Al Dante

Poetry & Literature

Frédéric Neyrat - Impossessions primitives / L\'Anti-Terre
French edition
Al Dante
In this tête-bêche book, Amandine André's Impossessions primitives, a text identifiable as poetic, meets philosopher Frédéric Neyrat's L'Anti-Terre, singularly opening up the field of possibilities and thought.
Julien Blaine - 2023
French edition
Al Dante
Julien Blaine's new collection of poetic, visual and typographic experiments.
Cyrille Bret - Cynanthropie
French edition
Al Dante
This book takes the domestic dog as an affective standard, a practical horizon and an index of a moral economy specific to the capitalocene.
Robert Cantarella - Les Carrossiers
French edition
Al Dante
Benjamin Fouché - Merveilles du monde
French edition
Al Dante
Inducing daydreams, walking under hypnosis, thwarting curfews.
Charles Pennequin - Dedans
French edition
Al Dante
Reissue of Charles Pennequin's first book, a lengthy text in which the author's writing is characterized by obsessive repetition, a breathless rhythm, a combination of introspective movement and prosaic elements, and a staging of proferation.
Carmen Diez Salvatierra - Matinées sans police - suivi de Guerre
text in French and Spanish
Al Dante
Written with a sensitive ear to the present, Matinées sans police reveals a relationship with the world in which the intimate and the extimate assert themselves in all their political dimensions.
Jean-Marie Gleize - Je deviens (séances)
French edition
Al Dante
This latest book—part of a ten-volume series that began with Léman in 1990—takes up and redistributes the elements of an investigation whose main material is autobiographical. The author restores an imaginary "childhood" that he writes about in a poetic attempt to understand it, and never ceases to "become".
Denise Le Dantec - Scum, un rêve
French edition
Al Dante
Virginia Woolf and Valerie Solanas inspired a reverie. From there, a text unfolded in slippery formulas and furtive references that sometimes imploded into graphic and visual signs.
Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux - LCDB (Le Culte Des Banni.e.s)
French edition
Al Dante
A trans-theoretical essay: Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux explores the arcana of artists' cult status through a kaleidoscopic series of portraits of "banished" visual artists, filmmakers, writers, musicians and architects, from William S. Burroughs to Jean-Luc Godard via John Cage.
Virginie Lalucq - Liste des pages
French edition
Al Dante
A poetic text on the influence of suffering and illness on the act of writing.
F.J. Ossang - Les guerres polaires, suivi de Les Chauffes de sang
French edition
Al Dante
Reissue of a book of poetry from 1984—perhaps F.J. Ossang's most incandescent poetic period—that never saw the light of day.
French edition
Al Dante
A journal of critical and political poetry
Vincent Broqua - La langue du garçon
French edition
Al Dante
A poetic investigation on desire, love and masculinity in the form of a constellation of texts, drawings and photographs.
Claude Favre - Alep – Quinze heures du matin
French edition
Al Dante
A poem built like a long love song to the wounded Aleppo, to all the Aleppo of the world.
Jacques-Henri Michot - Au jour dit - Le 24 avril en France (1935-2022)
French edition
Al Dante
A series of samples taken every April 24, for eighty-seven years, from the most diverse sources (press articles, television broadcasts, book and film releases, speeches...): a mass of information that makes, from the smallest to the most imperious, the history of a country.
Jean-Luc Parant - Soleil explosion
French edition
Al Dante
The sequel, posthumous and almost completed, of the poem-fleuve initiated in 2020 by Jean-Luc Parant, which questions our being in the world with a freedom both new and timeless.
Démosthène Agrafiotis - Prolégomènes à une histoire de la performance en Grèce
French edition
Al Dante
A comprehensive overview of performance and action art in Greece, from its origins to the most contemporary practices.
Liliane Giraudon - Une femme morte n\'écrit pas
French edition
Al Dante
A long narrative poem punctuated by 12x2 drawings, a montage of statements and notations in which a poetess (fat and old) keeps a kind of diary in which the destruction of the private body is articulated to that of the social body.
Adriano Spatola - Vers une poésie totale
French edition
Al Dante
Undoubtedly one of the most important texts on the out of book poetry, both a documentary sum and a manifesto to underline the major role that the poetry and the poets have occupied and occupy in the whole of the transformations that have upset the the contemporary art field, considered by the amateurs and the researchers like a true bible.
José Vicente Anaya - Pèlerin
French edition
Al Dante
The second part of José Vicente Anaya's poetic trilogy, deeply rooted in the infra-realist movement founded in Mexico City in the 1970s, combining verse and prose, is marked by a formal experimentation anchored in the poet's life and his wanderings from the north to the south of Mexico.
José Vicente Anaya - Paria
French edition
Al Dante
José Vicente Anaya closes his poetic trilogy with a rereading of Mexican political history through the memories of his own wanderings.
Angélica Freitas - Rilke Shake
French edition
Al Dante
Rilke Shake—a humorous variation on the milkshake—summons part of the author's library (Mallarmé, Ezra Pond, Gertrude Stein, etc.) in poetic sketches that are in turn comical, burlesque, and absurd. At once trivial and erudite, this unbridled poetry explodes with images of parties—and the mornings after—, flashes of the street, and reminders of Brazil.
Julien Ladegaillerie - Effracte
French edition
Al Dante
A poetic text fragmented into three parts each generating its own handicap in expressing the economy as alienation from life.
Patrícia Lavelle - Bye bye Babel
bilingual edition (French / Portuguese)
Al Dante
The collection of poems by the Brazilian writer, rewritten in French, in a process that includes translation and re-creation, combines with delicacy, ingenuity and great coherence a research on the relationship between language and Eros, personal reflections, extensive cultural references and philosophical questionings.
Julien Blaine - Le motier
French edition
Al Dante
The continuation by all means of an elementary poetry which develops always and still new poetic devices to restore the world.
Norbert Bugeja - Oublie qu\'elle n\'est pas là
French edition
Al Dante
A poetic journey through the anxious spaces of memory, explored here by one of the most powerful voices of Mediterranean poetry of his generation.
Ahmed Slama - Marche-frontière
French edition
Al Dante
A very personal literary narrative, with a singular writing, of a migrant's experience of wandering and borders.
Henri Lefebvre - Malo suivie
French edition
Al Dante
In 132 fragments, Malo suivie publishes the desire of a man, the viewer-perceiver, for a woman known as Malo, formulating the lack and the attraction by means of the sketch.
Anthologie internationale de poésie contemporaine - 2. Brésil – Poésie intraitable
bilingual edition (French / Portuguese)
Al Dante
This anthology gathers some of the most emblematic authors of the Brazilian poetic modernity, in its widest amplitude and with the intractable will to reveal its incessant reinvention.
Jean-Marie Gleize - Dans le style de l\'attente
French edition
Al Dante
An exploration in thirteen chapters of the question of the name, in a poetic ensemble crossed by childhood, memory, and the obsession of the return.
F.J. Ossang - Génération Néant
French edition
Al Dante
Reissue of the cult punk book by the transgender artist (filmmaker, musician, poet, writer...) Ossang, written in 1980 and first published in 1993, now impossible to find.
Julien Blaine - Julien Blaine présente quelques-uns de ses amis Animaux-&-artistes
French edition
Al Dante
Through a ready-made exhibition of works made by animals, the poet Julien Blaine offers a vision as comical as it is tragic of the art world, while trying to "establish a communication between the lost world and the contemporary world."
Benjamin Fouché - Du concept de féérie
French edition
Al Dante
A text declined in the form of axioms, corollaries or proposals, like an accumulation of pictures built over the course of social movements, and with the words of others (Marcel Proust, Jonathan Crary, Nathalie Quintane, Chrysippe, Karl Marx, Marie José Mondzain, Mario Tronti, Anne Parian, etc.), in order to question the gestures that make up the narrative.
Moëz Majed - Libellule
French edition
Al Dante
Through a message of love, the writer evokes the memories and places of his own childhood and expresses a pessimistic and painful thought of a Tunisia adrift, which currently offers to its youth a dark future—while hoping that the light returns.
Jean-Luc Parant - Soleil la nuit
French edition
Al Dante
A long poem that questions our being in the world with a freedom that is both new and timeless, as if this word came from the origins.
Julien Blaine - 2021
French edition
Al Dante
Julien Blaine's new collection of poetic, visual and typographic experiments.
Jacques-Henri Michot - Un ABC de la barbarie
French edition
Al Dante
An alphabet book of the commonplaces of journalistic writing bringing forward its propagandist impact.
French edition
Al Dante
An journal of critical and political poetry: Leslie Kaplan, Rothenberg, arts and critical positions, an anthology of contemporary Central American poetry, a catalog of visual poetry, a dossier on the Brazilian concrete poetry group Noigandres, new translations of William Blake by Jean-Jacques Viton...
Michel Surya - Principes pour une littérature qui empeste - Matériologies V
French edition
Al Dante
The fifth and final part of Michel Surya's Matériologies: literature and thought to the test of the pandemic virality.
Emmanuèle Jawad - Interférences
French edition
Al Dante
Interférences is composed of three series of poems, constructed like textual photographs. The material of this poetry crosses collective memories (protests against the Gulf War...), social news and intimist inserts, in a logic of telescoping and/or blurring of data.
Vincent Lafaille - Il a fallu apprendre à lire dans le noir
French edition
Al Dante
Vincent Lafaille reinvents a poetics built on the rhythm, sometimes hesitant, staggering, of walking, in a fragmented narrative that is rooted in the time of social movements (from 2016 to 2020) where the question of how to reinvest our cities and our lives—our present—raised.
Jean-Luc Parant - Soleil des autres
French edition
Al Dante
A long poem that questions our being in the world with a freedom that is both new and timeless, as if these words came from the origins.
Jean-Luc Parant - Soleil des autres - Limited edition
French edition
Al Dante
Limited edition, numbered from 1 to 20 and signed, contains an original artwork by the author.
Anthologie internationale de poésie contemporaine - 1. Arabie saoudite – Dans les galops du sable
bilingual edition (Arabic / French)
Al Dante
This publication brings together some of the most representative authors of Saudi Arabian poetic modernity, in its widest scope. Translated by the Tunisian poet Moëz Majed, it is the first anthology of contemporary poetry from Saudi Arabia to be published in French.
Mohammed Al Hers - Semences pour les moissons d\'absence
bilingual edition (Arabic / French)
Al Dante
The first publication in French of the Saudi poet.
Ghassan Alkhunaizi - Nuages dans les nuages
bilingual edition (Arabic / French)
Al Dante
The first publication in French of the Saudi poet.
Ahmed Almulla - Intranquillité des dunes
bilingual edition (Arabic / French)
Al Dante
The first publication in French of the Saudi poet.
Saleh Zamanan - Brève mythologie de l\'effroi
bilingual edition (Arabic / French)
Al Dante
The first publication in French of the Saudi poet.

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