A “memorial” consisting of testimonies and interviews with friends, models, collaborators, and specialists of Robert Mapplethorpe (Pierre Apraxine,
Pierre Bergé,
Germano Celant,
Lucinda Childs,
Marcus Leatherdale,
Richard Marshall,
Bettina Rheims...).
Texts by Pierre Apraxine,
Diane de Beauvau-Craon,
Pierre Bergé,
Germano Celant,
John Cheim,
Lucinda Childs,
David Croland,
Marcus Leatherdale,
Dimitri Levas,
Edward Mapplethorpe,
Richard Marshall,
Ken Moody,
Howard Read,
Betina Rheims,
Robert Sherman,
Michael Stout,
Amy Sullivan,
Tina Summerlin,
Jack Walls.