Special issue published to celebrate the 22nd edition of L'Étrange festival—dedicated to the strangest and most provocative cinema.
Stéphane Blanquet,
Keiichi Tanaami, Rui Tsunoda,
Laurent Lolmède, Placid,
Captain Cavern, Quentin Faucompré,
Marie-Pierre Brunel,
Francesco Defourny, David Lynch,
Jérôme Zonder, Manuel Ocampo,
Camille Lavaud, Jessica Rispal,
Marc Brunier-Mestas, Mavado Charon,
Aurélie William-Levaux, Takayuki Futakuchi, Lagautrière, Seb Niark, Sandra Ghosn, Musta fior, Romy Alizée, Seb Jarnot,
Lilas, Diego Fermin, Kiki Picasso,
Anne Van der Linden, Frédéric Fleury, Martes Bathori,
Caroline Sury,
Arnaud Loumeau, Ésther Pearl Watson, Musta Fior, Andy Bolus, Léo Quievreux, Joko,
Julien Brunet, Boris Pramatarov, Juan, Bertrand Mandico, Jobo Smith, Giaime Loi, Lenté Chris,
Wataru Kasahara, Dewey Guyen, Alice le Danff, Lascault, Diego Lazzarin, Lyyst, Aoi Fujimoto, Missadline, Christian Aubrun.
Published on the occasion of the 22nd edition of L'Étrange festival, Forum des images and Cinéma les Fauvettes, Paris, 7-18 September, 2016.
La Tranchée Racine is
United Dead Artists' graphic periodic: a giant (47,5 x 66 cm) 12 pages black & white newspaper. Gathering images, strips, photographs and texts selected by
Stéphane Blanquet (who illustrate all the issues' front covers),
La Tranchée Racine reflects the publishing house's raw identity. Each issue presents the works of more than forty authors in a rough yet meticulous display. Special issues are either dedicated to one particular author or full-page publication.