previous titles
Camille Llobet - Alice
French edition
Florence Loewy
A research on the verbal transcription of sound and an inventory of the first sound productions of Alice, the daughter of Camille Llobet (artist's book).
 Marie Cool Fabio Balducci - Rovesciamento
bilingual edition (English / French)
29.00 15.00 €
The catalogue of the duo's exhibition at CAPC, featuring a new site-specific work and a series of performed or filmed actions. A project about situations of reversal, confronting the exogenous realities of the enterprise, the working-class, and the museum.
Mark Geffriaud - Deux mille quinze
French edition
Le Plateau / Frac Île-de-France
A return on Mark Geffriaud's film installation (artist's book).
Armando Andrade Tudela - On Working And Then Not Working - Autoeclipse
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
Conceived on the occasion of two exhibitions at CA2M Madrid and CRAC Alsace, this catalogue features extensive documentation and collages of the artist's evolving works as well as essays by the show's curators, Elfi Turpin and Daniel Steegmann Mangrané.
Michael Beutler - Things in Slices
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
A companion guide to Beutler's site-specific installation practice classifying each of his works according to the components, tools, and production methods used to create them.
Eamon Ore-Giron - Infinite Regress
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
First monograph: American artist Eamon Ore-Giron's hard-edge paintings combine Native American traditions and European abstraction. This publication offers a dialogue between his ongoing Infinite Regress series and the prose of poet and scholar Edgar Garcia.
Claude Parent - Oblique Time With Claude Parent
bilingual edition (English / French)
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
This publication presents an extended interview with the French architect Claude Parent (1923–2016) by curator Mai Abu ElDahab and visual artist Benjamin Seror that took place between 2013 and 2015. It features a wide selection of drawings by Parent.
Pablo Pijnappel - Beyond Imagination - A Zona de Crepúsculo
bilingual edition (English / Portuguese)
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
This artist's book is a written rendering of monologues included in The Zone, a performance based on a series of narratives staged within the exhibition space of the Iberê Camargo Foundation in Porto Alegre in 2018.
Tris Vonna-Michell - No more racing in circles - Just pacing within lines of a rectangle (box set)
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
The performative aspect of the British artist's practice in the form of scores, transcriptions, and photographs (limited box set edition).
Myriam Lefkowitz -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Captures - Digressions (interviews)
Artist choreographer Myriam Lefkowitz talking to Susan Gibb and Julie Pellegrin about the evolution of her practice, and its turn to dance as a sensory trigger for relations between bodies and places.
Marie Preston -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Captures - Digressions (interviews)
Artist and teacher-researcher Marie Preston speaks with Nora Sternfeld and Julie Pellegrin about her practice as a crossroads for art, education and cooperative working.
Rochechinard - Mémoire d\'une maison-musée
French edition
Captures - Collective works and monographs
The extension and finalization of a commission given to the artist Eulàlia Valldosera by the members of the association Les amis de la maison de la Mémoire du Royans, a community museum that they founded in Rochechinard (Isère, France) in 1979.
Ursula Biemann -
bilingual edition (English / French)
CCS (Centre culturel suisse Paris)
A notebook based on Ursula Biemann's latest film, Acoustic Ocean, an expedition to the depths of the Arctic Ocean in search of interspecies communications.
English edition
Cura. - Cura.magazine
Will Benedict, Kahlil Joseph, Mahfuz Sultan, Ari Marcopoulos, Lynda Benglis, Camille Blatrix, Jesper Just, Lex Brown, Matt Copson, Fin Simonetti, Autumn Knight, Iman Issa, Nevine Mahmoud, Berenice Olmedo, Igor Simić...
This Is My Body, My Body Is Your Body, My Body Is The Body of the Word
bilingual edition (English / French)
Paraguay Press - Monographs and catalogs
currently out of stock
This publication offers a feminist and queer interpretation of artistic practices of the last forty years. It gathers a selection of works and texts from the late 1960s to the present, newly commissioned essays and an anthology of artists's texts.
Sidsel Meineche Hansen - Second Sex War
English edition
Paraguay Press - Monographs and catalogs
Stemming from a series of works by Sidsel Meineche Hansen, this monographic catalogue offers a range of perspectives on urgent issues around gender, sexuality and labour in the digital age.
Site Read - Seven Curators on Their Landmark Exhibitions
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
currently out of stock
This anthology gives voice to seven curators who discuss the conception of shows they organized that marked curatorial history thanks to their structural innovation in terms of exhibition siting.
Crack Up – Crack Down - The 33rd Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic Arts
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
The catalogue of the 33rd Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic Arts, curated by art collective Slavs and Tatars, examines the relationship between graphic arts and satire.
Sonia Leimer - Via San Gennaro
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
New catalogue.
Kris Lemsalu - Hi and Bye - The Estonian Pavilion – 58th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Catalogue of the Estonian Pavilion at the 58th Venice Biennale.
David Maroto - The Artist\'s Novel - Part 2 – The Fantasy of the Novel
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Second volume of a publication dedicated to the artist's novel, this metafiction follows a detective investigating the conditions of production of a novel within an artistic framework.
Daniel Steegmann Mangrané - The Spiral Forest
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
This catalogue documents a project for which Steegmann Mangrané intends to reframe the history of abstraction, inviting us to re-evaluate the traditional division between nature and culture. It features a selection of works inspired by the artist's readings, from Roger Caillois to Merleau-Ponty.
Beni Bischof - Texte 4
bilingual edition (English / German)
Edition Patrick Frey
Another pictureless, pocket-size book by Beni Bischof in his series. It is Bischof's personal presentation of his rich collection of catchy headlines and slogans, absurd comments and off-the-wall remarks. His text archives are a trove of inspiration for his pictures and titles.
Roger Eberhard - Human Territoriality
English edition
Edition Patrick Frey
A collection of photographs of former border regions around the globe and down through the course of human history.
 Am Nuden Da - Let\'s Not Dispute The Useless. …
English edition
The content of this book is the result of a series of solo exhibitions; staged outside of any gallery space, visually undocumented, and taking place without visitors.
Claire Scanlon - “ ”
English edition
Around 1999, artist Becky Beasley began writing to her former tutor, Claire Scanlon, who kept her letters but never replied. Years later, in 2016, the two began to intermittently record their conversations, now as friends.
Adam Gibbons - “ ”
English edition
A conversation about Ergonomic Futures, Tyler Coburn's furniture for humans to come.
Claude Pélieu - Jukeboxes
French edition
Lenka lente
A collection of poems first published in 1972 by the French companion of the Beat Generation.
Claude Closky - Solutions
French edition
Artist's book.
Encircling the Image of Trauma
English edition
Archive Books
This book tiptoes between aesthetics and ethics; it proposes to rethink trauma in its necessity as well as impossibility to be represented and understood.
Reiner Schürmann - Neo-Aristotelianism and the Medieval Renaissance - On Aquinas, Ockham, and Eckhart
English edition
Diaphanes - TransPositions
In this course, Reiner Schürmann develops the idea of a distinctive Medieval Renaissance, connected with the rediscovery of Aristotle. His analysis is drawn from readings of St. Thomas Aquinas, William of Ockham and Meister Eckhart's works.
Reiner Schürmann - The Philosophy of Nietzsche
English edition
Diaphanes - TransPositions
This volume of Reiner Schürmann's lectures unpacks Nietzsche's ambivalence towards Kant, in particular positioning Nietzsche's claim to have brought an end to German idealism against the backdrop of the Kantian transcendental-critical tradition.
 Claire Fontaine - La grève humaine - Et l\'art de créer la liberté
French edition
Diaphanes - Misceallenous
An anthology of Claire Fontaine's texts.
Jean-Luc Nancy - Immortelle finitude - Sexualité et philosophie
French edition
Diaphanes - Anarchies
Two thinkers of different generations discuss the question of sexuality and philosophy.
Mehdi Belhaj Kacem - Système du pléonectique
French edition
Diaphanes - Anarchies
The pleonectic comes from a neologism that means: have-more. The challenge of this major book by Mehdi Belhaj Kacem is to identify the ontological principle from which to question the afflictions in which our world is struggling.
Samuel Etienne - 66 manifestes pour un art rebelle 100% DIY
French edition
(last copies available!)
Revised and expanded edition of the playful fanzine-manifesto for a rebellious art, presenting 66 more or less subversive artistic movements, to become a rebellious artist in less than a year...
Roger Tellier-Craig - Études (CD)
Second Editions
Four compositions by the electronic musician from Quebec, conceived during his studies at the Conservatoire de Musique de Montréal, from 2017 to 2019.
These are Situationist Times! - An Inventory of Reproductions, Deformations, Modifications, Derivations, and Transformations
English edition
An in-depth history of the landmark situationist international periodical edited by artist Jacqueline de Jong from 1962–67. This lavishly illustrated publication features many previously unseen archival material, historical texts and new commissioned contributions.
Ultrablack of Music
English edition
Mille Plateaux
The ultra-blackness manifesto: a Deleuzian reading of the philosophical and socio-political stakes of the current electronic music scene (publication marking the reactivation of the influential label Mille Plateaux, with texts by an ensemble of international musicians, artists and theorists: Frédéric Neyrat, Achim Szepanski, Holger Schulze, Gerriet K. Sharma, Bernd Herzogenrath, Corry Shores, Marcus Schmickler, Thomas Brinkmann, Thomas Köner...).
Exercice(s) d\'architecture
French edition
Exercice(s) d'architecture
ENSAB (Brittany National College of Architecture) - Exercice(s) d'architecture
The eighth issue of the journal of the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Bretagne focuses on the relationship between heritage, ecology and creation.
Édouard Sautai - Corps écran
bilingual edition (English / French)
La Maréchalerie
This catalogue presents the artist's recent works, tackling issues related to the plasticity of space and the creation of gaze. It brings together exhibition views and photographs, an essay by Florian Gaité and an interview with Marion Guilmot.
Stéphane Thidet - Tant que les Îles (book / vinyl LP)
La Maréchalerie
Vinyl record unique for each edition, accompanied with a 36 page booklet with 16 drawings by Stéphane Thidet.
Crys Cole - Beside Myself (vinyl LP)
Students Of Decay
The Canadian artist's second album features two immersive pieces that explore ideas of compositional drift: The Nonsuch is inspired by nocturnal hallucinations while In Praise of Blandness builds on sinologist François Jullien's concept of “blandness”.
Yves Drillet - Garçon de Café
French edition
Nouveau Palais
A book of photographs and texts showing young people in their precarious work uniforms, drawing up a sensitive social chronicle of the precariousness of work among this generation.
Romain Perrot - L\'impatience des invisibles (CD)
First duo album with Quentin Rollet (saxophones, synthesizer, electronics) and Romain Perrot (keyboards, electronics, voice).

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