Renewing Sculpture's Possibilities
André-Louis Paré
Re-Thinking Sculpture? (Part two)
Sculpture, You Ask?
Maxime Coulombe
Man and Machine in Sculpture and in War Alike
Marie-Hélène Leblanc
Metaphorical Spaces: An Interview with James Nizam
Peter Dubé
The Space That Remains: An Interview with Guillaume La Brie
André-Louis Paré
Public art and urban practices
Soundscape as Material
Josianne Poirier
Monoceros: of the Earth, for the Stars (a meditation on the concretized magyck of FASTWÜRMS)
RM Vaughan
Derya Akay: Material Hangings, Hangouts
Rupert Nuttle
If You Are So Smart, Why Ain't You Rich? If You Are So Smart, Why Ain't You Rich?
Hili Perlson
Sayeh Sarfaraz. Observer les systèmes
Manon Tourigny
Chantier Libre
Claire Moeder
Mike Nelson. Amnesiac Hide
Eunice Bélidor
Hua Jin: Conversing in the Passing of Time
Tai van Toorn
Mladen Stilinović. Nothing Gained with Dice
Ariane Daoust
En venir à une conclusion: Le troisième acte de la trilogie de Sarah Pierce
Anaïs Castro
Manif d'art 7. Aux arts, citoyens!
Chloé Grondeau
Anne Bénichou.
Un imaginaire institutionnel. Musées, collections et archives d'artistes
Mélanie Boucher
RM Vaughan.
Compared to Hitler
Peter Dubé
Alain-Martin Richard.
Performances, manoeuvres et autres hypothèses de disparition
André-Louis Paré
Et puis, nous avons construit de nouvelles formes
André-Louis Paré
Selected titles