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La psychanalyse figurative de Sigmund FreudLe Moïse de Michel-Ange et la collection d'idoles

Horst Bredekamp - La psychanalyse figurative de Sigmund Freud
An art historian and philosopher, Horst Bredekamp is professor at the Institute for the History of Art and Image at Berlin's Humboldt University and, since 2019, senior co-director of the Matters of Activity cluster of excellence. Author of numerous books and articles, he has won several awards in Germany, including the Sigmund-Freud Prize (2001).
Translated from the German by Emmanuel Faure. (original title: Sigmund Freuds figürliche Psychoanalyse – Der Moses Michelangelos und die Sammlung von Idolen, Schwabe, 2023).
2025 (publication expected by 1st quarter)
French edition
15 x 21 cm (softcover)
ISBN : 978-2-37896-506-8
EAN : 9782378965068
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