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Recent video works by the Swiss artists duo: a deconstruction of the cinematic codes within our visual culture.
The book “The Fourth Wall” from the Collectif_fact, which consists of the swiss artists Annelore Schneider and Claude Piguet, presents their videos made beetween 2010 to 2013 and shown at the Centre d'art Neuchatel during the exhibition of the same title.
These video projects aim to confound the effects of likelihood by revealing the narrative structures specific to the Hollywood movie industry. We discover a collage made of familiar and recognizable images with a multitude of allusions to classic movies allusions. The artists' videos frequently use the spectators capacity to invent stories from fragments. They play with our desire to be entertained and fooled by these images and stories.
Published on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition at the CAN, Neuchâtel, in 2013.
The collectif_fact comprises Annelore Schneider and Claude Piguet. Their projects, mainly video based, are often a deconstruction of what we see as cinematic codes within our visual culture. The artists are fascinated with daily repetition, stereotypes and clichés that suffuse our popular culture. They deal mainly with aspects of (anti)spectacle, simulacra and appropriation. To do so, the artists investigate the ways that narrative can be appropriated, disrupted and re-edited to construct different stories and alternative meanings. Their videos frequently use the spectator's ability to construct stories from ruptured narrative fragments. In fact, their videos weave together a complex mesh of references: fragments of dialogues, citations and music extracts. A collage of recognizable, familiar images with a multitude of allusion to cinema classics. They play with the desire to be griped and even deceived by images and stories.
By creating works that appropriate cinematic codes and strategies, they encourage the viewer to reflect critically on the habits that condition our perceptions of reality.