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L'art de la fricheEssai sur l'art contemporain africain

(ebook EPUB )
Jean-Loup Amselle - L\'art de la friche
An anthropologist's view of contemporary African creation.
New revised edition of the book published in 2005 by Flammarion.
Jean-Loup Amselle (born 1942 in Marseille) is a French africanist anthropologist and ethnologist. Director of studies emeritus at the EHESS, former editor-in-chief of the Cahiers d'études africaines, he is the author of numerous publications on ethnicity, miscegenation, multiculturalism and post-colonialism.
published in July 2022
French edition
15 x 21 cm (softcover)
ISBN : 978-2-37896-355-2
EAN : 9782378963552
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