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Olivier Benoit, Jean-Luc Guionnet - &Un (CD)
Olivier Benoit (acousticized electric guitar) and Jean-Luc Guionnet (alto saxophone) present seven journeys, seven light touches, at times on the brink of silence.
Curiously, this music and the mental images it conjures are easily transferred to the recording—it had been feared that one would be almost distracted by the view. There is nothing spectacular about its time signatures and asymptotic harmonies and textures ; assured, sharp, the gestures seems to fit like a plane in a variable clamp. The subtleties of Guionnet skimming over sounds is mixed with Benoit's delicate electric torches: a strange and enthralling sensuality. A dream teeming with a thousand shimmering colours."
Guillaume Tarche
French guitarist, composer, conductor and improviser, Olivier Benoit (born 1969) invests as much in the fields of free improvisation, experimental music as in jazz or contemporary and electronic music. He participates in projects mixing different disciplines: with the choreographer David Flahaut, Karol Armitage (2001), the trapeze artist Clémence Coconnier, with Charlotte Lanselle (plastic installations). He plays solo, in duo, has several formations within Crime (Optronic, Electropus, IMAO, the octopus) and Circum: Happy House, Circum Grand Orchestra, Hué (with Vietnamese musicians), and plays with many musicians: Christophe Marguet, Régis Huby, Bruno Chevillon, Sophie Agnel, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Joëlle Léandre (Figures Erotiques, quintet with Simon Goubert, Jean-Luc Capozzo, trio with Carlos Zingaro), Edward Perraud, Philippe Deschepper, Jacques Mahieux, Michel Doneda... He has collaborated with the Ars Nova ensemble for a contemporary opera directed by Philippe Nahon. He performs in many festivals and stages in France and abroad.
Born 1966 in Lyon, Jean-Luc Guionnet is a French saxophonist and organist, a visual artist, a performer, and an electroacoustic composer. Jean-Luc Guionnet studied visual arts and electroacoustic music with Christine Groult, Michel Zbar and Iannis Xénakis. A multi-instrumentalist (alto & soprano saxophone, organ, piano), he has improvised and experimented in the field of electroacoustic music with Eric La Casa, Eric Cordier, Pascal Battus, Edward Perraud, Frédéric Blondy, Sophie Agnel, André Almuro, Olivier Benoit, with the groups Schams, Synapses, Calx, Phéromones and Hubbub. Passing from a very physical approach of the play, of the breath, to a work of sound spatialization, through complex sound devices.
published in 2002
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Olivier Benoit: also present in

Jean-Luc Guionnet: also present in

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