search results for "plus beaux livres suisses"
 Lefevre Jean Claude - LJC, éditeur à compte d\'auteur /  La pensée en transparence, l\'insert en tant que lieu d\'exposition du travail de l\'art au travail de Lefevre Jean Claude
French edition
CDLA (Centre des livres d'artistes)
Two texts by Jean-Charles Agboton-Jumeau et Marion Hohlfeldt on Lefevre Jean Claude, with some “inserts” by the artist on divider pages.
Nicolas Bourriaud - Postproduction - La culture comme scénario : comment l\'art reprogramme le monde contemporain
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
The art of postproduction as a response to the proliferating chaos of global culture in the information age (also available in English edition).
 Yan Pei-Ming - Fils du Dragon
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
sold out
First monograph.
Vito Acconci - Vito Hannibal Acconci Studio (+ DVD)
French edition
(last copies available!)
Reference monograph.
Albert Oehlen - Peintures / Malerei – 1980-2004 - Selbstportrait mit 50 millionenfacher Lichtgeschwindigkeit
bilingual edition (German / French)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
sold out
The most comprehensive monograph on Oehlen's paintings.
 Yan Pei-Ming - The Way of the Dragon
English edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
sold out
First monograph.
Peter Downsbrough - Position
French edition
MAMCO - Monographs
Reference monograph.
Flower power - Catalogue Lille 2004
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
38.00 20.00 €
Exhibition catalogue on the theme of flowers.
Jérôme Mauche - Esaü à la chasse
French edition
An experimental narrative by writer and poet Jerome Mauche.
Soun-Gui Kim - Montagne c\'est la mer - Tchouang-tseu et Wittgenstein
French edition
Quotes, aphorisms and stories to relate Tchouang-tseu's Eastern thought to Wittgenstein's philosophy.
Éric Troncy - Coollustre
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
Yvon Lambert - Group exhibitions catalogues
40.00 25.00 €
Three exibitions by Éric Troncy (with Robert Barry, Angela Bulloch, Jake and Dinos Chapman, Sylvie Fleury, Gloria Friedmann, Liam Gillick, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Gucci, Pierre Huyghe, On Kawara, Anselm Kiefer, Bertrand Lavier, Claude Lévêque, Sol LeWitt, Allan McCollum, Sarah Morris, Helmut Newton, Philippe Parreno, Ugo Rondinone, Thomas Ruff, Niele Toroni, Xavier Veilhan, Andy Warhol, Franz West...).
Robert Filliou - L\'art est ce qui rend la vie plus intéressante que l\'art / El arte es lo que hace la vida más interesante que el arte
bilingual edition (Spanish / French)
Intervention - Monographs and artists' books
currently out of stock
7th Lyon Biennal - C\'est arrivé demain – Après
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
sold out
The 7th Lyon Contemporary Art Biennal catalogue.
Robert Filliou - Catalogue raisonné des éditions et multiples
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Construction
sold out
Filliou's catalogue raisonné.
Jean Dupuy - Anagrammes (8.235 x 2) (3 books box set)
French edition
15.00 9.00 €
Jean Dupuy's anagrams in three volumes, with a selection of artworks.
Nicolas Bourriaud - Relational Aesthetics
English edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
sold out
Art as a set of practices which take as their theoretical and practical point of departure the whole of human relations and their social context: the manifesto that has renewed the approach of contemporary art since the 1990s.
Fluxus Dixit - Une anthologie
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
The Fluxus anthology.
Éric Troncy - Le docteur Olive dans la cuisine avec le revolver - Monographies et entretiens 1989-2002
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
Texts and interviews by Eric Troncy.
Marc Décimo - La Bibliothèque de Marcel Duchamp, peut-être
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – Misceallenous
An essay on Duchamp's readings, and a systematic chart of his personnal library.
Gabrielle Wittkop - Nouveaux mémoires de l\'Abbé de Choisy habillé en femme, pour servir de supplément aux modes du Grand Siècle
French edition
Yvon Lambert - Monographs and artists' books
sold out
François-Timoléon de Choisy's writings (1644-1724), presented and illustrated with original collages by Gabrielle Wittkop.
Didier Semin - Le Peintre et son modèle déposé
French edition
MAMCO - Historical essays & contemporary archives
An essay on conceptual art.
Fabrice Gygi -
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
sold out
Soun-Gui Kim - Bonjour
bilingual edition (French / Korean)
Catalogue documenting the series of works by Soun-Gui Kim presented for her exhibition "Stock Exchange" at the Art Sonje Center, Seoul, in 2000.
 Christo & Jeanne-Claude - Most common errors
bilingual edition (English / French)
Jannink - Wide Open
Christo and Jeanne-Claude rectifie the most comon errors about their work and about their life.
Jonathan Monk - Meeting#13
Yvon Lambert - Objects, editions and multiples
sold out
An envelope containing an invitation to meet the artist at the Eiffel Tower on October 13th, 2008 at noon.
Petits enfants de Starck ?
French edition
Dis Voir - Design
Philippe Starck's legacy through the portraits of his former apprentices.
Starck\'s Kids?
English edition
Dis Voir - Design
Philippe Starck's legacy through the portraits of his former apprentices.
Soun-Gui Kim - Nuages paresseux - Avec une calligraphie originale de l\'auteur
French edition
Korean artist Soun-Gui Kim's first essay relates memories, anecdotes, and small timeless tales.
Soun-Gui Kim - Stock Exchange
French edition
Jean-Luc Nancy reflects on the concept of value, around Soun-Gui Kim's “Stock exchange” project.
Steven Parrino - Electrophilia - Live France 1999 – A Clean And Healthy Obsession (CD)
Le Consortium - Artists' editions
sold out
Live recording of two performances given by the artists in France.
Nicolas Bourriaud - Esthétique relationnelle
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
Also available in English edition.
Sherrie Levine -
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
MAMCO - Monographs
Poem by Sherrie Levine; texts by Susanne Anna, Christian Bernard, Michel Assenmaker, Erich Franz and Susan Kandel.
Éric Troncy - Le colonel Moutarde dans la bibliothèque avec le chandelier - Textes 1985-1998
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
Thirty texts by Eric Troncy.
Soun-Gui Kim -
bilingual edition (English / French)
New monograph.
Bram Bogart - Optimiste - Limited edition
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
sold out
Unpublished text with an original painting on cardboard, signed by the artist.
Marcel Broodthaers - En lisant la Lorelei / Autour de la Lorelei
French edition
MAMCO - Artists' books
sold out
Reproduction of the artist's book published in 1975.
Sherrie Levine - New Photography
French edition
MAMCO - Artists' books
An artist's book focusing on the question of copy (reproductions of Huysmans and Degas' works).
Olivier Mosset - Sion
bilingual edition (German / French)
Le Consortium - Monographs
sold out
Exhibition catalogue.
François Morellet - Je n\'ai plus rien à dire - Limited edition
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
Unpublished text, signed original screenprint.
Sol LeWitt - Lines and Forms
no text
Yvon Lambert - Monographs and artists' books
sold out
Artist's book: an album of twelve black and white boards realized specially for the project.
Bertrand Lavier -
French edition
Le Consortium - Monographs
sold out
Plus 3/4
French edition
Le Consortium - Plus magazine
15.00 7.00 €
G. Merz, P. Downsbrough, R. Barry, H. Haacke, D. Buren, B. Lavier, D. Graham, P. Mondrian, B. Burkhard, C. Rutault, Bauhaus...
Jean-Luc Vilmouth - Local Time
bilingual edition (English / French)
Le Magasin
13.00 6.00 €
Catalogue documenting the eponymous installation—250 clocks and 250 hammers mounted on a wall—especially commissioned by Le Magasin in 1987. The publication includes texts by Jacques Guillot, Franz Kaizer, Dominique Gonzales-Foerster, and René Denizot.
Plus 2
French edition
Le Consortium - Plus magazine
(last copies available!)
9.00 5.00 €
Richard Serra, Niele Toroni, Hans Haacke, Gloria Friedmann, Jacques Vieille, Sophie Calle, Didier Vermeiren, Christian Boltanski, On Kawara...
Plus 1
French edition
Le Consortium - Plus magazine
sold out
Dara Birnbaum, Sol Lewitt, MC Chaimowicz, Alberto Giacometti, François Perrodin, Fred Sandback, Imi Knoebel, Niele Toroni, Bertrand Lavier...

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