search results for "the psychopathologies of cognitive capitalism"
The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism - Part Three
English edition
Archive Books
The third volume of a collection of papers on cognitive capitalism in relation with the conditions of mind and brain in the Information Age.
The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism - Part Two
English edition
Archive Books
The second volume of a collection of papers on cognitive capitalism in relation with the conditions of mind and brain in the Information Age.
The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism - Part One
English edition
Archive Books
The first volume of a collection of papers on cognitive capitalism in relation with the conditions of mind and brain in the Information Age.
Warren Neidich - The Glossary of Cognitive Activism - (For a Not So Distant Future)
English edition
Archive Books
A dictionary designed as a tool for analysis and resistance to the new realities of neurocapitalism. With 285 definitions stemming from the fields of political philosophy, media studies and neuroscience.

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