With essays by Gil Bartholeyns, Mathias Blanc, Maxime Boidy, Rémy Besson, Gaby David, Ralph Dekoninck, Pierre-Olivier Dittmar, Daniel Dubuisson,
Thomas Golsenne, André Gunthert,
Carl Havelange, Gianni Haver, Pierre Lagrange, Audrey Leblanc, Arnaud Maillet, Nicholas Mirzoeff, Morad Montazami, Magali Nachtergeal,
and the translation by Isabelle Decobecq of
October's questionnaire, with:
Svetlana Alpers, Emily Apter, Carol Armstrong, Susan Buck-Morss, Tom Conley,
Jonathan Crary,
Thomas Crow, Tom Gunning, Michael Ann Holly, Martin Jay, Thomas Dacosta Kaufmann, Silvia Kolbowski, Sylvia Lavin, Stephen Melville,
Helen Molesworth,
Keith Moxey, D. N. Rodowick, Geoff Waite, Christopher Wood.