distributed publishers
Sakina Abdou - Goodbye Ground (CD)
The first solo album of the French saxophonist, flutist and visual artist Sakina Abdou is the culmination of a path initiated more than twenty years ago on various aesthetic paths and in different contexts and artistic experiments, of a sound research started in 2021 around the solo saxophone, and of a tour in the United States in the fall of 2022.
Kamel Mennour - Un goût parisien
bilingual edition (English / French)
The collaborative project conceived in New York by the world's most celebrated French interior designer Jacques Grange and gallerist Kamel Mennour.
Erlea Maneros Zabala - The Voice of the Valley (2016-2022)
English edition
Paraguay Press - Monographs and catalogs
Conceived as an artist's book, this monograph is the outcome of a collaboration between the Basque artist based in California Erlea Maneros Zabala and the American writer Dodie Bellamy.
Italy - A New Collective Landscape
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
An exploration of emerging Italian design, revealing a great variety of approaches to the discipline.
Adelaide Cioni - On Patterns
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
currently out of stock
On Patterns reflects the themes in Adelaide Cioni's research: nature, language, craft, performance and abstraction/spirituality.
Anouk Kruithof - Be Like Water
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
First monograph, bringing together for the first time a large selection of artworks made by Anouk Kruithof over twenty years (2002–23).
Dan Mitchell - Posters Flyers
English edition
Edition Patrick Frey
The first book to bring together Dan Mitchell's complete posters and flyers.
Jeremy Deller - Art is Magic
French edition
Frac Bretagne
First monograph in French: from Rod Stewart to the Industrial Revolution, Art is Magic collates all of acclaimed artist Jeremy Deller's cultural touchstones into one lovingly curated volume, balancing these artistic inspirations with examples of Deller's visionary work.
Lina Pallotta - Porpora
English edition
A photographic portrait of Porpora Marcasciano, human rights activist, writer, sociologist and honorary president of MIT (the Italian Transgender Identity Movement).
Philippe Robert - Guitare Conversation
French edition
Lenka lente
In a long conversation about the guitar(s), Philippe Robert and Noël Akchoté sift through the history of the instrument and its practice, from the Renaissance lute to the 12-string, from the Stratocaster to the tabletop guitar surrounded by utensils and effects, from the blues to free improvisation.
Lisa Ponti - Io sono un disegno
bilingual edition (French / Italian)
Humboldt Books - Artist's Travels
The monograph dedicated to Italian artist, editor, critic and writer Lisa Ponti (1922–2019), daughter of the famous architect and designer Gio Ponti, who spanned a number of moments of twentieth century culture, constantly involved with the leading names of the Italian and international art scene.
Michele Mari - Le copertine di Urania
Italian edition
Humboldt Books - Globetrotter
A journey through the history of the pioneering Italian science fiction magazine Urania since the early 1950s.
Rim Battal - Pommes Girl / أحتفل بالحياة التي تحتفل بي
bilingual edition (Arabic / French)
Kulte Editions
The story of a meeting between a woman and a man linked by music for one night, in a nuptial dance of bodies and words doomed to failure: an ode to desire by the Franco-Moroccan poetess.
Virginie Despentes - نظرية كينغ كونغ
Arabic edition
Kulte Editions
First Arabic translation of Virginie Despentes' cult book King Kong Theory.
Xavier Veilhan -
bilingual edition (English / French)
An overview of Xavier Veilhan's recent production.
Thierry de Duve - Hommes, encore un effort… - Anthropogenèse, christianisme, sexuation
French edition
Diaphanes - TransPositions
In this essay, Thierry de Duve leaves the aesthetics and history of the art to approach, under the religious prism, two anthropological questions that the mutation of the symbolic order in progress makes pressing: the difference of the sexes and the future of the politics of emancipation.
Antonin Artaud - A Sinister Assassin - Last Writings, Ivry-sur-Seine, September 1947–March 1948
English edition
Diaphanes - Misceallenous
Edited, translated and with an introduction by Stephen Barber, A Sinister Assassin illuminates Artaud's last, most intensive and terminal work for the first time.
Haegue Yang - Mesmerizing Mesh - Paper Leap and Resonating Habitat
bilingual edition (English / French)
New monograph, devoted to Haegue Yang's "Mesmerizing Mesh" series, which dwelves into "Sacred Paper Cutting", a Korean shamanastic ritual which has inspired many of her recent projects.
Ugo Bienvenu - Lorem Ipsum - French Pavilion at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia 2023
bilingual edition (English / French)
Caryatide / Cosa Mentale
An architectural fiction that takes the form of a photo novel, born from the meeting between an author, Ugo Bienvenu, and the architects of the French Pavilion of the 18th International Architecture Biennale in Venice.
Peter Märkli - Dessins, disegni
bilingual edition (French / Italian)
Caryatide / Cosa Mentale
An in-depth study of Peter Märkli's work through an extensive body of 700 drawings by the Swiss architect, with eight essays.
Curtis Cuffie -
English edition
Blank Forms - Books
The first book on the art-world legend who installed his ephemeral sculptures on the streets of New York's East Village.
Les Cahiers du son
French edition
Michel Parmentier - Transatlantique
bilingual edition (English / French)
ER Publishing
Invited by Molly Warnock, nine artists living in the United States write about the work of Michel Parmentier (1938-2000). A radical founding figure of the BMPT collective who refused all formal and ideological compromise, Parmentier appears here through the diverse prisms of the authors' own artistic commitments and cultures.
Yvonne Rainer - Remembering a Dance - Part of Some Sextets 1965/2019
English edition
Lenz Press
A re-examination of Yvonne Rainer's Parts of Some Sextets, a radical performance and pivotal piece in the American choreographer's career, which led her to theorize her conception of dance in the 1960s, before being revived in 2019.
Claude Rutault - De-finitions/methods 1973-2016
English edition
mfc-michèle didier - Monographs, editions & artist's books
Claude Rutault's entire definitions/methods from 1973 to 2016, in English language.
Eric Schrijver - Copiez ce livre - Un manuel sur le droit d\'auteur et les communs culturels, par et pour les artistes
French edition
Les commissaires anonymes - Stimuli
An artist's guide to copyright, written for makers.
Angel Vergara - We, the Works of Art
English edition
The most complete monograph devoted to the Belgian artist of Spanish origin, heir to Ensor, Broodthaers and Beuys.
Louis Dorsène - Quatre catastrophes
French edition
Vroum - Editions
A collection of poetic, political and ecological stories to be told aloud, in which the natural elements (the melting ice, the volcanic eruption, the hole in the clouds, or the flood) are the heroes, approaching ecology through its sensitive manifestations.
Dora Diamant - Archive Dora Diamant
French edition
A collection of photographs from the archives of the icon of underground and alternative Parisian nights Dora Diamant.
Dora Diamant - Archive Dora Diamant - Bundle
French edition
(last copies available!)
72.00 60.00 €
The 4 new volumes of the collection of photographs from the archives of the icon of underground and alternative Parisian nights Dora Diamant.
Dora Diamant - Archive Dora Diamant
French edition
A collection of photographs from the archives of the icon of underground and alternative Parisian nights Dora Diamant.
Dora Diamant - Archive Dora Diamant
French edition
A collection of photographs from the archives of the icon of underground and alternative Parisian nights Dora Diamant.
Dora Diamant - Archive Dora Diamant
French edition
A collection of photographs from the archives of the icon of underground and alternative Parisian nights Dora Diamant.
 Lagoss - Aquapelagos - Vol.1: Atlántico (vinyl LP)
currently out of stock
Lagoss (comprised of Tenerife based veteran producers Gonçalo F. Cardoso, Mladen Kurajica and Daniel García) and Banha da Cobra (Lisbon-based musicians Mestre André and Carlos Godinho) introduce the first volume on the "Aquapelagos" series—a collection of split LPs where selected artists offer their own take into water surrounded cultures and communities.
 Damāvand - As Long As You Come To My Garden (vinyl LP)
Die Schachtel / Blume Editions
The debut of the duo Damāvand (Gianluca Ceccarini and Alessandro Ciccarelli), a tribute to the 18th Century Armenian poet and musician Sayat Nova, weaves a sprawling sense of rhythmic abstraction from ancient poetic touchstone, offering further proof that the future of ambient music is now.
Claudio Rocchetti - Labirinto Verticale (vinyl LP)
Die Schachtel / Blume Editions
26.00 22.00 €
Occupying a remarkable middle ground between the operatic, the abstractions of experimentalism, and seductive qualities of popular music, Italian berlin-based composer, performer and publisher Claudio Rocchetti has created an entirely singular from of electroacoustic practice, as though Phillip Glass' Operas were tossed into a blender run by Alvin Lucier. Thrilling, deeply engaging, and bordering on the visionary, this transportive wonder taps the melancholic and ecstatic alike.
Guillaume Maraud - Cultural Abolitionisms, 2021, 2023
bilingual edition (English / French)
Bauer Verlag
an essay that opposes the discourses of justification led by artists and other agents in the field of art with a materialist conception of the history of cultural institutions. The author argues for an abolitionist approach towards art institutions against more reformist, corporatist and formalist approaches of emancipation that still prevail in the art sector.
Bernard Quirot - Trilogie - BQ+A Bernard Quirot architecte et associés – Trois architectures à Grachaux
French edition
Avenir radieux
As part of a series of publications on singular architectural bodies of work, this volume presents three projects by architects working with Bernard Quirot in Grachaux, Haute-Saône (France), which examine three materials and their use in a local perspective of "critical regionalism".
Mungo Thomson -
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
First comprehensive monograph, surveying three key series spanning Mungo Thomson's investigations into mass culture and everyday perceptual experience.
Dan Walsh - The Process of Painting
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
An immersion in the creative process of the American painter.
Ana Jotta - Une Chambre en Ville
French edition
JRP|Editions - Hapax
A guided tour to Ana Jotta's most immersive project.
Pierre Guillet de Monthoux - Curating Capitalism - How Art Impacts Business, Management, and Economy
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
currently out of stock
How art and the artist inspire business: an examination of the origins of this relationship from Joseph Beuys and Andy Warhol.
Mladen Stilinović - My sweet little lamb (Everything we see could also be otherwise) - Dedicated to Mladen Stilinović
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
A "post-episode" of a series of curatorial projects based on the Kontakt Collection and dedicated to the artist Mladen Stilinović.
 Mochu - Bezoar Delinqxenz
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
Taking off along the grotesque evolutionary curve of the internet, this novel by Mochu brings together Japanese otaku subcultures, Hindu mythology, darknet highways, ultraviolent cyberpunk forums, and renegade university departments.
Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung - Pidginization as Curatorial Method - Messing with Languages and Praxes of Curating
English edition
Sternberg Press - Thoughts on Curating
In this compelling rethinking of curatorial practice, renowned museum director, curator, and writer Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung proposes that Pidgin languages and pidginization as a mode of being and doing offer a decolonialized reinvention of communicative practices.
Peter Cusack - Alterations - Logos Foundation, Gent, 01​/​31​/​1981 (vinyl LP)
Sub Rosa
Never released before recordings by the improvising quartet Alterations (active from 1977 to 1986, and reforming in 2015) from Logos Foundation live sessions at Logos Foundation, Gent, Belgium on January 3, 1981.

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