Listening: Discourses, Practices, Mediations.
The ear does not just listen to music: it informs it to appreciate and evaluate it. Listening is made of circulations: it reflects itself in discourses which make visible representations, that constitute the musical experience. It becomes incarnate in practices and rituals which individually or collectively outline their object to better assure the listening experience's success, which can not happen without its multiple mediations, whether social, symbolic or material.
Volume! The French journal of popular music studies is the only peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the study of contemporary popular
music. It is published biannually by the
Editions Mélanie Seteun, a publishing association specialized in popular music. The journal is in French with some non-translated articles in English.
Volume! was established in 2002 under the title
Copyright Volume! by
Gérôme Guibert, Marie-Pierre Bonniol and
Samuel Etienne, and obtained its current name in 2008.
Issue edited by Jedediah Sklower.
published in December 2013
texts in English and French
21 x 21 cm (softcover)
336 pages (b/ ill.)
19.00 €
ISBN : 978-2-913169-34-0
EAN : 9782913169340
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