Bunny Rogers by Emily Watlington; Listening to, and Looking at, New Age Now by Dieter Roelstraete; Vanessa Conte by Moritz Scheper;
Louisa Gagliardi interviewed by Adam Carr; Jared Madere & Ross Simonini; Anselm Franke;
Martine Syms in conversation with Beatrix Ruf; Chris Sharp on Dike Blair; Nick Currie;
Dora Budor analyzes Claire Denis's science-fiction film
High Life; Andrew Berardini on Mare Vint; Michelle Stuart speaks with Hans
Hans Ulrich Obrist...
Mousse is a bimonthly contemporary art magazine. Established in 2006,
Mousse contains interviews, conversations, and essays by some of the most important figures in international criticism, visual arts, and curating today, alternated with a series of distinctive articles in a unique tabloid format.
Mousse (Mousse Publishing) also publishes numerous catalogues, essays and curatorial projects, artist books and editions (see the corresponding
publisher's page).