Jens Andermann
The Cosmic Garden
Emanuele Coccia
Geomorphic Video
Ursula Biemann
The Return of a Lake
Maria Thereza Alves
Dissipating Darkness
Genaro Amaro Altamirano
Humboldtian Landscapes
Oliver Lubrich
Towards a Phanerology of Images: Karl Blossfeldt and the Skin of the World
Eduardo Jorge de Oliveira
Cabaré Chinelo, Manaus
Nuno Ramos
Aquatic Visions and Watery Sounds: Ruptures and Sutures in the Lacustrine Landscape of Modern
Mexico City
Dayron Carrillo Morell
Colonizing Flow: The Aesthetics of Hydropower and Post-Kinetic Assemblages in the Orinoco Basin
Lisa Blackmore
Putrid, Precarious Landscapes: Province, Poverty, and the Poetics of Dispossession in Some Contemporary Latin American Works
Álvaro Fernández Bravo
Ciudad Abierta. Solo es suelo lo que guarda el abismo— Only What Holds the Abyss is a Ground
Javier Correa, Victoria Jolly
Jill H. Casid
Nach der Natur: Bio Art and Unspecific Lives
Jens Andermann