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Artaud pensée et corps

Uno Kuniichi - Artaud pensée et corps
Uno Kuniichi (born 1948) is a philosopher, translator, essayist and lecturer at Tokyo's Rikkyō University. He is known for his translations of major works by Deleuze and Guattari (Anti-Oedipus, A Thousand Plateaus), Artaud, Beckett and Genet, on whom he has also published reference texts and other essays in Japanese. He defended his thesis in French on Antonin Artaud under the direction of Gilles Deleuze in 1980. Uno Kuniichi's encounter with Hijikata Tatsumi in the early 1980s had a profound effect on him, and continued to echo in his own research throughout his life.
2025 (publication expected by 1st quarter)
French edition
17 x 24 cm (softcover)
ISBN : 978-2-37896-424-5
EAN : 9782378964245
topicsUno Kuniichi: other title

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