
352 titles
Stefan Banz - Tenderness and Temperature
English edition
Caroline Bachmann and Stefan Banz have designed a photographic and pictorial artist's book which focuses on Berlin cemeteries. In a combination of photography and painting they consider the uniqueness of the park-like cemeteries in Berlin, which are used as leisure and recreational areas. Bachmann and Banz turn these places of melancholy and calm into an aesthetic experience by “making emotions visible”.
Inchoation & immédiateté - Journée d\'étude n° 2
French edition
Transcript of a seminar on the temporality of the artwork and its historiality. With theorist Sébastien Pluot and writer Alessandro de Francesco.
Daniel Buren - Works & Process - New expanded edition (2 DVD)
French edition (English subtitles)
25.00 20.00 €
New expanded and subtitled edition: nearly four-hour program consisting of twelve films, five documentaries, unpublished documents as well as original video works by the artist.
Barthélémy Toguo - Toguo / Cissé (book / DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French) / DVD in French version (English subtitles)
A book / DVD documenting a collaborative project by Cameroonian artist Barthelemy Toguo and Senegalese Soly Cissé in Dakar.
Peeping Tom\'s Digest - Mexico
English edition
(last copies available!)
A mapping of the young Mexican art scene.
Peeping Tom\'s Digest - Mexico
English edition
A mapping of the young Mexican art scene.
Heinz Peter Knes - Make Believe
no text
An artist's book documenting apartment installations created with a series of twelve photoworks (limited numbered edition).
Volume! - Peut-on parler de musique noire ?
texts in English and French
What is it we call “Black” music? A selection of texts from the April 2010 conference in Bordeaux based on a critical discussion of Philipp Tagg's open letter about “Black music,” “Afro-American Music” and “European Music.”
Nicolas Boulard - The French Paradox
bilingual edition (English / French)
Monograph devoted to the singular visual lexicon that Nicolas Boulard organizes around wine and wine production.
Espace politique : fidélité, adversité, fraternité - Journée d\'étude n° 1
French edition
Transcript of a seminar on the philosophical concept of fidelity and the definition of the political space. With philosopher Pierre-Damien Huyghe and writer Fabrice Reymond.
Ben Kinmont - Prospectus 1988-2010 - Quarante-deux pièces
French edition
Forty-two project descriptions by Ben Kinmont.
 M/M (Paris) - The Alphadicks - Twenty-Six Loaded Cowboys
English edition
26 drawings by Mathias Augustyniak (M/M Paris).
Alessandra Eramo - Come ho imparato a volare (How I\'ve learnt to fly) (vinyl LP)
18.00 14.00 €
Italian-German artist Ezramo (Alessandra Eramo) recorded the sounds of larvae during their transformation into flies. Trough rough, sub-real field recordings, she explores, interprets and lyrically re-invents the concept of metamorphosis.
Fabricateurs d\'espaces
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
Space as the raw material and the underpinning of the work of art (different approaches looking into the concept of space in all its ramifications, from the recent history of sculpture to the latest research in astrophysics).
Design for change
French edition
35.00 19.00 €
An interdisciplinary approach to contemporary design (available in English edition).
Anne Petiau - Technomedia - Jeunes, musique & blogosphère
French edition
The relations between youth culture, digital practices, and media industries with the example of electro dances and Tecktonik phenomenon.
Stéphane Pichard - Notes Video
bilingual edition (English / French)
21.00 10.50 €
Seven films by French artist Stéphane Pichard, from Seoul to Bamako, with an essay by Patrick Javault.
Dominique Figarella -
bilingual edition (English / French)
34.00 17.00 €
Reference monograph.
Galerie J Chronology
bilingual edition (English / French)
“Galerie J Chronology” is witness not only to a curatorial activity related to interfering within the simultaneous exhibition openings in a cosmopolite neighborhood in Geneva, but also to future paths for the Galerie J association.
Espace(s) - Limites et frontières
French edition
Nearly forty contemporary authors explore the notions of limits and frontiers within the spatial universe.
Anna-Eva Bergman -
English edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Reference monograph.
French edition
29.00 12.00 €
292 pages, 13 texts, 290 works (X. Veilhan, G. Turk, O. Dolligner, P. Broccolichi, M. Cantor, V. Stratmann, J. Koons, C. Williams, M. Boyce, R. Hysbergue, T. Dean, J. Monk, P. Roehr.
Design for change
English edition
An interdisciplinary approach to contemporary design, beyond the purely economic dimension, at the crossroads between technological innovations and social, political and ecological issues.
Les Musicollages (book / DVD)
French edition
A film documenting a series of musical performances in the streets of Marseilles organized by Jacques Siron and commissioned by the Cité de la Musique.
Julien Blaine - Bimot
French edition
An ambitious project of minimalist poetry centered on the relationship between two words.
Fabrice Langlade - Uurga (box set)
English edition
(last copies available!)
30.00 15.00 €
Monograph made of six opus (two volumes of texts, four of images), under box set.
Fabrice Langlade - Uurga (box set)
French edition
(last copies available!)
30.00 15.00 €
Monograph made of six opus (two volumes of texts, four of images), under box set (available in English edition).
 Suspended spaces - Suspended spaces - Famagusta
English edition
A ghost town in Cyprus as a metaphor for an aesthetic and political reconstruction in the margins of Europe: an artistic approach to contemporary issues related to a real situation, with about 30 international artists and contributions by writers from different fields (philosophy, anthropology, history, politics, and sociology).
 Suspended spaces - Suspended spaces - Famagusta
French edition
35.00 17.00 €
A ghost town in Cyprus as a metaphor for an aesthetic and political reconstruction in the margins of Europe (also available in English edition).
Hiraki Sawa -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
currently out of stock
First monograph dedicated to the intimate dreamscapes created in Japanese video artist's delicate animations.
François Morellet - Mes images
French edition
An overview of Morellet oeuvre, with about 100 works organized in series and accompanied by notices, and 3 newly commissioned essays.
Jean-Paul Curnier - Vingt et un tours de la question (radiophonies)
French edition
Collection of fictitious transcripts of radio speeches by experts on subjects such as art in life, the scarcity of water, cigarettes, or neighborhood relations. Among the 21 speeches, only one is authentic. A humoristic take on the notion of expert, and its propagandist deviation.
Marcelline Delbecq - Pareidolie
French edition
This publication is part of a series of books in which writers are invited to create a narrative based on an artwork held at the Frac Aquitaine in France. Marcelline Delbecq chose Robert Barry's Returning, a projection of eighty-one slides that alternates images, words, and black interludes.
Sabrina Soyer - Rrrrrrroooooooommmmmmme
French edition
This publication is part of a series of books in which writers are invited to create a narrative based on an artwork held at the Frac Aquitaine in France. Sabrina Soyer's text was inspired by Mathieu Mercier's installation Holothurie.
Semaine - janvier-avril 2011
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
Joël Kermarrec, Daniela Comani, Du spirituel dans l'art contemporain, Variations sur un thème de Peter Szendy, Alexandre Maubert, Justine Pluvinage & Vera Schöpe,Didier Dessus & Pierre-Yves Magerand, Nicolas Daubanes, Camille Llobet, François Daillant, Julia Cottin, Nicolas Tilly, Yannick Vey...
Alexandra Sá - Catalogue
bilingual edition (English / French)
21.00 10.50 €
First monograph.
Volume – What You See Is What You Hear
bilingual edition (English / French)
18.00 10.00 €
Second issue, around the problematics of voice and oralness.
Jean-Michel Espitallier - 148 propositions sur la vie et la mort - Et autres petits traités
French edition
(last copies available!)
Four treatises by Jean-Michel Espitallier.
Pierre Linguanotto - L\'aventure est un secret
French edition
18.30 9.00 €
This publication collects the statements of four migrants workers and leaders of groups of undocumented workers. These interviews focus on the reasons why they chose to live and work in France.
Cranford Collection 01 + 02 + 03
English edition
45.00 35.00 €
Special offer for the purchase of the three volumes of the Cranford Collection catalogue.
Found in Translation - Chapter L
bilingual edition (English / French)
22.00 11.00 €
The third part of a curatorial project initiated in January 2010 by Emmanuel Lambion, which plays with the polysemy of the term “translation”.
 M/M (Paris) - Inventory 2
English edition
An exhaustive catalogue of all exhibited works by M/M (Paris). Revised 320 pages edition.
Inter - Art et activisme
French edition
Art and activism.
Emmanuel Régent - Le temps du territoire
French edition
(last copies available!)
Florent Meng - Préambule, Alinéa H
trilingual edition (English / Arabic / French)
Artist's book (limited edition of 350 hand numbered and signed copies).
Jérôme Saint-Loubert Bié - Books on Books
English edition
A conversation about 12 artist's books.
Claude Rutault - AMZ ou « le soleil brille pour tout le monde » - Dé-finition / méthode 169 – 1985-87
French edition
Artist's book (limited numbered and signed edition)
Yannick Dauby - Taî-pak thiaⁿ saⁿ piàn (CD)
Three sound compositions by sound artist Yannick Dauby, based on field recordings of Taipei city and its surroundings. Inspired by the Ghost Festival and the ambiences of Summertime, by the evolution and modernity of the urban environment, by the now extinct plain aborigines who once lived in the Taipei basin, these works are reflecting three ways of listening the urban soundscape of Taiwan's capital.
Philippe Decrauzat - Trois films photographiés - A Change of Speed, a Change of Style, a Change of Scene – After Birds – Screen O Scope
no text
Designed from photographs of Decrauzat's films, this artist's book offers an experiment of retinian excitement echoing the syncopes of the reel. Each copy was bound together following a random repartition system and is therefore unique.

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