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Roland Topor - ReBonjour
no text
United Dead Artists
Produced during the 1970's & 1980's, this series of linocuts by Roland Topor consists on a variation on sex and death. The hardness of the line gives the illustrations an apparent solemnity softened by their amusing titles.
Jérôme Saint-Loubert Bié - Books on Books
English edition
Christophe Daviet-Théry
A conversation about 12 artist's books.
 Bless - Lookbook Collaborations
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
sold out
A limited edition containing twelve selected Bless lookbook-magazines ('SUP MAGAZINE, Capricious Magazine, mono.kultur, Paris-La, Purple Magazine, Textfield, etc.) held together by a Bless n° 43 Handle.
Jean-Yves Bosseur - Géographie utopique - Créations Musique - Peinture - Cinéma au Domaine de Certes, Audenge, Gironde, 2010-2011 (CD / DVD)
Le Chant du Moineau / Casta - Records
A musical, pictorial and cinematographic journey, as many sensitive interpretations of the domain of Certes in Gironde. Through the prism of Ernest Valeton de Boissière, inventor of the place and transmitter of the social utopias of the 19th century.
John Wynne - Installation for 300 Speakers, Pianola and Vacuum Cleaner (CD)
Sub Rosa
John Wynne's untitled installation for 300 speakers, pianola and vacuum cleaner, at once monumental, minimal and immersive, using sound and sculptural assemblage to explore and define architectural space and to investigate the borders between sound and music.
Roswitha Hecke - Irene
English edition
Edition Patrick Frey
60.00 52.00 €
Reprint of Roswitha Hecke's 1978 cult book.
Marianne Pousseur - Only (CD)
Sub Rosa
Marianne Pousseur sings John Cage and James Joyce, Morton Feldman and Rainer Maria Rilke, Hanns Eisler and Bertolt Brecht, Giacinto Scelsi, György Kurtág, Henri Pousseur and Friederich Hölderlin, Frederic Rzewski and Langston Hughes, E. E. Cummings, Michel Butor, Théodore Botrel, Rudolf Sieczynski...
Yannick Dauby - Taî-pak thiaⁿ saⁿ piàn (CD)
Three sound compositions by sound artist Yannick Dauby, based on field recordings of Taipei city and its surroundings. Inspired by the Ghost Festival and the ambiences of Summertime, by the evolution and modernity of the urban environment, by the now extinct plain aborigines who once lived in the Taipei basin, these works are reflecting three ways of listening the urban soundscape of Taiwan's capital.
Hannes Loichinger - The Provence City Guide: Nice - The California of Europe
English edition
Paraguay Press
restocking in progress
currently out of stock
An artist's book that renews the genre of the travel guide.
Adolf Wölfli - Analysis Of The Musical Cryptograms / The Heavenly Ladder (book / CD)
bilingual edition (English / French)
Sub Rosa
sold out
Baudouin de Jaer decodes Adolf Wölfli's hermetic and emblematic scores.
Francesco Defourny - Rudemetalmonsters
no text
United Dead Artists
sold out
A portrait gallery of metal monsters.
Cranford Collection 01 + 02 + 03
English edition
45.00 35.00 €
Special offer for the purchase of the three volumes of the Cranford Collection catalogue.
Norbert Bisky - A Retrospective - Ten years of painting
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
Kunsthalle Marcel Duchamp
Celebrating ten years of artistic career, this catalogue reproduces a series of miniature replicas of mostly huge-format paintings by Norbert Bisky, repainted by the artist himself.
Elisabetta Benassi - All I Remember
English edition
Conceived as an artist's book as well as a work of art, All I remember, is a collection of 477 backs of photos retrieved from the archives of the most important daily newspapers in the world, collected and photographed by the artist over the last three years. Benassi has selected the most significant photos of the 20th century in a backwards route through personal and collective memories.
Ludovic Burel - Archives du biopouvoir
French edition
it: editions
An experimental selection of documents from the archives of the city of Marseilles, constituting a visual representation of biopower as theorized by philosopher Michel Foucault.
Ludovic Burel - Purely Diagrammatic - Other Visible Things on Paper not Necessarily Meant to Be Viewed as Dance Scores
French edition
it: editions
In this artist's book, Ludovic Burel gathers together a selection of preparatory documents for dance scores, thus reactivating the pioneering conceptual art exhibition “Working Drawing…” by Mel Bochner.
Alfred Jarry - Haldernablou
no text
United Dead Artists
sold out
A series of drawings illustrating Haldernablou, an homoerotic text by 19-year-old Alfred Jarry and first published in 1894.
Yona Friedman - Démocratie
French edition
This artist's book is an illustrated and disenchanted reflection on democracy and its imperfections. Using two different colors, the artist dissociates two layers of meanings—the text and the image—while maintaining a close dialectic.
Mark Morrisroe -
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
Comprehensive monograph.
 Superamas - Big 3 episode - Art / Discourse
French edition
Les presses du réel – Dance & Performing Arts –
A performative and choreographic exploration of social conventions and modern narrative strategies (mainly developed in the media and advertising fields) that shape our representation of reality (available in English edition).
 Superamas - Big 3 episode - Art / Discourse
English edition
Les presses du réel – Dance & Performing Arts –
A performative and choreographic exploration of social conventions and modern narrative strategies (mainly developed in the media and advertising fields) that shape our representation of reality.
Stefan Marx - I guess I shouldn\'t be telling you
English edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
Artist's book: the first overview of Stefan Marx' practice.
Bouchra Khalili - Story Mapping
bilingual edition (English / French)
sold out
First monograph dedicated to Franco-marocan video-artist's films (installations or movies), dealing with the notions of movement, relation and distance, on the borderline between visual arts, documentary, and cinema.
Dominique Lestel - Journey to the End of the Species
English edition
Dis Voir - Figures
Part philosophical anthology and part science fiction, this illustrated volume tackles the mind-boggling phenomenon of post-humanism. Journey to the End of the Species offers various proposals to actually create successors to the human race, establishing a set of resources--literary, artistic and political--to initiate thinking about a previously inconceivable future beyond humanity as we know it.
Dominique Lestel - Voyage au bout de l\'espèce
French edition
Dis Voir - Figures
Part philosophical anthology and part science fiction, this illustrated volume tackles the mind-boggling phenomenon of post-humanism. Journey to the End of the Species offers various proposals to actually create successors to the human race, establishing a set of resources--literary, artistic and political--to initiate thinking about a previously inconceivable future beyond humanity as we know it.
John Kelsey - Rich Texts - Selected Writing for Art
English edition
Sternberg Press - Institut für Kunstkritik
Compiled for the first time here, the critic, artist, gallerist, dealer, translator John Kelsey's selected essays gamesomely convey some of the most poignant challenges in the art world and in the many social roles it creates.
Maria Lind - Selected Maria Lind Writing
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
Twenty-two essays selected by Beatrice von Bismarck, Ana Paula Cohen, Liam Gillick, Brian Kuan Wood, and Tirdad Zolghadr.
Jan Verwoert - Tell Me What You Want, What You Really, Really Want
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
sold out
A selection of recent writings by the art critic, galvanizing central themes Verwoert has been developing in pursuit of a language to describe art's transformative potential in conceptual, performative, and emotional terms.
Markus Miessen - The Nightmare of Participation (Crossbench Praxis as a Mode of Criticality)
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
sold out
The Nightmare of Participation calls for a format of conflictual participation—no longer a process by which others are invited “in,” but a means of acting without mandate, as uninvited irritant: a forced entry into fields of knowledge that arguably benefit from exterior thinking.
Julien Blaine - Cours minimal sur la poésie contemporaine
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
A lesson on contemporary poetry.
Jean-François Bory - Sgowefygtom ! Sgowefygtom !
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
18.30 9.00 €
This experimental prose composed with large colored typographic compositions is a reflection on the act of writing: a deep metaphysical and melancholic text in which we meet Apollinaire, Ezra Pound, and Marinetti.
 Clair Obscur - We Gave Our Music To The Gods And The Gods Remixed It (CD)
Optical Sound
currently out of stock
Sixteen visual artists give their vision of Clair Obscur's album We Gave A Party For The Gods And The Gods All Came.
Sylvia Sleigh -
no text
sold out
Twenty-three portraits (emblematic paintings from 1959 to 2006).
Michel Robic - Voyage à la page
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
20.30 10.00 €
A poetic text on travel.
 Cocktail Designers - Cocktail Designers\' music furniture
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Architecture / design / graphic design – Design – Misceallenous
Sound installations by the French graphic design studio.
Vannina Maestri - Mobiles 2
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
Vannina Maestri splits contemporary discourse into textual fragments, experiencing with the spatiality of the page and typography to better reflect the cacophony of the world.
Olaf Breuning - Queen Mary II
English edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
20.00 12.00 €
Artists' book with new drawings.
Heidi Specker - Help Me I Am Blind
English edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
Artists' book: an exchange of images and texts between Australia and Rotterdam.
Daniel Buren - Œuvres contemporaines, 1964-1966
bilingual edition (English / French)
Scott King - Art Works
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
Comprehensive monograph dedicated to the many hats of Scott King, between art and design, with an text by Jon Savage and an interview.
Hinrich Sachs - Lost Once More - Five Stories
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
Five road stories.
Marcel Duchamp and the Forestay Waterfall
English edition
Kunsthalle Marcel Duchamp
A Duchampian discovery.
Philipp Lachenmann - Some Scenic Views
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
First monograph / artist's book.
Keren Cytter -
bilingual edition (English / Swedish)
Sternberg Press - Fiction
Six Keren Cytter's scripts for films.
Marie de Brugerolle - Premières critiques
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Documents
JRP|Editions - Documents (co-edition Les presses du réel)
A critical anthology (texts and interviews on/with Christian Boltanski, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Paul McCarthy, Douglas Gordon, Glenn Ligon, Pipilotti Rist, John Baldessari, Florence Lazar, Bruce Nauman, Bruno Peinado, Michel Kireger, Delphine Reist, Karina Bisch, Guy de Cointet, Larry Bell...).
Haroldo de Campos - Une poétique de la radicalité - Essai sur la poésie d\'Oswald de Andrade
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Paperback
The militant essay by poet, theoretician, critic and translator Haroldo de Campos on one of the most radical members of the Brazilian avant-gardes of the 1920's: a key contribution to the critical rehabilitation of a work that has strongly influenced Concrete Poetry in Brazil, as well as many poetical adventures of Western modernity.
 Norscq - L\'homme Orchestre V.2 (Surf\'n\'Exotica Version)  (vinyl 10\
Optical Sound
Soundtrack for an exotic elevator, innocent muzak, only a priori, an orchestra with sequins and cheap junk (the soundtrack of Pierre Beloüin's eponymous installation).
Benoît Ritt - Nation
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
13.20 6.50 €
A science-fiction story telling the rise and fall of a fantasized totalitarian global state.
Joumana Haddad - Miroirs des passantes dans le songe
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
A collection of texts with a feminist approach, in which Joumana Haddad tells about the life of female poets who committed suicide.
Haegue Yang - Siblings and Twins
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
Catalogue of an exhibition held at Portikus, Frankfurt am Main, part of a serial project designed by Yang in which she staged additional installations in other international exhibition sites.

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