist Noise Intoners (2 vinyl LP)
Sub Rosa
sold out
The first Luigi Russolo's intonarumori complete reconstruction ever attempted. Some of the Russolo instruments have been reconstructed here for the first time.
Toilet Paper - February 1981
no text
Toilet Paper
Damiani - Toilet Paper
sold out
Dieter Roth - Processing the World
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Frac Bretagne
Dedicated to the complex, proliferative and innovative work of a major figure in the art of the second half of the XXth century, this comprehensive monograph highlights Dieter Roth's creative processes and the way he pushes them to the limit.
Clément Cogitore - Atelier
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
sold out
First monograph.
Nathan Réra - Rwanda, entre crise morale et malaise esthétique - Les médias, la photographie et le cinéma à l\'épreuve du génocide des Tutsi (1994-2014)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
A historical and theoretical reflection, on the border between aesthetics and politics, on the decisive role of the images and the power and limits of representation, in the context of the last genocide of the twentieth century.
Anne Marquez - Godard, le dos au musée - Histoire d\'une exposition
French edition
Les presses du réel – Cinema & video art – Fama
Jean-Luc Godard and art (a return on Godard's controversial project at the Centre Pompidou in 2006).
Dieter Roth - Die Kakausener Gemeine - Sonntagsbeigabe der Zeitung für Kakausen und Umgebung
Incertain Sens - Artist's books and editions
Reprint of Dieter Roth's artist's book published in 1968 in Stuttgart by Hansjörg Mayer.
Mohamed Bourouissa - Temps Mort
bilingual edition (English / French)
sold out
Artist's book based on the eponymous work by Franco-Algerian artist Mohamed Bourouissa, a series of photographs and a video made with the help of a prisoner from the jail in which he is held, an exchange via SMS and MMS using a mobile phone smuggled into the prison establishment.
Wolf Vostell - Concert Fluxus - Sara-Jevo (vinyl LP)
Edition Telemark
(last copies available!)
Recording of Wolf Vostell's happening / Fluxus Concert “Sara-Jevo”, realised September 9th, 1994 at Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró in Mallorca, Spain.
Simon Nicaise - Les êtres et les objets se perforent
bilingual edition (English / French)
20.00 15.00 €
First monograph.
Brian O\'Doherty - The Crossdresser\'s Secret
English edition
Sternberg Press - Fiction
The novel by Brian O'Doherty, written from the perspective of the Chevalier d'Eon (1728-1810), who lived as both man and woman, French spy and European celebrity, reveals the radical modernity of one of the eighteenth century's most mysterious figures.
Gerhard Rühm - Masoch - Eine rituelle Rezitation (CD)
Tochnit Aleph
First release of Gerhard Rühm's Radio-Play “Masoch”. A ritual recitation of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch and Ignatius von Loyola for one female and one male speaker, a chorus of speakers, and tape.
Xavier Le Roy - Rétrospective
English edition
Les presses du réel – Dance & Performing Arts –
Texts and interviews around the work of dancer and choreographer Xavier Le Roy.
Fatima Mazmouz - Super Oum
trilingual edition (English / Arabic / French)
Kulte Editions
A protean series of works in which artist Fatima Mazmouz thinks her pregnant body as an artistic process and as a place of performance.
Henri Deluy - Action cuisine
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
Travel notebook dedicated to the joys of gastronomy in France and the world by poet Henri Deluy.

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