search results for "charles fourier"
Melik Ohanian - Cosmograms
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
A book conceived as an extension of Melik Ohanian's film Seven Minutes Before, with contributions by Cecil Balmond, Gilles Clément, Beatriz Colomina, Tacita Dean, Richard Drayton, David Elbaz, Patricia Falguières, Medard Gabel, André Gaudreault, Paul Gilroy, Edouard Glissant, Anna Halprin, David Held, Pekka Himanen, Bruno Latour, Charles Musser, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jane Poynter, Jean-Christophe Royoux, Saskia Sassen, Peter Sloterdijk, John Tresch, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro and Robert Whitman.
French edition
Trisha Donnelly, Jeroen de Rijke/Willem de Rooij, Monica Bonvicini, Karen Kilimnik, Catherine Sullivan, Martin Le Chevallier, Collection Pierre Huber, Nancy Rubins, Paul McCarthy, Olivier Mosset...
French edition
Al Dante - Contemporary Art
Patate is a magazine dedicaded to graphism and poetry edited by French punk graphic design pionneer Pascal Doury.
The Populism Catalogue
English edition
Sternberg Press - Catalogues
The Populism Catalogue documents the namesake exhibition and features works of fiction as a literary approach to the theme of populism.
Mark Lewis - Location Photographs
bilingual edition (English / French)
Casino Luxembourg
25.00 12.50 €
Mark Lewis' location photographs.
Vito Acconci - Vito Hannibal Acconci Studio (+ DVD)
French edition
(last copies available!)
Reference monograph.
Pascal Doury - Je me jette (book + DVD)
French edition
Al Dante - Contemporary Art
Artist's book born from the encounter between Charles Pennequin's texts and the intimate immediacy of Pascal Doury's sketchbooks. The DVD features the film Je me jette as well as four other videos.
 Lefevre Jean Claude - LJC, éditeur à compte d\'auteur /  La pensée en transparence, l\'insert en tant que lieu d\'exposition du travail de l\'art au travail de Lefevre Jean Claude
French edition
CDLA (Centre des livres d'artistes)
Two texts by Jean-Charles Agboton-Jumeau et Marion Hohlfeldt on Lefevre Jean Claude, with some “inserts” by the artist on divider pages.
Semaine magazine Boxset
French edition
Immédiats / Analogues - Semaine magazine
(last copies available!)
59.00 29.50 €
24 Semaine magazine issues in a box (Fabrice Hybert, Yan Pei-Ming, Boris Achour, Jean-Luc Verna, Dorothea Schulz, Kendell Geers, Olivier Debré, Gérard Collin-Thiébaut, Pierre Joseph, Jean-Baptiste Bruant & Maria Spangaro...)
French edition
(last copies available!)
Joe Scanlan, Jeremy Deller, Joep van Lieshout, David Robbins...
Luvah Fluxus
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – Misceallenous
15.00 8.00 €
Fluxus special issue: texts by theoreticians and artists (Conz, Ucciani, Giroud, Donguy, Martel, Chopin, Heidsieck...), documents (Dupuy, Knowles, Ben, Williams...) .
Fundamentalisms of the New Order
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
24.00 10.00 €
Conceived as a textbook with images rather than an exhibition catalogue, the book reflects on the diversity of fundamentalisms, a phenomenon that is not confined to particular cultures or modes of thought; its intention is to explore the concept in its many forms and multiple origins.
Benjamin Bondonneau - La dentelle des dents (CD)
Le Chant du Moineau / Casta - Records
Free improvisations in solo clarinet.
Unfolding perspectives - Three days of lectures and discussions at the ARS 01 exhibition
English edition
JRP|Editions - Anthologies & Art Theory
(last copies available!)
A transcript of lectures on culture and globalization by artists and cultural analysts.
Anna Sanders Films - The In-Between
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Cinema & video art
(last copies available!)
27.00 15.00 €
The key book about French production company Anna Sanders Films.
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster - Films
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
24.00 15.00 €
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster's films and video works.
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster - Films
English edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster's films and video works.
Lily van der Stokker - Friends and Family
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
50.00 30.00 €
First monograph.
49/3 - I love Dijon
Le Consortium
13.00 5.00 €
Special issue dedicated on the French festival I love Dijon (with Yan Pei-Ming, Christian Boltanski, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Jens Haaning, Alain Séchas...).
Writing Aloud - The Sonics of Language (+ CD)
English edition
Errant Bodies - Anthologies
sold out
An anthology focusing on the relationship of language to sound, writing to music, bringing together a collection of essays, interviews, meditations, visual projects, text-sound scores and audio by some of the leading individuals in the field of cultural and performance studies, experimental music and contemporary art.
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Anthologies & Art Theory
15.00 8.00 €
An anthology of texts around issues such as spatial politics of representation and identity, the public and the private, the space of art and culture, the memory of places and the inscription of remembrance, and the relations between utopias, heterotopias and the real.
Michel Giroud - Mille voix / 1000 voies - Comment va ta vache ?
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – Misceallenous
5.00 2.00 €
A Fluxus journal.
Confidences - « Parce que c\'était lui, parce que c\'était moi »
bilingual edition (English / French)
Casino Luxembourg
14.00 7.00 €
Video artists and photographs explore the notion of secret, evoking intimate relations, seducement and complicity between the artist and his work on one hand, the work and the audience on the other.
Otomo Yoshihide - Re/cycling Rectangle (vinyl 7\
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The Rectange label "recycled" by Otomo Yoshihide.
Gerard Malanga - Up from the Archives (CD)
Sub Rosa
sold out
Gerard Malanga's first hand documents from his personal archives, with unpublished music by various personalities.
Jean-Christophe Feldhandler - Obscurités (CD)
Vand'Œuvre / CCAM Éditions
A piece for string quartet, narrator and fixed sounds, guided by the texts of Edmond Jabès and Franz Kafka, in dialogue with those of Marc Feld and Michel Butel.
Jean-François Pauvros - \
A 45rpm to be played in 33rpm, gathering three very different high-flying pieces, recorded by Jean-Marc Foussat.
Quentin Rollet - Q.O. (vinyl 7\
A sax/Hammond organ duet recorded at XtraLab, Paris, then edited at Can Studio, Weilerswist, by René Tinner. Strangely, digital noises were added during the transfer of the sound files and are now part of the abstract music of the duo.
Dick Higgins - Intermédia - 1938-1998
French edition
Intervention - Monographs and artists' books
First publication in French on Fluxus artist, including the transcription of an intervention by Higgins at the International Conference on Action Art in October 1998. With texts by Charles Dreyfus and Jacques Donguy.
Camel Zekri - Le Festival de l\'eau (CD)
Vand'Œuvre / CCAM Éditions
The meeting, on the Niger River, between contemporary improvised music and African musical traditions.
Jasper Morrison -
French edition
Dis Voir - Design
In the early 1980's, Jasper Morrison anticipated what was to be the ethical position of the designer in a period of crisis, emerging as one of the instigators of the neo-minimalist movement of the 1990s. This monograph elicits the personality of a designer both concerned by questions of plasticity & efficacy and whose work's development obeys an implacable logic of eliminating decorative effects in favor of functionalism.
Jasper Morrison -
English edition
Dis Voir - Design
In the early 1980's, Jasper Morrison anticipated what was to be the ethical position of the designer in a period of crisis, emerging as one of the instigators of the neo-minimalist movement of the 1990s. This monograph elicits the personality of a designer both concerned by questions of plasticity & efficacy and whose work's development obeys an implacable logic of eliminating decorative effects in favor of functionalism.
Quentin Rollet - aka Doug (vinyl 7\
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Three tracks recorded in one day at the Studio des Variétés in Paris in 1994. First a kind of Aylmerian hymn in six saxophone layers (2 percussive, 2 high-pitched and 2 melodic), then a sax piece treated with a multitude of superimposed effects, then an improvisation on samples recorded previously in solo.
Angela Bulloch - Satellite
English edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Le Consortium - Monographs
31.00 12.00 €
Liam Gillick - Erasme est en retard
French edition
Les presses du réel – Artists' Writings – Miscellaneous
sold out
Artist's writings.
Daniel Spoerri - Le Carnaval des animaux
bilingual edition (English / French)
Yvon Lambert - Monographs and artists' books
sold out
Daniel Spoerri's works declining the variations from the drawings of Charles Le Brun's animals to understand the human face.
Alain Gibertie - 1950-1996
French edition
Intervention - Monographs and artists' books
An eight-page dossier in which artists and friends retrace the trajectory of the French artist Alain Gibertie, who passed away on 13th July 1996.
Pictures of the Real World (In Real Time)
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
Le Consortium - Collective exhibitions catalogues
sold out
Bob nickas' exhibition catalogue, presenting some On Kawara's Date paintings in face of various contemporary photographies.
Objets trouvés d\'artistes
French edition
Galerie du jour agnès b. - Catalogues
sold out
Michel Doneda - Concert (vinyl LP)
Vand'Œuvre / CCAM Éditions
This trio has only one line of instrumentation and remains in total harmony throughout, though the melodies and the rhythms often arise from unexpected places. An incisive and vertiginous climb towards pleasure and dreams, street music and dance music; these fragile and volatile moments were fixed in concert in Vandœuvre in 1989.
 Le Corbusier - The Artist The Writer
English edition
Editions du Griffon - Monographs & catalogues
sold out
A selection of photographs by Lucien Hervé on Le Corbusier and his buildings, with texts and sketches by Le Corbusier, especially around Ronchamp and Chandigarh.
 Le Corbusier - L\'artiste et l\'écrivain
French edition
Editions du Griffon - Monographs & catalogues
sold out
A selection of photographs by Lucien Hervé on Le Corbusier and his buildings, with texts and sketches by Le Corbusier, especially around Ronchamp and Chandigarh.

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