
355 titles
Jacques-Henri Michot - Un ABC de la barbarie
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
An alphabet book of the commonplaces of journalistic writing bringing forward its propagandist impact.
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
An journal of critical and political poetry: Leslie Kaplan, Rothenberg, arts and critical positions, an anthology of contemporary Central American poetry, a catalog of visual poetry, a dossier on the Brazilian concrete poetry group Noigandres, new translations of William Blake by Jean-Jacques Viton...
Frédéric Acquaviva - Musique cabalistique
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Music & Sound Arts – Al Dante
A gallery of portraits of people listening to a work by Frédéric Acquaviva in progress, laid out like a flip book.
Elke Mittmann - L\'architecture n\'est pas une image - Centre de création contemporaine Olivier Debré Tours (DVD)
French edition (English subtitles)
Seven films on the architecture of the Centre de création contemporaine Olivier Debré in Tours and on the exhibitions that have marked its recent history.
Étienne Bossut -
bilingual edition (English / French)
An overview and perspective of the different aspects of Etienne Bossut's practice.
John Latham - Recueil de contradictions
bilingual edition (English / French)
Dedicated to John Latham's heterogeneous and paradoxical practice, this book highlights the artist's contradictory relationship with knowledge and language, through a selection of translated texts and images of some of his projects, all articulated around a glossary.
Kim Gordon - At Issue (vinyl LP)
A unique live performance at Issue Project Room gathered the former Sonic Youth member and artist Kim Gordon and the legendary minimal blues master and artist Loren Connors in 2014.
Midori Hirano - Water Ladder (vinyl LP)
20.00 17.50 €
Berlin-based multi-instrumentalist Midori Hirano and Tokyo based string experimentalist Atsuko Hatano have teamed up for their first collaborative full-length.
Midori Hirano - Water Ladder (CD)
Berlin-based multi-instrumentalist Midori Hirano and Tokyo based string experimentalist Atsuko Hatano have teamed up for their first collaborative full-length.
Peinture : obsolescence déprogrammée - Licences libres
French edition
An exploration of the complex relationship between contemporary pictorial practices and their digital environment, examining in particular the idea of license and the strategies of appropriation pushed to the limit by unlimited access to digital resources.
Hugo Pernet - Vie nouvelle
no text
A series of drawings made on a digital tablet offering a detailed entry into the expanded universe of Hugo Pernet's painting.
Bureau d\'investigation du sacré
French edition
currently out of stock
The restitution of a research and production program (Chair "Young Creation and the Sacred") conducted at the Ecole des Arts Déco by students, teachers and a number of invited artists and thinkers on the question of the sacred in contemporary creation.
Fred Moten - Les sous-communs - Planification fugitive et étude noire
French edition
A political and aesthetic critique of racial capitalism and modes of social experimentation in the form of resistance to the colonial commons.
Liv Bugge - Structural Magic
English edition
New monograph.
Jérôme Poret - Les hôtes (vinyl LP / booklet)
bilingual edition (English / French)
A hybrid edition (a vinyl record with a newspaper and an insert) extending the artist's research on the links between sound, architecture and the history of spiritism.
Donnacha Costello - Together Is The New Alone (vinyl LP)
For its 20th anniversary, Keplar presents an absolute milestone in the history of IDM and ambient music for the first time in its definite form.
Lola Nadel - Les papiers mâcheurs
French edition
The story of a therapeutic experience with paper mache initiated in a Geneva shelter and which ended up "outside the walls", illustrating how another psychiatry is possible.
Genre 2030 - isdaT 2020 – L.A.C. 2021, deux workshops, un display, et quelques autres agissements collaboratifs
French edition
Collective and individual artistic practices from a gender perspective.
Alison Knowles - Sounds from the Book of Bean (vinyl LP)
The first vinyl LP release from Fluxus pioneer Alison Knowles (remastered edition transferred from original tapes, with an expansive 20-page booklet).
Jean-Luc Bouvret - Mémoires de pierre - Etats-Unis / Brésil / Chine (DVD)
French edition
A collection of three films on rock art, in America, Brazil, and China, proposed by Jean-Luc Bouvret.
Louis Canadas - Tour
bilingual edition (English / French)
The 2020 edition of the Tour de France was canceled before being eventually postponed. Tour is a series of 101 photographs shot by Louis Canadas on the race's official route, during this period of uncertainty. Words are from Fanny Taillandier.
Erri De Luca - Bird Song / Canto della Cinciallegra
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
An essay on the climate crisis by Erri De Luca.
La perspective de la pomme - Histoires, politiques et pratiques du Contact Improvisation
French edition
Bringing together contributions from North America, France and Italy, texts by dancers and texts by historians, anthropologists and philosophers of dance, this book offers a contemporary look at Contact Improvisation, the dance form created by Steve Paxton (1939-2024) in 1972 and which is celebrating its 50th anniversary.
Jonathan Monk - My Backside
no text
A set of photographs of the back covers of Jonathan Monk's books presented turned over. A play of transparency reveals the captions written on the back of each page.
Elsa Werth - Forsythia, Lilac and Geranium
French edition
A book-exhibition that brings together the practice of three artists from the contemporary publishing scene around the figure of Mary Ellen Solt (1920-2007), an American artist whose works of concrete poetry enter into graphic and conceptual resonance with the three artists' own publications.
Volume ! - Experts / Non experts
texts in English and French
The purpose of this issue "Experts / Non Experts. Participative Knowledge Construction in Popular Music: Controversies and Historiography" is to offer a retrospective and critical reflection on popular music studies' initial vocation, to bring to light repertoires that are seldom studied and even sometimes discredited.
David Hominal - Still Life / Les feuilles mortes - 2020-2021
no text
David Hominal breathes new vitality into the exercise of still life, through a series of paintings of dead leaves.
Francesc Ruiz - Closer
English edition
An artist's book paying tribute to Angoulême and comics, to Joy Division and the Situationist International at the same time.
Le livre des tables
French edition
Tabita Rezaire - Womb Consciousness
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
This collective publication is a singular invitation to discover or deepen the universe of Tabita Rezaire, at the intersection of new technologies, decolonial healing, spirituality and the political history of science. Through numerous contributions from poets, theorists, artists and her friends and relatives, she invokes the wisdom of the womb: the mother womb, the earth womb, the cosmic womb, for us to receive its grace.
Yoann Sarrat - Caisson de Destruction Sensorielle - Volume I [Boursouflures, Ongles, Peau, Poubelle]
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Misceallenous
A collection of texts (visual or conceptual poems, ideas to be realized or mostly not, inventories, compilations, interludes, etc., constituting sorts of scores) composed between 2017 and 2021.
Loren Rush - Dans le Sable (CD)
currently out of stock
The first new album in over 40 years by American composer, pianist, and digital audio pioneer Loren Rush: Bay Area experimentalism meets 20th century classical modernism.
Scott Gibbons - Il Terzo Reich (vinyl LP)
currently out of stock
The score for Romeo Castellucci and Scott Gibbons' stage work.
Inter - Renoncements et anonymat
French edition
currently out of stock
The renunciation of art / the art of renunciation.
La psychologie des serrures
bilingual edition (English / French)
The catalog of an exhibition conceived with the gallery Untitled (2016) in the apartment of the CAN (Centre d'Art Neuchâtel), where each of the rooms has been invested by an artist or duo of artists.
Claude Closky - Deux mille vingt-deux
French edition
A collection of twelve octosyllabic sonnets to accompany us throughout the year. The rhythm of the verses directly echoes the passage of time, days, weeks, months.
Ana Lupas - Drawing The Solemn Process
English edition
The first monograph of the Romanian avant-garde artist, focusing on the "preliminary drawings" for the work "The Solemn Process" (1964–2008).
 Novi_sad - ΚΕΡΑΥΝΟΣ (CD)
A series of compositions using environmental sounds and field recordings from the five continents.
Denise Bertschi - State Fiction - The Gaze of the Swiss Neutral Mission in the Korean Demilitarized Zone
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
currently out of stock
The artist Denise Bertschi highlights the little-known Swiss presence between the two Koreas in the aftermath of the war in 1953, and questions the supposed neutrality of the country.
Nathaniel Mellors - Permanent Presents
bilingual edition (English / French)
Monograph dedicated to the film series incorporating central Neanderthal figures produced by British artist Nathaniel Mellors since 2012.

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