les presses du réel

Espace pédagogiques alternatifsDe l'utopie à l'institutionnalisation

Anna Colin - Espace pédagogiques alternatifs
A critical inquiry into the establishment, development, and transformation of alternative pedagogical and social spaces.
Also available in English edition.
Anna Colin is programme director of the MFA Curating and co-director of the Centre for Art and Ecology, Goldsmiths, London. Besides Open School East, Anna worked as associate curator at Lafayette Anticipations, Paris (2014–20), associate director at Bétonsalon, Paris (2011–12), and curator at Gasworks, London (2007–10). She co-curated Chaleur Humaine, the 2nd Dunkirk Art & Industry Triennale (2023–24) on the relationship between energy and the arts since 1973. She holds a PhD in cultural geography and has a training in arboriculture.
Edited by Alice Dusapin and Sophie Orlando.
Texts by Anna Colin and Catherine Quéloz.

Graphic design: In the shade of a tree.
2025 (publication expected by 1st quarter)
French edition
10,5 x 15,5 cm (softcover)
132 pages
ISBN : 978-2-913689-42-8
EAN : 9782913689428

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