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Electrucs ! (vinyl LP)

François Bayle - Electrucs ! (vinyl LP)
Never released before: on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the GRM, the composer François Bayle introduces us to some of his unpublished archives.
This limited Deluxe vinyl LP includes "Electrucs !" (1974), composed on a 1970's Synthi AKS synthesizer like an imaginary soundtrack,"Foliphonie" (1974) inspired by "La Grande Polyphonie", "Marpège" (1995) dedicated to Bernard Parmegiani, and "Cinq dessins en rosace" (1973).
One of the major contributors to acousmatic music, François Bayle (born 1932 in Tamatave, Madagascar) strives to promote the GRM and its values, as well as pursuing the development of the acousmonium, a multi-speaker apparatus designed for the performative projection of sounds. As far as his music is concerned, he is known for his vast compositional cycles whose style unites articulation and fluidity, color, and energetic creation.
François Bayle studied with Stockhausen and Messiaen. He joined the ORTF Groupe de Musique Concrète in 1960. He later led the group when it became the Groupe de Recherches Musicales in 1966. Most of his compositions are electronic, and his first important work, "Espaces inhabitables" (1967) is suggestive of an imaginary world in which nature is distorted in a dream-like fashion. He later utilized natural and synthetic sounds in his compositions, such as the recorded sounds made in a Lebanese cave. He has stated that his purpose as a composer is to enable the listener to feel the motion and vibration of energy in the universe.
published in October 2018
EAN : 3760179354591
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