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Early Video Art in EuropeA Factual History

table of contents
Record, Stop, Rewind. Mapping Early Video Art in Europe, by François Bovier & Grégoire Quenault

I. Video Art Pioneers in Europe [National Chapters]
Beginnings of Video Art in Austria, by Sabine Breitwieser
Taking Place, Gerry Schum and the History of the Fernsehgalerie (TV-Gallery), by Philippe-Alain Michaud
Early Video Art in Belgium, by Xavier García Bardón, Erien Withouck, Godart Bakkers
Videotape at the Venice Biennale: 1968-1986, by Lia Durante
Gennaio 70, by Ségolène Liautaud
The "Black Market" in Czech Video Art. From the Politics of Isolation to Community Sharing, by Sylva Poláková
Prospect 71: Projection, by Doris Krystof
Yellow Now: Propositions d'artistes pour circuit fermé de télévision (1971), by Slavko Kacunko
VideoObelisco, by Laura Leuzzi
Why Have There Been No Great Danish Video Artists?, by Slavko Kacunko
Impact and the First Video Art Exhibitions in Switzerland, by Geneviève Loup
France, or "Where we discover that Nam June was not the fount of all knowledge…", by Grégoire Quenault
trigon 73: Audiovisuelle botschaften (Audiovisual Messages), by Branka Benčić
Federal Republic of Germany – Selected Historiography of Video Events and Works Before 1980, by Slavko Kacunko
art/tapes/22, by Cosetta Saba
Private Broadcast – Early Television and Video Art in Hungary, by Miklós Peternák
Kunst bleibt Kunst: Projekt '74, by Renate Buschmann
Video Art in Ireland, 1960s–1980s, by Maeve Connolly
The Center for Art and Communication (CAyC) Network, by José Carlos Mariátegui
A History of Italian Video Art in the 1970s, by Laura Leuzzi & Lisa Parolo
The Video Section at EXPRMNTL 5 (Knokke-Heist, December 25, 1974 – January 2, 1975), by Xavier García Bardón
A Short History of Video Art in the Netherlands – from the 1960s to the 1980s, by Irini Demi, Sanneke Huisman and Gaby Wijers
The Video Show, by Elaine Shemilt
Artists' Video Tapes (Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, 1975), by Xavier García Bardón
Video Experimentation in Finland, Sweden, and Norway between the 1960s and the 1980s, by Lorella Scacco
Video Art and Sociological Art (1975) and Video Art (1976): Transnational Collaboration and Cultural Transfers in Poland, by Tomasz Załuski
Self-Organization, Institutions, Works, and Networks. A Concise History of Video Art in Poland, 1973–1985, by Tomasz Załuski
Motovun Video Meeting 1976 – The First Video Workshop in Yugoslavia, by Branka Benčić
Portugal – "Alternativa Zero" and After, by Jean François Chougnet
documenta 6: Media Matters in Art, by Renate Buschmann
Video & Film Manifestatie: Kijken en Doen, by Helen Westgeest
Early Art Video Experiments in Spain – Precariousness, Experimentation, Activism, by José Luis Panea and Sergio Martín
Video Art 78: An International Festival of Video Art, by Chris Meigh-Andrews
Video Art 78, by Stephen Partridge
Circles – Women's Film and Video Distribution, by Elizabeth Cufley
An Open Network – Video Art in Switzerland, A Story of Fragmentation and Cohesion, by François Bovier & Stéphanie Serra
"VideoNu" – Early Video Art in Sweeden, by Teresa Wennberg
Early Video Art in the UK: 1960-1980, by Chris Meigh-Andrews
Infermental. The First International Magazine on Videocassettes (1981–1991), by Tomasz Załuski
Video Art in Yugoslavia: The First Generation, by Dejan Sretenović
Video Art in Europe: In Search of a Transnational Canon and Identity, by Monica Sassatelli and Francesco Spampinato

II. New Waves in Europe. A Brief Insight
Three Decades of Video Art in Albania, by Edi Muka
The Emergence of Video Art in the Baltic States, Essays directed by Tomasz Załuski: The Estonian Case, 1970s–1990s, by Anders Härm; A Vanishing Mediator: Video art in Latvia, 1980s1990s, by Māra Traumane; Late and Manifold. The Beginnings of Video Art in Lithuania, by Eglė Juocevičiūtė
Bulgarian Video Art in the 1990s, by Iliyana Nedkova
Early Video Art in Greece, by Manthos Santorineos
Video art in Iceland, by Christian Schoen
Kosovo Video Art in Review, by Erëmirë Krasniqi
Body, Experiment, Marginality: The Beginnings of Video Art in Romania, by Horea Avram

The Emergence of Video Art in Europe – Medium, Media, and Intermedia, by François Bovier and Grégoire Quenault

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