previous titles
Alberto García-Alix - Lo que dura un beso
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
95 duotone photographs by Alberto García-Alix.
Jean Dupuy - Anagrammes (8.235 x 2) (3 books box set)
French edition
15.00 9.00 €
Jean Dupuy's anagrams in three volumes, with a selection of artworks.
Charley - Postcards
no text
Charley 02 is a packet of postcards providing a snapshot of the New York City art season in 2001-2002 (works by F. Alÿs, D. Birnbaum, M. Bonvicini, O. Breuning, M. Cattelan, U. Fischer, D. Graham, M. Kippenberger, A. Oehlen, O. Payne & N. Relph, R. Phillips, G. Richter, D. Roth, U. Rondinone...).
Permanent Food
no text
Permanent Food
(last copies available!)
Inside the sixties : g.p. 1.2.3.… - (+ CD-ROM)
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Catalogues, Biennales & Collections
(last copies available!)
Exhibition catalogue (texts by Christophe Cherix, Sarah Lombardi, Olivier Mosset, Caroline Nicod, Bernard Wyder, interviews by John Armleder, Rene Berger, Pierre Keller).
49/3 - I love Dijon
Le Consortium
13.00 5.00 €
Special issue dedicated on the French festival I love Dijon (with Yan Pei-Ming, Christian Boltanski, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Jens Haaning, Alain Séchas...).
49/3 - Infinite Justice
Le Consortium
10.00 5.00 €
Rob Pruitt, Petra Mrzyk & J.F. Moriceau, Jim Shaw, Stéphane Dafflon, Lily van der Stokker, Philippe Parreno, Kim Sooja...
Jan Fabre - Je marche pendant sept jours et sept nuits - Limited edition
texts in English, French, Italian, Dutch
Jannink - L'art en écrit
A metaphoric poem in prose. Limited edition accompanied by an original artwork, sand and pencil collage, signed and unique for each copy.
Jan Fabre - Je marche pendant sept jours et sept nuits
texts in English, French, Italian, Dutch
Jannink - L'art en écrit
A metaphoric poem in prose.
Georg Baselitz - Ce que tu n\'es pas est un autoportrait - Limited edition
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
Limited edition, accompanied by a numbered and signed etching, printed by Niels Borch Jensen in Copenhagen.
Georg Baselitz - Ce que tu n\'es pas est un autoportrait
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
Baselitz returns on his own history and on his conception of the painting, on self-portraits, inversed paintings, his reference artists, German painting...
Christian Bonnefoi - De l\'in- à l\'ex en passant par l\'ob- - Limited edition
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
Unpublished text, painting on paper, unique piece.
Bertrand Lavier - Random - Limited edition
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
A selection of public discussions by Bertrand Lavier. Limited edition accompanied by a unique work for each copy (acrylic painting on paper).
Bertrand Lavier - Random
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
A selection of public discussions by Bertrand Lavier.
Fabrice Hyber - Works & Process (2 DVDs)
French edition
a.p.r.e.s editions - Works & Process (DVD)
25.00 20.00 €
Various documentary approaches of Fabrice Hyber's work and an original video work conceived for this DVD.
Alice Anderson - Belles Rives
Yvon Lambert - Monographs and artists' books
(last copies available!)
This small book accompanies the video Belles Rives (2001), with a selection of screen shots.
Social Music (+ CD)
English edition
Errant Bodies - Anthologies
Project catalogue documenting radio series commissioned by Kunstradio, Vienna, 2001, containing texts, images and audio by the artists, with an introduction by Brandon LaBelle and foreword by Barbara Schroeder from Kunstradio, with an audio compilation on CD.
L\'effet Larsen - Processus de résonances dans l\'art contemporain
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
Casino Luxembourg
26.00 13.00 €
Catalogue of works (sound and video installations, CD, diagrams, documentaries, photographs, performances, sculptures, drawings) exploring the phenomenon of feedback as the starting point for creative processes.
Jean-Luc Guionnet - &Un (CD)
Vand'Œuvre / CCAM Éditions
Olivier Benoit (acousticized electric guitar) and Jean-Luc Guionnet (alto saxophone) present seven journeys, seven light touches, at times on the brink of silence.
Noël Akchoté - Perpetual Joseph (CD)
The third of a trilogy of drone album made only with guitar, and which sound like pure electronic records.
Uri Tzaig - Moonstruck
Frac Champagne-Ardenne
(last copies available!)
15.00 5.00 €
Artist's book.
Fluxus Dixit - Une anthologie
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
The Fluxus anthology.
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon - Du principe de l\'art et de sa destination sociale
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
This posthumous work is the first study of his friend Gustave Courbet (who requested a text for a catalog), and of the role of art in society.
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon - Les confessions d\'un révolutionnaire
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
The Confessions, written in six weeks in a prison cell, recounts the political life of a social thinker.
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon - Les majorats littéraires (« La propriété intellectuelle c\'est le vol ! ») - (et un choix de Dominique Sagot-Duvauroux de contributions d\'époque sur le droit d\'auteur)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
Proudhon's book against rights of ownership for authors, and collection of the most significant contributions toward the original debate over literary property..
Jean-Claude Lebensztejn - Malcolm Morley - Itinéraires
French edition
MAMCO - Monographs
40.00 20.00 €
Reference monograph.
Michel Gauthier - L\'Anarchème
French edition
MAMCO - Historical essays & contemporary archives
24.00 10.00 €
A study on Elisabeth Ballet, Jessica Stockholder, Claude Rutault, Peter Downsbrough, Cécile Bart.
Fabrice Gygi - Common Ground
French edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
All black and white photographs reproduced in the book as well as the cover image were taken by Gygi during the winter 1990-1991. Immediately thereafter, the quasi totality of the negatives were stacked in a press and pierced with a drill. 4 - color leaflets present recent works of the artist.
Harald Fernagu - Livre d\'images
French edition
Le Consortium - Monographs
9.00 5.00 €
Claude Rutault - Transit à la Villette
French edition
Le Consortium - Monographs
8.00 5.00 €
Marcel Odenbach - Blenden/Blinds
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
19.00 10.00 €
With its comprehensive illustrations and essays, including a text by the artist, this book features Odenbach's most important works.
German edition
Sternberg Press - Catalogues
14.00 10.00 €
Non-Places questions the redefined relationship between public and private space as well as the phenomenon of modern “nonplaces,” which appear to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time: airports, shopping malls, anonymous new suburbs, or international franchise companies.
The Livable Image - Version A B C D E
bilingual edition (English / French)
15.00 5.00 €
Exhibition catalogue (art & architecture).
Bernar Venet - 1961-1963 - L\'immanence mise en chantier
bilingual edition (English / French)
39.00 15.00 €
Monograph on the conceptual artist' early works.
Rectangle One - No comment
French edition
15.00 5.00 €
The magazine of Le Rectangle art center (Bernard Bazile, Claude Closky, Philip-Lorca Dicorca, Wang Du, Alesksandra Mir, Gianni Motti, Thomas Ruff, Franck Scurti, Bruno Serralongue).
Arts d\'attitudes - Action /  discussion / interaction
French edition
Intervention - Catalogues and anthologies
New approaches to in situ, contextual and relational art.
Latinos del Norte
bilingual edition (Spanish / French)
Intervention - Catalogues and anthologies
A free-cultural exchange between Quebec and Mexico art centers.
Rencontre internationale d\'art performance 2000
French edition
Intervention - Catalogues and anthologies
Performances and actions by the twenty-four artists.
Peter Downsbrough - AND HERE, AS
no text
Incertain Sens - Artist's books and editions
Artist's book.
Bernard Réquichot - Ecrits divers - Journal, lettres, textes épars, Faustus, poèmes, 1951-1961
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
Bernard Réquichot is well enough known as a painter, but still unknown as a writer. This new posthumous publication of his writings reveals the singular vision of a recluse, close to Stirner.
Raoul Hausmann - Eccentric Sensoriality
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Paperback
The last document of the dadasopher of Berlin.
Jean-Pierre Brisset - Œuvres natatoires
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Paperback
The funny though serious inventions of the thinker, poet, prophet and annagrammarian.
François Dufrêne - Le Tombeau de Pierre Larousse
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Paperback
An unknown, rarely published writer who nevertheless sent shock waves into the 60s and 80s by constructing a text worthy of a great rhetoretician on the game of alliteration.
Marc Décimo - La Bibliothèque de Marcel Duchamp, peut-être
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – Misceallenous
An essay on Duchamp's readings, and a systematic chart of his personnal library.
Prières américaines
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
A collection of texts and interviews of artists, musicians and art critics (Kim Gordon, Mike Kelley, Christian Marclay, John Miller, Bob Nickas...) based on the relationship between art, "rock" music and culture in the largest sense of the word.
François Hers - Le protocole
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
Relations between society and artists.
Nicolas Thély - Vu à la webcam - (essai sur la web-intimité)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
Those who spread their image over Internet, what do they want? And what do those who view them get out of it? Numerous are those who jumped on the bandwagon of the webcam, pushing its spectrum of video-surveillance and condemning it to voyeurism or exhibitionism. Far beyond the simplistic idea of opposing exhibitionist / voyeur, actor / spectator, active / passive, the webcam serves as a meeting point of exchanges, complicity, views of or relationships with others, what Nicolas Thély terms as "web-intimacy".
Éric Troncy - Le docteur Olive dans la cuisine avec le revolver - Monographies et entretiens 1989-2002
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
Texts and interviews by Eric Troncy.
Öyvind Fahlström - Essais choisis
French edition
Les presses du réel – Artists' Writings – Miscellaneous
A selection of essays by the artist, poet, writer, happening-maker, cinematographer, art and literary critic.

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