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Keren Cytter - The Man Who Climbed Up the Stairs of Life and Found Out They Were Cinema Seats
English edition
Sternberg Press - Fiction
sold out
Written in seven chapters and seven styles, this book constitutes the first novel by the Israeli artist and filmmaker Keren Cytter.
Marc Décimo - Le Duchamp facile
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Paperback
A new approach of Duchamp's keywords.
Brandon LaBelle - Site Specific Sound (+ CD)
English edition
Errant Bodies - Critical Ear (monographs)
sold out
Site Specific Sound documents a series of sound installations from 1998 to 2002 by sound-artist and writer Brandon LaBelle, exploring the relationship between sound and space.
Marc Décimo - Marcel Duchamp mis à nu - A propos du processus créatif
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Construction
Marcel Duchamp “laid bare” by Marc Décimo who talks about the creative process in this essay on the father of conceptual art.
Lydie Fischer Sarazin-Levassor - Un échec matrimonial - Le cœur de la mariée mis à nu par son célibataire même (Marcel Duchamp et Lydie Fischer Sarazin-Levassor)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
Marcel Duchamp met Lydie Sarazin-Levassor at the end of March 1927. On 7 June, they were married. Francis Picabia acted as a witness and the ceremony was filmed by Man Ray. On 25 January 1928, they divorced. Lydie Sarazin-Levassor tells the story of their marriage, presents us with “her” Marcel, and relates her encounters with Jacques Doucet, Constantin Brancusi, Henri-Pierre Roché, Man Ray and Kiki de Montparnasse, Jean Cocteau, the Ballets Russes, the Duchamp family, Jean Crotti, Mary Rumsey, Katherine Dreier and Robert Desnos, and describes the atmosphere at the Villons' (in Puteaux, just outside Paris), the Picabias' (at Mougins, in the South of France) and the Sarazin-Levassors' (in Étretat, on the Normandy coast).
Éric Troncy - Coollustre
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
Yvon Lambert - Group exhibitions catalogues
40.00 25.00 €
Three exibitions by Éric Troncy (with Robert Barry, Angela Bulloch, Jake and Dinos Chapman, Sylvie Fleury, Gloria Friedmann, Liam Gillick, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Gucci, Pierre Huyghe, On Kawara, Anselm Kiefer, Bertrand Lavier, Claude Lévêque, Sol LeWitt, Allan McCollum, Sarah Morris, Helmut Newton, Philippe Parreno, Ugo Rondinone, Thomas Ruff, Niele Toroni, Xavier Veilhan, Andy Warhol, Franz West...).
Jean-Charles Massera - Sex, Art, and the Dow Jones
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
25.00 15.00 €
How can the events in which we are supposed to participate be translated into experience? How can we represent ourselves in a History that is being written in terms of the economy and the stock market? Along these questions, French author Jean-Charles Massera discusses the works of various artists (Vito Acconci, Stan Douglas, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Pierre Huyghe, et al.) and film-makers (Jean-Luc Godard, Wong Kar-wai, Nanni Moretti, Pier Paolo Pasolini, et al.).
Marc Décimo - La Bibliothèque de Marcel Duchamp, peut-être
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – Misceallenous
An essay on Duchamp's readings, and a systematic chart of his personnal library.
Pierre Paulin -
English edition
Dis Voir - Design
During the second half of the 20th century mythic French designer Pierre Paulin worked out experimental and innovative furniture and is today considered to be a true precursor of new styles of life (comprehensive monograph).
David Grubbs - Thirty Minute Raven (CD)
A piece from an installation at the Centre Pompidou in Paris for the exhibition "Elysian Fields", with David Grubbs (guitar, electronics), John McEntire (drums), Noël Akchoté (guitar), Charlie O (organ) and Quentin Rollet (saxophone).
David Grubbs - The Coxcomb (vinyl LP)
A long americana-like piece reminiscent of John Fahey, inspired by a short story by Stephen Crane (with Steven Prina, Sacha Andrès, Yves Robert, Thierry Madiot, Didier Petit and Quentin Rollet), followed by a drone duo between David Grubbs on harmonium and Noël Akchoté on electric guitar.
David Grubbs - Aux Noctambules (mini CD)
A drone duo between David Grubbs on harmonium and Noël Akchoté on electric guitar.
David Grubbs - The Coxcomb (vinyl LP - Picture Disc)
Picture Disc version. A long americana-like piece reminiscent of John Fahey, inspired by a short story by Stephen Crane (with Steven Prina, Sacha Andrès, Yves Robert, Thierry Madiot, Didier Petit and Quentin Rollet), followed by a drone duo between David Grubbs on harmonium and Noël Akchoté on electric guitar.
8th Biennal of Moving Images
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Catalogues, Biennales & Collections
The film and video biennale catalogue.
Après Deleuze - Philosophie et esthétique du cinéma
French edition
Dis Voir - Visual Arts – Essays
This essay considers Deleuze's film theory on both an epistemological and historical angle and brings forward recent studies on cinema's aesthetics and philosophy.
Marcel Duchamp - The creative act (CD)
Sub Rosa
sold out
Edited by Marc Dachy, this first CD devoted exclusively to Marcel Duchamp brings forth some very rare documents of the '50s.

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