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Espace art actuel #117 – Shivers

 - Espace art actuel #117
This issue addresses the shiver and explores the affective dimension in the field of art. With: Aseman Sabet on Stendhal syndrome; poetic images and waking dreams in contemporary art; the aesthetic shudder, from Nietzsche to Castellucci; Anicka Yi; Myriam Lefkowitz; interview with Sophie Jodoin; the Venice Biennale and Manif d'art 8; reviews and selected publications…
Whether it is reflections on works that address the shiver and its conceptual adaption, or theoretical reflections on the aesthetic reception at the intersection of sensorial, affective and intellectual concerns, the essays in this issue are intended to reintroduce the notion of emotions into the understanding of contemporary practices. It remains to be seen to what point artistic emotions, those that cause us to shiver, revive our sensory awareness of being in the world. How does the viewer, removed from all aesthetic contemplation, develop an imagination, through immersive experiences, capable of reaffirming our presence in the world?
Founded in 1987 in Montreal, led by André-Louis Paré since 2013, Espace art actuel is an essential bilingual magazine for the promotion of contemporary art in the field of sculpture, installation and all other art forms associated with the notion of spatiality.
published in October 2017
bilingual edition (English / French)
21,9 x 27,8 cm (softcover)
128 pages (ill.)
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Espace art actuel Espace art actuel Espace art actuel Espace art actuel Espace art actuel Espace art actuel Espace art actuel Espace art actuel Espace art actuel Espace art actuel Espace art actuel Espace art actuel Espace art actuel Espace art actuel
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