Artist's book based on a film by Mauricio Guillén (with three essays and the fac-simile of a comic strip).
"I For Idiot" functions as an extension of the film "Avenida Progreso" in the sense that it assembles three different perspectives: a philosopher's, an ethnologist's and a film theorist's, and juxtaposes these with some of the external layers of reality that have in one way or another informed the film. The purpose of this exercise, is to further consider the potential of dialectic time as a tool for collapsing linear narratives and analyzing the relation between speed, history and the distribution of knowledge in information based societies.
Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Avenida Progreso" by Mauricio Guillén at MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, in 2012.
The work of the Mexican-born artist Mauricio Guillén (born 1971) encompasses film, photography, text works and objects. Guillén combines personal experience with the conceptual strategies he uses to explore how images and language influence our understanding of culture and history.