Charles Mazé & Coline Sunier
Coline Sunier & Charles Mazé are Swiss and French
graphic and type designers. They lived in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Italy from 2008 to 2018, and are now based in France (Marseille and Paris). They were fellows at the French Academy in Rome—Villa Medici in 2014-2015, and are now graphic designers in residency at CAC Brétigny and CRAC Alsace. Charles is part of the teaching staff of
Atelier National de Recherche Typographique (ANRT) in Nancy and Coline of Institut supérieur des arts de Toulouse (isdaT). They cofounded the publishing structures <o> future <o> in 2009 and
trilingual edition (English / French / Italian)
<o> future <o>
sold out
A corpus of contemporary Roman inscriptions, which testifies the importance of language—institutional as well as popular—in the collective space of the streets (artist's book).