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The Sleep of ReasonCritical Perspectives on Contemporary Art

Pieter Vermeulen - The Sleep of Reason
Une exploration originale, stimulante et confiante d'un large éventail de pratiques artistiques contemporaines en temps de crise, susceptibles de nous aider à cohabiter avec le monde.
This book offers an original and thought-provoking exploration of a diverse range of contemporary artistic practices, set within a broader cultural context. It argues that art can teach us about the human condition and our way of co-inhabiting the world, in a unique interplay between reason and imagination, creation and contemplation, poetry and inquiry. While acknowledging that art may not have the power to save the world, the author contends that it offers profound insights into our existence and that of others, serving as a poignant reminder of the persistent challenges that linger like indomitable monsters.
Through a combination of essays, criticism, and conversations, the author skillfully examines the meaning of art in times of crisis and engages in thoughtful dialogue with various authors, particularly focusing on Belgium's vibrant artistic scene. Key themes include the artistic fascination with time capsules, art in outer space, the aesthetics of administration, collective experiments in self-organization, artistic quests for truth, the politics of listening, gentrification, hippie modernism, alternative pedagogies, and the enduring power of the imagination.
Pieter Vermeulen (né en 1983) est un critique d'art, commissaire d'exposition et professeur basé en Belgique. Il a étudié la philosophie et les études culturelles aux universités d'Anvers, de Louvain et de Prague. Il est rattaché au PXL-MAD (Media, Arts & Design faculty) à Hasselt et à la St Lucas School of Arts à Anvers, où il donne des cours sur l'art contemporain et la théorie, la recherche artistique et l'auto-organisation. En tant qu'éditeur et écrivain, Vermeulen a contribué à de nombreuses publications artistiques et ses écrits ont été largement publiés. Vermeulen est membre de l'AICA International.
paru en février 2025
édition anglaise
16 x 24 cm (broché)
192 pages (ill.)
ISBN : 978-9-49338-748-5
EAN : 9789493387485
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The Sleep of Reason
The Sleep of Reason
The Sleep of Reason
The Sleep of Reason
The Sleep of Reason
The Sleep of Reason
The Sleep of Reason
The Sleep of Reason
The Sleep of Reason
The Sleep of Reason
The Sleep of Reason
The Sleep of Reason
The Sleep of Reason
The Sleep of Reason
The Sleep of Reason
The Sleep of Reason
The Sleep of Reason

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