Artist's book / first monograph.
First monograph on the work of David Coste,
Intermittent Boundaries sprang from the encounter between the artist and the graphic designer
Grégoire Romanet. Together, they explore the line between publishing and contemporary art as well as the composition of a visual narrative which, like artistic work, can unfold along the pages. The book's editing offers a gateway into the artist's world, between cinema, the notion of time and work in progress.
The book's graphic projet imagined a format with drawers, like a desk with three levels, which the reader can discover at first sight. The ensemble of images and texts is materialized by different paper formats. Throughout the book, connections between reality and fiction appear, and the narration is enriched by the overlapping of meaning and shape.
Combining video, drawing, photography and sound practices, David Coste creates disembodied landscapes, filled with fake housing where recolored structures create an unreal atmosphere. So many worrying perspectives where nature mixes with artefact and housing with emptiness; in this world, image becomes a more trustworthy document than reality itself.