The dimension of the transitory in the fields of architecture, urbanism and design, as a new horizon of thought and action concerning all aspects of urban life, in its economic and ecological complexity.
Edited by Jehanne Dautrey and Patrick Beaucé.
Contributions by Julien Beller, Marie-Haude Caraës, Philippe Comte, Meryem de Lagarde, Jordi Galí, Vincent Guimas, Sébastien Goelzer, Cyrille Hanappe, Benjamin Lafore, Sébastien Martinez-Barat, Fiona Meadows, Luc Menapace, Sébastien Thiéry, Chloé Vermeulin, Lise Wajeman.
Graphic design: Clément Le Tulle-Neyret.
Published with the École nationale supérieure d'art et de design de Nancy.