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Tennis Courts

Giasco Bertoli - Tennis Courts
Livre d'artiste (une série de photographies oniriques de courts de tennis vides).
« I started photographing empty tennis courts in southern Switzerland in 1999, on the border to Italy. The work came about by chance. Some time after I'd moved to Paris, I was back in Switzerland, walking in the woods near were I grew up and I came across an abandoned tennis court. I photographed that one, then courts around the neighbourhood where I grew up, and have continued to photogragraph deserted tennis courts ever since. In general I think about images from my adolescence and also think of the visual experiences I've had with film as an experience of real life. »
Giasco Bertoli
Artiste « culte », Giasco Bertoli (né en 1965 à Cevio, Suisse, vit et travaille à Paris depuis 2000) s'intéresse, au travers de ses divers projets photographiques (portraits, paysages de sa Suisse natale, piscines, garages, lieux d'habitation, arbres...), aux dimensions à la fois oniriques et ordinaires du quotidien. Il collabore avec de nombreux magazines d'art et de modes internationaux.
paru en 2009
sans texte
19,5 x 25,5 cm (broché)
64 pages (ill. coul.)
ISBN : 978-3-905714-65-4
EAN : 9783905714654
Tennis Courts Tennis Courts Tennis Courts Tennis Courts
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