search results for "art basel"
Isa Genzken - I\'m Isa Genzken, the Only Female Fool
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
sold out
New monograph.
Inter - Avant l\'œuvre – Préparatifs & partitions
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Intervention - Inter, art actuel
The origins and creating process of the artwork.
Neuf espaces en design
French edition
ESAAA (Higher School of Art Annecy)
A collective work conducted by students and teachers from the Design & Space Master at ESAAA art school that aims to highlight the atypical forms that young designers produce and address to our contemporary societies.
Femmes, attitudes performatives, aux lisières de la performance et de la danse
French edition
Les presses du réel – Dance & Performing Arts –
ENSAD Nancy (Nancy National School of Art and Design)
The place and role of women in performing arts from 1912 to 2012, between performance and dance.
Veduta / Lyon Biennale 2013 - Meanwhile... Suddently and Then
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
30.00 15.00 €
A retrospective overview of the 12th edition of the Lyon Biennale, curated by Icelandic curator Gunnar B. Kvaran, with a focus on the two parallel programs “Veduta” and “Resonance”, held in the Lyon conurbation and its region.
Art Public Poitiers
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
sold out
The public art program conceived in the context of the urban development project for the city of Poitiers in France, with commissioned works by Élisabeth Ballet, Pierre Joseph, Didier Marcel, Benoît-Marie Moriceau, and Christian Robert-Tissot.
Miriam Cahn - 1979-2005-2010
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
CCS (Centre culturel suisse Paris)
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Facsimile of a book of drawings made between 1979 and 2010.
Pierre Denan - Pierre Denan Diary - September 21 2014 – October 28 2013 – A selection of works
French edition
35.00 15.00 €
Pierre Denan's visual diary (artist's book).
Karen Kilimnik -
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
Reference monograph: the first complete panorama of Kilimnik's production, allowing a vision that goes beyond the distinctions between painting, drawing, or installation (new and expanded edition).
Daniel Buren - Textile Works
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
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A comprehensive look at the public artworks that Daniel Buren has made using ephemeral materials.
Félicia Atkinson - Improvising sculpture as delayed fictions
English edition
Shelter Press - Books
First monograph.
 Gavillet & Rust - 30 ans du FRAC Champagne-Ardenne - Adams x Burr x De Cointet x Coplans x Cordebard x Craven x Dheurle x Durham x Filliou x Fontcuberta x General Idea x Hains x Hains x Hains x Kasten x Majerus x Majerus x Rondeau x Wall x Welling
bilingual edition (English / French)
Frac Champagne-Ardenne
A replay of the collection of the FRAC Champagne-Ardenne by Swiss graphic design studio Gavillet & Rust.
Diego Marcon - A script for Dick
English edition
Cura. - Cura.books
(last copies available!)
A collection of 38 short, self-contained episodes (artist's book).
Saul Steinberg - 4 Leporellos - The Line / Types of Architecture / Shores of the Mediterranean / Cities of Italy
no text
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4 leporellos in slipcase: an artist's book that brings together for the first time, as individual leporellos, the four long drawings Saul Steinberg produced for the Children's Labyrinth at the Milan Triennale in 1954.
Gonçalo Pena - Monkey Trip
bilingual edition (English / Portuguese)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
sold out
300 drawing by Portuguese artist Gonçalo Pena.
Kader Attia - RepaiR
English edition
BlackJack editions - Monographs & artists' books
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Both an artist's book and Kader Attia's reference monograph, “RepaiR” consists of interviews and texts around Attia's oeuvre, documented through about 1000 b/w reproductions, and the notion of repair, by 13 academics and researchers working in various disciplines. The book also reveals the artist's research and creation process, with a selection of archive texts and images.
Francesco Arena -
English edition
Cura. - Cura.books
Reference monograph, featuring Francesco Arena's works collection and his most important shows from 2004 to 2014, with texts by Marcella Beccaria, Lorenzo Benedetti, Florence Derieux and Ara H. Merjian.
Ayami Awazuhara - A Heart of a Stone
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
Artist's book.
 Dr Lakra - Coloring Book
no text
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
The Coloring Book by Dr. Lakra is the first BOM DIA Kinder book, a new series of children books made by artists.
English edition
Cura. - Cura.magazine
Camille Henrot, Harald Szeemann, Vincent Honoré and Mauricio Marcin, Jean-Max Colard, Christina Ramberg and artists' contributions for Playboy since the 60's, Alex Da Corte and Matthew Owen, Jordan Wolfson, Takeshi Murata, Claudia Wieser, Oliver Laric, Zak Kitnick, Mark Emblem and Clément Delépine...
bilingual edition (English / French)
Palais de Tokyo - Palais magazine
Palais #20 reflects the new season of exhibitions at the Palais de Tokyo, more particularly with the exhibition “Inside”, with contributions from a large number of writers, philosophers, curators, anthropologists, historians, architects and researchers; David Maljković; “Inside China: inside the Giant”; a visual contribution by Shahryar Nashat; a focus on five emerging artists from the contemporary art scene: Jean-Marie Appriou, Virginie Gouband, Louise Pressager, Enrique Ramírez, and Qingmei Yao.
Paul Sietsema - Seven Films by Paul Sietsema
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
The first publication devoted to the artist's films.
Wilfredo Prieto - Works 1995-2012
bilingual edition (English / Spanish)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
First monograph on Cuban artist Wilfredo Prieto.
Invece - Rain in the Face et ses guerriers
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
15.00 7.50 €
Invece is an art and poetry review directed by Julien Blaine. It gathers contributions based on a specific theme. This second issue is dedicated to Native American warchief Rain in the Face.
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Mousse - Mousse Magazine
Some thoughts on authority by Jan Verwoert, Stylometry by John Menick, The Theater of Violence by Sladja Blazan, Manila in the Claws of Darkness by Giulio Bursi, Gottfried Lindauer, On Disintegration by Andrew Durbin, Notes on the Post-Digital Condition by Omar Kholeif, Learning To Escape the Politics of Prediction by Chus Martínez, Robert Gober, Jean-Frédéric Schnyder, Mélanie Matranga, Guan Xiao, Minimalism as Pathos by Nick Currie, Alice Könitz / Kim Fisher, Steinar Haga Kristensen, Bruce McLean / Tamara Henderson, The End of Art in Public Space by Jennifer Allen...
Personal Cuts - Art Scene in Zagreb from 1950s to Now
bilingual edition (English / French)
A brief personal history of the radical tendencies of modern and contemporary art in Croatia.
The Drawer - Le rire
French edition (texts in English and French)
The Drawer
The Drawer - The Drawer (magazine)
Nelly Ben Hayoun, Davide Cascio, Claude Closky, Denicolai & Provoost, Mark Dion, Shirley Jaffe, Daniel Johnston, Pierre La Police, Natacha Lesueur, Théo Mercier, Felipe Oliveira Baptista, Amandine Urruty...
Clémentine Hougue - Le cut-up de William S. Burroughs - Histoire d\'une révolution du langage
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
A genealogy of cut-up: the history and development of a radical and pioneering literary technique, in Europe and the US, in the twentieth century (readings from William S. Burroughs).
Juergen Teller - I am Fifty
bilingual edition (English / French)
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Three iconic series of photographs by Juergen Teller.
Federico Pepe - I am wasting my time
no text
Le Dictateur Press - Artists' books & editions / catalogues
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Federico Pepe's Magnum opus (limited edition artist's book).
Kaleidoscope - Fall 2014 – Game Change
English edition
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Kaleidoscope's newest release introduces a completely redesigned and revamped version of the magazine, under the visionary art direction of Munich-based Bureau Mirko Borsche. The magazine's new formula combines its defining curatorial and interdisciplinary approach with an emphasis on the power of images and a keen attention to the update.
Bryan Lewis Saunders - La troisième oreille et  autres textes (+ CD)
French edition
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An extreme experience seeking to hear the body's internal sounds. It uses both the medium of drawing and of writing to account for the metamorphoses produced by this sensorial experiment.
Francesco Balilla Pratella - Manifeste des Musiciens futuristes
French edition
Lenka lente
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The reissue of the Manifesto of Futurist Musicians (written in 1911), in which the Italian composer, musicologist and ethnographer Francesco Balilla Pratella (1880-1955) explains the "violent and absolute principles" of a futuristic music which inspired Luigi Russolo's The Art of Noises.
Megarave Metarave
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
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“Megarave Metarave” considers the historical traces of the futuristic promises of rave culture and the early web.
Angus MacLise - New York Electronic, 1965 (vinyl LP)
Sub Rosa
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MacLise's early electronic music.
Salvatore Martirano - The SalMar Construction (vinyl LP)
Sub Rosa
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The SalMar Construction is an amazing large music synthesis engine conceived and constructed in the early 1970's by a composer for use by a composer. These unreleased recordings were made at IRCAM in Paris in 1983. It illustrates the power that an electronic composition can achieve when the composer arrives at a true synergy with his synthesizer.
Toilet Paper - December 1944
no text
Toilet Paper
Damiani - Toilet Paper
sold out
Toilet Paper - December 1944 – Collector\'s Editions
no text
Toilet Paper
Damiani - Toilet Paper
sold out
A Collector's Edition of 500 copies numbered and authorized by Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari. On the back cover of the Collector's Edition are printed the signatures of the authors.
Drift - Ramifications of a polysemic notion
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
HEAD (Geneva University of Art and Design)
This publication traces two years of a project dedicated to the concept of drift, with theoretical texts, artists' contributions and contributions from educational projects, workshops and exhibitions.
Atrocity Exhibition Archive Paradoxe - Déambulations dans La Foire aux atrocités
French edition
ECAL (Lausanne University of Art and Design)
A guide for J. G. Ballard's The Atrocity Exhibition, between human sciences and science fiction, between the history of art and the medicine including reproductions of 20s pulps and of 60s independent magazines.
 Willem - Les emmerdeurs - Limited edition
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
Limited edition accompanied by an original and unique signed artwork, hand colored comic strip box.
 Willem - Les emmerdeurs
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
Willem's satirical drawings on art.
Bertrand Lavier - L\'affaire tournesols
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
sold out
New monograph.
 Yan Pei-Ming - Night of Colours
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
New monograph (available in English edition).
 Yan Pei-Ming - Night of Colours
English edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
New monograph.
Brigitte Gilardet - Réinventer le musée - François Mathey, un précurseur méconnu (1953-1985)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
The history and posterity of François Mathey (1917-1993), a singular curator with the destiny of a romantic hero, a major figure in the promotion of contemporary art and a pioneer of artistic heritage.
 Bureau A - Maïden Survey
English edition
sold out
A mapping of ephemeral architecture built during the siege of the Maiden Place in Kiev: a project by Bureau A, Leopold Banchini & Daniel Zamarbide (CH) with Burø, Sergey Ferley (UA), bewteen architecture, design, graphic design and political pamphlet.
Michael Heizer - Sculpture in Reverse
bilingual edition (English / French)
Editions Lutanie
sold out
A facsimile reedition of an interview with Michael Heizer and curator Julia Brown first published in a 1984 catalogue.

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